CBD & Cannabis Clinical Studies
Welcome to CannaArchives, an online database of CBD and cannabis-related research studies. The purpose of this page is to provide well-researched studies on cannabis and cannabinoids that help you better understand how CBD and Cannabis works with regards to medical treatments. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of reliable case studies that provide insights on the impact of CBD and cannabis on various ailments.

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Last modified at April 17, 2021 1:18 pm
TITLE Use of Cannabidiol for the Treatment of Anxiety: A Short Synthesis of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Evidence | AUTHOR(S) Madison Wright, Patricia Di Ciano, Bruna Brands | YEAR 2020 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N + | Preliminary evidence from human trials using both healthy volunteers and individuals with social anxiety disorder, suggests that CBD may have anxiolytic effects.Eventhough the study concludes CBD to be a possible novel treatment for those with anxiety it also states the lack of research carried out thus far on female VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Use of Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Anxiety-Related Disorders | AUTHOR(S) Jessica W Skelley, Crystal M Deas, Zachary Curren, Jonathan Ennis | YEAR 2020 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N + | CBD has a promising role as alternative therapy in the management of anxiety disorders. However, more studies with standardized approaches to dosing and clinical outcome measurements are needed to determine the appropriate dosing strategy for CBD and its place in therapy. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMedicinal cannabis for psychiatric disorders: a clinically-focused systematic review | AUTHOR(S)Jerome Sarris, Justin Sinclair, Diana Karamacoska, Maggie Davidson, Joseph Firth | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNSystematic Review | P/N + | There is currently encouraging, albeit embryonic, evidence for medicinal cannabis in the treatment of a range of psychiatric disorders. Supportive findings are emerging for some key isolates, however, clinicians need to be mindful of a range of prescriptive and occupational safety considerations, especially if initiating higher dose THC formulas.VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Use of Cannabidiol for the Treatment of Anxiety: A Short Synthesis of Pre-Clinical and Clinical Evidence | AUTHOR(S) Madison Wright , Patricia Di Ciano , Bruna Brands | YEAR 2020 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N +more research is needed | Pre-clinical research using animal models of innate fear and anxiety-like behaviors have found anxiolytic, antistress, anticompulsive, and panicolytic-like effects of CBD. Preliminary evidence from human trials using both healthy volunteers and individuals with social anxiety disorder, suggests that CBD may have anxiolytic effects. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Effects of ∆ 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol on Aversive Memories and Anxiety: a Review from Human Studies | AUTHOR(S) Ana Maria Raymundi, Thiago R da Silva, Jeferson M B Sohn, Leandro J Bertoglio, Cristina A Stern | YEAR 2020 | MEDICATION(S) THC | DESIGN Review | P/N + | Current evidence from healthy humans and PTSD patients supports the THC value to suppress anxiety and aversive memory expression without producing significant adverse effects if used in low doses or when associated with CBD. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Cannabinoids and the Endocannabinoid System in Anxiety, Depression, and Dysregulation of Emotion in Humans | AUTHOR(S) Verity L Chadwick, Cathrin Rohleder, Dagmar Koethe, F Markus Leweke | YEAR 2020 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N Neutral - Needs More Studies | There is some recent evidence suggesting cannabinoids, cannabidiol or cannabidiol-enriched cannabis preparations have anxiolytic properties. In addition, depression may be worsened by cannabis use, however, randomised controlled trials (RCT) are lacking. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Pharmacotherapy of Anxiety Disorders: Current and Emerging Treatment Options | AUTHOR(S) Amir Garakani, James W Murrough, Rafael C Freire, Robyn P Thom, Kaitlyn Larkin, Frank D Buono, Dan V Iosifescu | YEAR 2020 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N +Need More Trials | Overall, the progression of current and future psychopharmacology research in anxiety disorders suggests that there needs to be further expansion in research of these novel pathways and larger-scale studies of promising agents with positive results from smaller trials. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE The "Entourage Effect": Terpenes Coupled with Cannabinoids for the Treatment of Mood Disorders and Anxiety Disorders | AUTHOR(S) Sari Goldstein Ferber 1 2, Dvora Namdar 3, Danielle Hen-Shoval 1 2, Gilad Eger 4 5, Hinanit Koltai 3, Gal Shoval 4 5, Liat Shbiro 4, Aron Weller | YEAR 2020 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N + | Thus, the "entourage effect" is the suggested positive contribution derived from the addition of terpenes to cannabinoids. These natural products may be an important potential source for new medications for the treatment of mood and anxiety disorders. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Cannabidiol: A Potential New Alternative for the Treatment of Anxiety, Depression, and Psychotic Disorders | AUTHROR(S) María S García-Gutiérrez , Francisco Navarrete , Ani Gasparyan , Amaya Austrich-Olivares , Francisco Sala , Jorge Manzanares | YEAR 2020 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N + | Preliminary clinical trials also support the efficacy of CBD as an anxiolytic, antipsychotic, and antidepressant, and more importantly, a positive risk-benefit profile. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Cannabis use behaviors and prevalence of anxiety and depressive symptoms in a cohort of Canadian medicinal cannabis users. | AUTHROR(S) Turna J, Simpson W, Patterson B, Lucas P, Van Ameringen M. | YEAR 2019 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabis | DESIGN Online survey | P/N + | The vast majority perceived symptom improvement with CMP use and did not believe CMP use was associated with impairment or an inability to control use VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series. | AUTHROR(S) Shannon S, Lewis N, Lee H, Hughes S. | YEAR 2019 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabidiol | DESIGN Retrospective Cohort Studies | P/N + | |
TITLE Substitution of medical cannabis for pharmaceutical agents for pain, anxiety, and sleep | AUTHROR(S) Piper BJ et al. | YEAR 2018 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabis | DESIGN Online survey | P/N + | Approximately two-thirds of patients decreased their use of anti-anxiety (71.8%), migraine (66.7%), and sleep (65.2%) medications following MC which significantly ( p < 0.0001) exceeded the reduction in antidepressants or alcohol use VIEW STUDY |
TITLE A Cross-Sectional Study of Cannabidiol Users. | AUTHROR(S) Corroon J, Phillips JA. | YEAR 2018 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabidol | DESIGN Cross-Selectional Study | P/N + | Consumers are using CBD as a specific therapy for multiple diverse medical conditions—particularly pain, anxiety, depression, and sleep disordersVIEW STUDY |
TITLE A naturalistic examination of the perceived effects of cannabis on negative affect | AUTHROR(S) Cuttler C, Spradlin A, McLaughlin RJ | YEAR 2018 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabis | DESIGN Prospective cohort Study | P/N Pros and Cons | Cannabis reduces perceived symptoms of negative affect in the short-term, but continued use may exacerbate baseline symptoms of depression over time. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Association of cannabis use with the development of elevated anxiety symptoms in the general population: a meta-analysis | AUTHROR(S) Twomey CD. | YEAR 2017 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabis | DESIGN Prospective cohort Study | P/N + | The findings indicate that cannabis use is no more than a minor risk factor for the development of elevated anxiety symptoms in the general population VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Cannabidiol enhances consolidation of explicit fear extinction in humans. | AUTHROR(S) Das RK, Kamboj SK, Ramadas M, Yogan K, Gupta V, Redman E, Curran HV, Morgan CJ | YEAR 2013 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabidiol | DESIGN Randomized controlled trial | P/N + | These findings provide the first evidence that CBD can enhance consolidation of extinction learning in humans and suggest that CBD may have potential as an adjunct to extinction-based therapies for anxiety disorders VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Effects of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on evaluation of emotional images. | AUTHROR(S) Ballard ME, Bedi G, de Wit H. | YEAR 2012 | MEDICATION(S) Delta-9-THC | DESIGN Randomized controlled trial | P/N Not the most appropriate positive | These results demonstrate that although THC can diminish perception of threat, it does not appear to positively bias evaluation of emotional stimuli in general, as might be expected from a euphorigenic drug. The finding that THC reduced recognition of facial fear and anger is consistent with our previous observation that THC reduces amygdalar reactivity to earful and angry faces, VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Cannabinoid facilitation of fear extinction memory recall in humans. | AUTHROR(S) Rabinak CA, Angstadt M, Sripada CS, Abelson JL, Liberzon I, Milad MR, Phan KL. | YEAR 2012 | MEDICATION(S) Delta-9-THC | DESIGN Randomized controlled trial | P/N + | Thepresent study is a critical translational first step towards the development of cannabinoid modulators as an adjunctive strategy to exposure-based therapies to augment extinction learning and prevent the return of fear memories in people suffering from anxiety disorders. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Neural basis of anxiolytic effects of cannabidiol (CBD) in generalized social anxiety disorder: a preliminary report. | AUTHROR(S) Crippa JA, Derenusson GN, Ferrari TB, Wichert-Ana L, Duran FL, Martin-Santos R, Simões MV, Bhattacharyya S, Fusar-Poli P, Atakan Z, Santos Filho A, Freitas-Ferrari MC, McGuire PK, Zuardi AW, Busatto GF, Hallak JE. | YEAR 2011 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabidiol | DESIGN Randomized controlled trial | P/N + | Results suggest that CBD reduces anxiety in SAD and that this is related to its effects on activity in limbic and paralimbic brain areas. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Cannabidiol Reduces the Anxiety Induced by Simulated Public Speaking in Treatment-Naïve Social Phobia Patients. | AUTHROR(S) Bergamaschi MM, Queiroz RH, Chagas MH, de Oliveira DC, De Martinis BS, Kapczinski F, Quevedo J, Roesler R, Schröder N, Nardi AE, Martín-Santos R, Hallak JE, Zuardi AW, Crippa JA. | YEAR 2011 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabidiol | DESIGN Randomized controlled trial | P/N + | The increase in anxiety induced by the SPST on subjects with SAD was reduced with the use of CBD, VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Marijuana Effectiveness as an HIV Self-Care Strategy. | AUTHROR(S) Corless IB, Lindgren T, Holzemer W, Robinson L, Moezzi S, Kirksey K, Coleman C, Tsai YF, Sanzero Eller L, Hamilton MJ, Sefcik EF, Canaval GE, Rivero Mendez M, Kemppainen JK, Bunch EH, Nicholas PK, Nokes KM, Dole P, Reynolds N. | YEAR 2009 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabis | DESIGN Multi site Randomized controlled trial | P/N Need more studies to be confirmed Positive | |
TITLE The efficacy and safety of nabilone (a synthetic cannabinoid) in the treatment of anxiety | AUTHROR(S) Fabre LF, McLendon D. | YEAR 1981 | MEDICATION(S) Nabilone | DESIGN Randomized controlled trial | P/N + | The results of the study showed a dramatic improvement in anxiety in the nabilone group when compared with placebo VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Single-dose study of nabilone in anxious volunteers. | AUTHROR(S) Glass RM, Uhlenhuth EH, Hartel FW, Schuster CR, Fischman MW. | YEAR 1981 | MEDICATION(S) Nabilone | DESIGN Controlled trial | P/N No significant Effect | There were no significant effects of nabilone on behavior maintained by the continuous avoidance VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 21, 2021 3:12 pm
TITLE A longitudinal study of cannabis use increasing the use of asthma medication in young Norwegian adults. | AUTHOR(S) Bramness JG, von Soest | YEAR 2019 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabis | DESIGN Survey study | P/N - | This suggests that cannabis is a risk factor for bronchial asthma or use of asthma medication even when known risk factors are taken into consideration VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Comparison of bronchial effects of nabilone and terbutaline in healthy and asthmatic subjects. | AUTHOR(S) Gong H Jr, Tashkin DP, Calvarese B | YEAR 1983 | MEDICATION(S) Nabilone | DESIGN Randomised Controlled Trial | P/N - | Conclusion that oral nabilone (2 mg) does not result in significant acute bronchodilation in patients with asthma. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Bronchial effects of aerosolized delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol in healthy and asthmatic subjects. | AUTHOR(S) Tashkin DP, Reiss S, Shapiro BJ, Calvarese B, Olsen JL, Lodge JW. | YEAR 1977 | MEDICATION(S) Delta-9-THC | DESIGN Randomised Controlled Trial | P/N - | These findings indicate that aerosolized delat9-tetrahydrocannabinol,although capable of causing significant bronchodilatation with minimal systemic side effects, has a local irritating effect on the airways, which may make it unsuitable for therapeutic use. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Bronchodilator effect of delta1-tetrahydrocannabinol administered by aerosol of asthmatic patients. | AUTHOR(S) Williams SJ, Hartley JP, Graham JD | YEAR 1976 | MEDICATION(S) Delta-9-THC | DESIGN Randomised Controlled Trial | P/N Neutral | The mode of action of THC differs from that of sympathomimetic drugs, and it or a derivative may make a suitable adjuvant in the treatment of selected asthmatics. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Effects of smoked marijuana in experimentally induced asthma. | AUTHOR(S) Tashkin DP, Shapiro BJ, Lee YE, Harper CE | YEAR 1975 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabis | DESIGN Randomised Controlled Trial | P/N - | Regardless of its route of administration, Delta 9-THC does not appear to be a suitable bronchodilator for therapeutic use because of its systemic psychotropic and possible undesirable endocrine, immunologic, and cytogenetic effects VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Acute effects of smoked marijuana and oral delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol on specific airway conductance in asthmatic subjects. | AUTHOR(S) Tashkin DP, Shapiro BJ, Frank IM. | YEAR 1974 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabis;Delta-9-THC;Cannabidiol | DESIGN Randomised Controlled Trial | P/N - | The findings indicated that in the asthmatic subjects, both smoked marijuana and oral THC caused significant bronchodilation of at least 2 hours’ duration. VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 21, 2021 3:19 pm
TITLE Autism Spectrum Disorder and Medical Cannabis: Review and Clinical Experience | AUTHOR(S) Mojdeh Mostafavi 1, John Gaitanis 2 | YEAR 2020 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabidiol, Cannabis | DESIGN Review | P/N + | At present, preclinical and clinical data suggest a potential for therapeutic benefit among some persons with ASD and that it is overall well tolerated. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Oral Cannabidiol Use in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder to Treat Related Symptoms and Co-morbidities. | AUTHOR(S) Dana Barchel, Orit Stolar, Tal De-Haan, Tomer Ziv-Baran, Naama Saban, Danny Or Fuchs, Gideon Koren, Matitiahu Berkovitch | YEAR 2019 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabis | DESIGN Cohort Study | P/N + | Parents' reports suggest that cannabidiol may improve ASD comorbidity symptoms; however, the long-term effects should be evaluated in large scale studies. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Lower Circulating Endocannabinoid Levels in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. | AUTHOR(S) Aran A, et al. | YEAR 2019 | MEDICATION(S) 2019 | DESIGN Cohort Study | P/N Needs More Trials | We found lower serum levels of AEA, PEA, and OEA in children with ASD. Further studies are needed to determine whether circulating endocannabinoid levels can be used as stratification biomarkers that identify clinically significant subgroups within the autism spectrum and if they reflect lower endocannabinoid "tone" in the brain, as found in animal models of ASD. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Effects of Cannabidiol on Brain Excitation and Inhibition Systems; a Randomised Placebo-Controlled Single Dose Trial During Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Adults with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder. | AUTHOR(S) Pretzsch CM, et al. | YEAR 2019 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabidiol | DESIGN Pilot Study | P/N Need More Trials | These metabolites contribute to the regulation of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission in both the typical and the autistic brain. However, our study also demonstrated that the atypical (autistic) brain reacts differently to CBD challenge of GABA+. Our findings that the GABAergic system is distinct in ASD, but can be shifted, is relevant both to our understanding of causal mechanisms and to the discovery of treatment targets in ASD. Additional studies will be required to (i) identify the neural basis of the response to acute CBD challenge, including potential pharmacologically homogeneous sub-groups within the autistic spectrum; (ii) examine potential functional consequences of CBD challenge in terms of inhibition, brain network activity, cognition, and behaviour; and (iii) investigate whether an acute response to CBD could predict the effects of sustained treatment in ASD. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Effects of cannabidiol on brain excitation and inhibition systems; a randomised placebo-controlled single dose trial during magnetic resonance spectroscopy in adults with and without autism spectrum disorder. | AUTHOR(S) Charlotte Marie Pretzsch, Jan Freyberg, Bogdan Voinescu, David Lythgoe, Jamie Horder, Maria Andreina Mendez, Robert Wichers, Laura Ajram, Glynis Ivin, Martin Heasman, Richard A E Edden, Steven Williams, Declan G M Murphy, Eileen Daly, Gráinne M McAlonan | YEAR 2019 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabidiol | DESIGN Randomised Controlled Study | P/N Needs More Trials | These metabolites contribute to the regulation of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission in both the typical and the autistic brain. However, our study also demonstrated that the atypical (autistic) brain reacts differently to CBD challenge of GABA+. Our findings that the GABAergic system is distinct in ASD, but can be shifted, is relevant both to our understanding of causal mechanisms and to the discovery of treatment targets in ASD. Additional studies will be required to (i) identify the neural basis of the response to acute CBD challenge, including potential pharmacologically homogeneous sub-groups within the autistic spectrum; (ii) examine potential functional consequences of CBD challenge in terms of inhibition, brain network activity, cognition, and behaviour; and (iii) investigate whether an acute response to CBD could predict the effects of sustained treatment in ASD. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Cannabidiol-Rich Cannabis in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Severe Behavioral Problems-A Retrospective Feasibility Study | AUTHOR(S) Aran A., Cassuto H., Lubotzky A. | YEAR 2018 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabis, Cannabidiol | DESIGN Retrospective Study | P/N + | This preliminary study support the feasibility of CBD based medical cannabis as a promising treatment option for refractory behavioral problems in children with ASD. Based on these promising results, we have launched a large, double blind, placebo controlled cross-over trial with 120 participants. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Plasma Anandamide Concentrations are Lower in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder | AUTHOR(S) Debra S Karhson, Karolina M Krasinska, Jamie Ahloy Dallaire, Robin A Libove, Jennifer M Phillips, Allis S Chien, Joseph P Garner, Antonio Y Hardan, Karen J Parker | YEAR 2018 | MEDICATION(S) Cannabis | DESIGN Cohort Study | P/N ? | These findings are the first empirical human data to translate preclinical rodent findings to confirm a link between plasma anandamide concentrations in children with ASD. Although preliminary, these data suggest that impaired anandamide signaling may be involved in the pathophysiology of ASD. VIEW STUDY |
TITLE Palmitoylethanolamide as adjunctive therapy for autism: Efficacy and safety results from a randomized controlled trial. | AUTHOR(S) Mona Khalaj, Amene Saghazadeh, Elham Shirazi, Mohammad-Reza Shalbafan, Kaveh Alavi, Mitera Hakim Shooshtari, Fatemeh Yousefi Laksari, Maryamalsadat Hosseini, Mohammad-Reza Mohammadi, Shahin Akhondzadeh | YEAR 2018 | MEDICATION(S) Other Cannabinoids | DESIGN Randomised Controlled Trial | P/N + | May augment therapeutic effects of risperidone on autism-related irritability and hyperactivity. Future studies are warranted to investigate whether PEA can serve as a stand-alone treatment for autism. VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 11, 2021 9:24 pm
Alzheimer's Disease
TITLETreating non-cognitive symptoms of people with dementia | AUTHROR(S)Science Daily | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Nabilone improves agitation and other behavioural symptoms in patients with Alzheimer’s disease VIEW STUDY |
TITLESafety and Efficacy of Medical Cannabis Oil for Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia: An-Open Label, Add-On, Pilot Study. | AUTHROR(S)Shelef A, Barak Y, Berger U, Paleacu D, Tadger S, Plopsky I, Baruch Y. | YEAR2016 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNOpen study | P/N + | Adding MCO to AD patients' pharmacotherapy is safe and a promising treatment option. VIEW STUDY |
TITLETetrahydrocannabinol for neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia: A randomized controlled trial. | AUTHROR(S)van den Elsen GA, Ahmed AI, Verkes RJ, Kramers C, Feuth T, Rosenberg PB, van der Marck MA, Olde Rikkert MG. | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N - | Oral THC of 4.5 mg daily showed no benefit in NPS, but was well-tolerated, which adds valuable knowledge to the scarce evidence on THC in dementia. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol for the treatment of agitation and aggressive behavior in acutely hospitalized severely demented patients with noncognitive behavioral symptoms. | AUTHROR(S)Woodward MR, Harper DG, Stolyar A, Forester BP, Ellison JM. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRetrospective Cohort Studies | P/N + | Dronabinol can serve as an adjunctive treatment for neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia. Further research, including prospective controlled trials, is needed to clarify dronabinol's role in treating noncognitive behavioral symptoms of demented individuals. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe cannabinoid receptor agonist nabilone for the treatment of dementia-related agitation. | AUTHROR(S)Passmore MJ. | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | This case, useof the cannabinoid receptor agonist nabilone corre-lated with prompt and dramatic improvements inrefractory dementia-based behavioural disturbances VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDelta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol for night-time agitation in severe dementia | AUTHROR(S)Walther S, Mahlberg R, Eichmann U, Kunz D | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | The study suggests that dronabinol was able to reduce nocturnal motor activity and agitation in severely demented patients. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEOpen-label study of dronabinol in the treatment of refractory agitation in Alzheimer’s disease: a pilot study | AUTHROR(S)Ross JS, Shua-Haim JR | YEAR2003 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNOpen study | P/N + | Our results show dronabinol is an effective treatment for behavioral agitation in patients with Alzheimer's and may ultimately help reduce the stress often experienced by caregivers, VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 11:50 am
Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
TITLECannabinoids in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a randomised-controlled trial | AUTHROR(S)Cooper RE, Williams E, Seegobin S, Tye C, Kuntsi J, Asherson P | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/NNeutral, | This study provides preliminary evidence supporting the self-medication theory of cannabis use in ADHD and the need for further studies of the endocannabinoid system in ADHD.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoids in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a randomised-controlled trial | AUTHROR(S)R.E. Cooper, E. Williams, S. Seegobin, C. Tye, J. Kuntsi, P. Asherson | YEAR2016 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC;Cannabidiol | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N+ | Cannabis may be helpful in the treatment of ADHDVIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 1:53 pm
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
TITLESafety and efficacy of nabiximols on spasticity symptoms in patients with motor neuron disease (CANALS): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial. | AUTHROR(S)Riva N. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC;Cannabidiol | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Nabiximols had a positive effect on spasticity symptoms in patients with motor neuron disease and had an acceptable safety and tolerability profile.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECo-medication with Cannabidiol May Slow Down the Progression of Motor Neuron Disease: A Case Report | AUTHROR(S)Nahler G. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | CBD seems to be well tolerated and safe in humans, even at high doses and with chronic use [22], and can easily be combined with existing treatment regimensVIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 1:54 pm
Appetite Loss / Weight Loss
TITLEThe effect of nabilone on appetite, nutritional status, and quality of life in lung cancer patients: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial | AUTHROR(S)Turcott JG, Del Rocío Guillen Núñez M, Flores-Estrada D, Oñate-Ocaña LF, Zatarain-Barrón ZL, Barrón F, Arrieta O | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomised controlled trial | P/N + | Nabilone is an adequate and safe therapeutic option to aid in the treatment of patients diagnosed with anorexiaVIEW STUDY |
TITLEEfficacy and Safety of Appetite-Stimulating Medications in the Inpatient Setting | AUTHROR(S)Howard ML, Hossaini R, Tolar C, Gaviola ML. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | In inpatients, there was no difference in change in meal intake or weight between dronabinol, megestrol, or mirtazapine, but they may show numerical improvements in meal intake. To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the use of dronabinol, megestrol, and mirtazapine initiated in the inpatient setting.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe Impact of Δ9-THC on the Psychological Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa: A Pilot Study | AUTHROR(S)Avraham Y, Latzer Y, Hasid D, Berry EM | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNOpen study | P/N + | 9-THC may be an effective component in treating the psychological symptoms of AN.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAssociation Between Use of Cannabis in Adolescence and Weight Change into Midlife | AUTHROR(S)Jin LZ, Rangan A, Mehlsen J, Andersen LB, Larsen SC4, Heitmann BL | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNRetrospective Cohort Studies | P/N + | Cannabis use during adolescence not associated with weight in midlifeVIEW STUDY |
TITLEImproving Quality of Life With Nabilone During Radiotherapy Treatments for Head and Neck Cancers: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial | AUTHROR(S)Côté M, Trudel M, Wang C, Fortin A. | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Nabilone did not lengthen the time necessary for a 15% deterioration of quality of life, and it was not better than placebo for relieving symptoms like painVIEW STUDY |
TITLEA pilot study of the effects of cannabis on appetite hormones in HIV-infected adult menRiggs | AUTHROR(S)PK, Vaida F, Rossi SS, Sorkin LS, Gouaux B, Grant I, Ellis RJ | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNDouble-blind cross-over study | PositP/N +ve | These findings are consistent with modulation of appetite hormones mediated through endogenous cannabinoid receptors, independent of glucose metabolism.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDelta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol may palliate altered chemosensory perception in cancer patients: results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot trial. | AUTHROR(S)Brisbois TD, de Kock IH, Watanabe SM, Mirhosseini M, Lamoureux DC, Chasen M, Macdonald N, Baracos VE, Wismer WV. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | THC may be useful in the palliation of chemosensory alterations and to improve food enjoyment for cancer patientsVIEW STUDY |
TITLE[Cannabinoids in children] [Article in German] Cannabinoide bei Kindern. | AUTHROR(S)Gottschling S. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNUncontrolled case report | P/N + | THC (dronabinol) is an effective and well-tolerated medicinal drug in the treatment of different severe illnesses in childrenVIEW STUDY |
TITLEEfficacy and tolerability of high-dose dronabinol maintenance in HIV-positive marijuana smokers: a controlled laboratory study. | AUTHROR(S)Bedi G, Foltin RW, Gunderson EW, Rabkin J, Hart CL, Comer SD, Vosburg SK, Haney M. | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | n HIV-positive marijuana smokers, high dronabinol doses safely and effectively increased caloric intake. However, repeated high-dose dronabinol appeared to result in selective tolerance to these effectVIEW STUDY |
TITLEAdjunctive nabilone in cancer pain and symptom management: a prospective observational study using propensity scoring. | AUTHROR(S)Maida V, Ennis M, Irani S, Corbo M, Dolzhykov M. | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNProspective observational study | P/N + | Patients using this cannabinoid had a lower rate of starting nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, tricyclic antidepressants, gabapentin, dexamethasone, metoclopramide, and ondansetron and a greater tendency to discontinue these drugs.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEvaluation of oral cannabinoid-containing medications for the management of interferon and ribavirin-induced anorexia, nausea and weight loss in patients treated for chronic hepatitis C virus. | AUTHROR(S)Costiniuk CT, Mills E, Cooper CL | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC;Nabilone | DESIGNRetrospective Cohort Studies | P/N + | The present retrospective cohort analysis found that OC use is often effective in managing HCV treatment-related symptoms that contribute to weight loss, and may stabilize weight decline once initiated.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol and marijuana in HIV-positive marijuana smokers: caloric intake, mood, and sleep. | AUTHROR(S)Haney M, Gunderson EW, Rabkin J, Hart CL, Vosburg SK, Comer SD, Foltin RW | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | DESIGNControlled trial | P/N + | Both Dronabinol and marijuana were well tolerated and produced substantial and comparable increases in food intake.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAnorexia of aging in long term care: is dronabinol an effective appetite stimulant? - a pilot study. | AUTHROR(S)Wilson MM, Philpot C, Morley JE | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRetrospective Cohort Studies | P/N + | Dronabinol therapy was well tolerated. Overall, there was a trend toward weight gain in LTC residents treated with 12 weeks of dronabinolVIEW STUDY |
TITLETHC improves appetite and reverses weight loss in AIDS patients | AUTHROR(S)Dejesus E, Rodwick BM, Bowers D, Cohen CJ, Pearce D | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRetrospective Cohort Studies | P/N + | Use of dronabinol improves appetite and reverses weight loss in HIV/AIDS-infected patientsVIEW STUDY |
TITLEComparison of orally administered cannabis extract and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in treating patients with cancer-related anorexia-cachexia syndrome: a multicenter, phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial from the Cannabis-in-Cachexia-Study-Group | AUTHROR(S)Strasser F, Luftner D, Possinger K, Ernst G, Ruhstaller T, Meissner W, Ko YD, Schnelle M, Reif M, Cerny T. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | CE at the oral dose administered was well tolerated by these patients with CACS. No differences in patients' appetite or QOL were found either between CE, THC, and PL or between CE and THC at the dosages investigated.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol - eine mögliche neue Therapieoption bei COPD-Patienten mit pulmonaler Kachexie [Dronabinol, a possible new therapeutic option in patients with COPD and pulmonal cachexia] | AUTHROR(S)Bergmann K-C | YEAR2005 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNOpen study | P/N + | On average 1,5 kg of weight gain and increase of walking distanceVIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol versus megestrol acetate versus combination therapy for cancer-associated anorexia: a North Central Cancer Treatment Group study. | AUTHROR(S)Jatoi A, Windschitl HE, Loprinzi CL, Sloan JA, Dakhil SR, Mailliard JA, Pundaleeka S, Kardinal CG, Fitch TR, Krook JE, Novotny PJ, Christensen B. | YEAR2002 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N - | A greater percentage of megestrol acetate-treated patients reported appetite improvement and weight gain compared with dronabinol-treated patientsVIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana Use in HIV-Positive and AIDS Patients: Results of an Anonymous Mail Survey | AUTHROR(S)Sidney S. | YEAR2001 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNSurvey study | P/N + | The most common reasons for using cannabis were: to feel better mentally/reduce stress (79%), improve appetite/gain weight (67%) and decrease nausea (66%). VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe safety and pharmacokinetics of single-agent and combination therapy with megestrol acetate and dronabinol for the treatment of HIV wasting syndrome. The DATRI 004 Study Group. Division of AIDS Treatment Research Initiative. | AUTHROR(S)Timpone JG, Wright DJ, Li N, Egorin MJ, Enama ME, Mayers J, Galetto G | YEAR1997 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N - | For megestrol acetate, but not dronabinol, there was a positive correlation at week 2 between both Cmax and AUC with each of the following: (1) weight change, (2) breakfast visual analog scale for hunger (VASH) score, and (3) dinner VASH score.VIEW STUDY |
TITLELong-term efficacy and safety of dronabinol for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-associated anorexia. | AUTHROR(S)Beal JE, Olson R, Lefkowitz L, Laubenstein L, Bellman P, Yangco B, Morales JO, Murphy R, Powderly W, Plasse TF, Mosdell KW, Shepard KV | YEAR1997 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Patients tended toward stable body weight for at least 7 moVIEW STUDY |
TITLEA phase II study of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol for appetite stimulation in cancer-associated anorexia. | AUTHROR(S)Nelson K, Walsh D, Deeter P, Sheehan F | YEAR1994 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | THC is an effective appetite stimulant in patients with advanced cancer. It is well tolerated at low doses.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of Dronabinol on Nutritional Status in HIV Infection. | AUTHROR(S)Struwe M, Kaempfer SH, Geiger CJ, Pavia AT, Plasse TF, Shepard KV, Ries K, Evans TG. | YEAR1993 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | In a selected group of HIV-infected patients with weight loss, short-term treatment with dronabinol may result in improvement in nutritional status and symptom distress.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol Effects on Weight in Patients with HIV Infection. | AUTHROR(S)Gorter R, Seefried M, Volberding P | YEAR1992 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Dronabinol is currently indicated for use as an anti-emetic for patients receiving cancer chemotherapyVIEW STUDY |
TITLERecent Clinical Experience With Dronabinol. | AUTHROR(S)Plasse TF, Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, Lane M, Shepard KV, Wadleigh RG | YEAR1991 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNOpen study | P/N + | Dronabinol caused weight gain in seven of ten patients with symptomatic HIV infection. In both HIV and cancer patients, dronabinol improved appetite at a dose which was well tolerated for chronic administrationVIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol Enhancement of Appetite in Cancer Patients. | AUTHROR(S)Wadleigh R, Spaulding GM, Lumbersky B, Zimmer M, Shepard K, Plasse T. | YEAR1990 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Dronabinol stimulated mood and appetiteVIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffects of Smoked Marijuana on Food Intake and Body Weight of Humans Living in a Residential Laboratory. | AUTHROR(S)Foltin RW, Fischman MW, Byrne MF. | YEAR1988 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNControlled trial | P/N + | Increases in body weight during periods of active marijuana smoking were greater than predicted by caloric intake alone.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEBehavioural Analysis of Marijuana Effects on Food Intake in Humans. | AUTHROR(S)Foltin RW, Fishman MW, Brady JV. | YEAR1986 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | The administration of two or three active marijuana cigarettes during the social access period increased average daily caloric intakeVIEW STUDY |
TITLEA Double-Blind Trial of Delta 9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in Primary Anorexia Nervosa. | AUTHROR(S)Gross H, Ebert MH, Faden VB, Goldberg SC, Kaye WH, Caine ED, Hawks R, Zinberg N | YEAR1983 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized Controlled Trial | P/N - | The results of this clinical investigation suggest that Δ9-THC is not efficacious, in short-term administration, in the treatment of primary anorexia nervosa and is associated with significant psychic disturbance in some PAN patients.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 11, 2021 9:50 pm
Bacterial Infections
TITLE"Isolation, Purification, and Antimicrobial Characterisation of Cannabidiolic Acid and Cannabidiol from Cannabis sativa L. " | AUTHROR(S)Laura Daniela Martinenghi, Rie Jønsson, Torben Lund, Håvard Jenssen | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNControlled trial | P/N + | CBD displays a potent MIC against clinically relevant Gram-positive bacteria. Though it does not possess synergy with any of the tested conventional antibiotics, CBD may still be an interesting addition to current antimicrobial regiments, particularly due to its low toxicity profile and rapid bacterial killingVIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 11, 2021 9:55 pm
Bipolar Disorders
TITLEJoint Effects: A Pilot Investigation of the Impact of Bipolar Disorder and Marijuana Use on Cognitive Function and Mood. | AUTHROR(S)Sagar KA, Dahlgren MK, Racine MT, Dreman MW, Olson DP, Gruber SA. | YEAR2016 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNControlled Trial | P/N + | After smoking MJ, the MJBP group reported significantly lower scores of anger, tension, depression (POMS and MADRS), as well as higher levels of vigor, which led to a marked decrease in TMD scores (22.39 to 11.15), a composite measure of overall mood on the POMSVIEW STUDY |
TITLEJoint Effects: A Pilot Investigation of the Impact of Bipolar Disorder and Marijuana Use on Cognitive Function and Mood | AUTHROR(S)Sagar KA, Dahlgren MK, Racine MT, Dreman MW, Olson DP, Gruber SA. | YEAR2016 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNControlled Trial | P/N + | The current study highlights preliminary evidence that patients with BPD who regularly smoked MJ reported at least short-term clinical symptom alleviation following MJ use, indicating potential mood-stabilizing properties of MJ in at least a subset of patients with BPD.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEOpposite Relationships Between Cannabis use and Neurocognitive Functioning in Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia. | AUTHROR(S)Ringen PA, Vaskinn A, Sundet K, Engh JA, Jónsdóttir H, Simonsen C, Friis S, Opjordsmoen S, Melle I, Andreassen OA. | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNControlled Trial | P/N + | The findings suggest that cannabis use may be related to improved neurocognition in bipolar disorder and compromised neurocognition in schizophreniaVIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe Effect of Extreme Marijuana Use on the Long-Term Course of Bipolar I Illness: a Single Case Study. | AUTHROR(S)El-Mallakh RS, Brown C. | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNProspective Observational Study | P/N + | The data suggest that marijuana may indeed have an effect on mood in bipolar patients that needs to be systematically examined.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe use of Cannabis as a Mood Stabiliser in Bipolar Disorder: Anecdotal Evidence and the Need for Clinical Research. | AUTHROR(S)Grinspoon L, Bakalar JB. | YEAR1998 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNReview | P/N - | The potential for cannabis as a treatment for bipolar disorder unfortunately can not be fully explored in the present social circumstancesVIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 13, 2021 7:53 pm
TITLEPLGA Nanoparticles for the Intraperitoneal Adminstration of CBD in the Treatment of Ovarian Canver: In Vitro and In Ovo Assessment | AUTHOR(S)Ana I. Fraguas-Sánchez, Ana I. Torres-Suárez, Marie Cohen, Florence Delie, Daniel Bastida-Ruiz, Lucile Yart, Cristina Martin-Sabroso and Ana Fernández-Carballido | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNOpen study | P/N + | CBD was successfully enclosed in PLGA nanoparticles which were of a suitable size to be internalized by cancer cells. CBD in solution was released slowly during this process 'from an extended period of four days'. This study shows promise for the method of PLGA nanoparticles in administering CBD intraperitoneally in the treatment of ovarian cancer.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECBD Reverts the Mesenchymal Invasive Phenotype of breast cancer cells induced by the inflammatory cytokine IL-1β | AUTHROR(S)Lázaro García-Morales, Aída M Castillo, José Tapia Ramírez, Horacio Zamudio-Meza, Ma del Carmen Domínguez-Robles, Isaura Meza | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNControlled Study | P/N + | This study confirms the use of CBD in reverting the transition of 'epithelial' cells to 'mesenchymal' cells which means a cell becomes invasive and migratory in the body. This occurs when inflammation is present in the body and in the context of this study when cancer occurs in the breast. CBD was confirmed to reprogramme invasive cells back to their epithelial state.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAnti-Cancer Potential of Cannabinoids, Terpenes, and Flavonoids Present in Cannabis | AUTHOR(S)Andrea M. Tomko, Erin G. Whynot, Lee D. Ellis, Denis J. Dupré | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | MEDICATION(S) | P/N + | Cannabis has a number of potential benefits especially in the management of symptoms for patients living with and beyond cancer. Cannabis is useful for various symptoms present during cancer like chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, pain and insomnia, for example. While cannabis may be less potent than some other antiemetics, it is sometimes the only drug that works, and it is the only antiemetic that also increases appetite.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol for the Treatment of Paraneoplastic Night Sweats in Cancer Patients: A Report of Five Cases. | AUTHOR(S)Carr C, Vertelney H, Fronk J, Trieu S. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRetrospective Cohort Studies | P/N + | Dronabinol and/or medicinal cannabis are promising therapies for palliation of night sweats in cancer patients.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis Impacts Tumor Response Rate to Nivolumab in Patients with Advanced Malignancies. | AUTHOR(S)Taha T, Meiri D, Talhamy S, Wollner M, Peer A, Bar-Sela G. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNRetrospective Cohort Studies | P/N + | In this retrospective analysis, the use of cannabis During immunotherapy treatment decreased RR, without affecting PFS or OS and without relation to cannabis composition.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECase Report: Clinical Outcome and Image Response of Two Patients With Secondary High-Grade Glioma Treated With Chemoradiation, PCV, and Cannabidiol. | AUTHOR(S)Dall'Stella PB, Docema MFL, Maldaun MVC, Feher O, Lancellotti CLP. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNControlled Case Report | P/N + | This observation might highlight the potential effect of CBD to increase PSD or improve chemoradiation responses that impact survivalVIEW STUDY |
TITLEMembers of the Endocannabinoid System are Distinctly Regulated in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Colorectal Cancer. | AUTHOR(S)Grill M, et al. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N ? | |
TITLEMedical Cannabis Use in Glioma Patients Treated at a Comprehensive Cancer Center in Florida. | AUTHOR(S)Reblin M, Sahebjam S, Peeri NC, Martinez YC, Thompson Z, Egan KM. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNSurvey study | P/N + | With the increasing national conversation that accompanies legalization, glioma patients are pursuing marijuana for the treatment for their symptomsVIEW STUDY |
TITLEImpact of Medical Cannabis on Patient-Reported Symptoms for Patients With Cancer Enrolled in Minnesota's Medical Cannabis Program. | AUTHOR(S)Anderson SP, Zylla DM, McGriff DM, Arneson TJ. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNOpen study | P/N + | Patients with cancer enrolled in Minnesota's medical cannabis program showed significant reduction across all eight symptoms assessed within 4 months of program participation. Medical cannabis was well tolerated, and some patients attained clinically meaningful and lasting levels of improvement.VIEW STUDY |
TITLERelationship of Cannabis Use to Patient-Reported Symptoms in Cancer Patients Seeking Supportive/Palliative Care. | AUTHOR(S)Donovan KA, et al. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNRetrospective Cohort Studies | P/NFacts | Findings suggest patients seeking specialized symptom management are self-treating with cannabis, despite the lack of high-quality evidence for its use in palliative care. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe Prevalence of Nonprescription Cannabinoid-Based Medicines in British Children's Hospices: Results of a National Survey. | AUTHOR(S)Tatterton MJ, Walker C. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNSurvey | P/NFacts | CO is used extensively by children who use children's hospices. Despite recognizing the use of CO, many hospices are unable to support itVIEW STUDY |
TITLEStriking lung cancer response to self-administration of cannabidiol: A case report and literature review. | AUTHOR(S)Sulé-Suso J, Watson NA, van Pittius DG, Jegannathen A. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNControlled study | P/N + | the data presented here indicate that CBD may have had a role in the striking response in a patient with histologically proven adenocarcinoma of the lung as a result of self-administration of CBD oil for a month and in the absence of any other identifiable lifestyle, drug or dietary changesVIEW STUDY |
TITLEProspective analysis of safety and efficacy of medical cannabis in large unselected population of patients with cancer | AUTHOR(S)Bar-Lev Schleider L et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNRetrospective Cohort Studies | P/N + | Cannabis as a palliative treatment for cancer patients seems to be well tolerated, effective and safe option to help patients cope with the malignancy related symptoms.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMany cancer patients use cannabis in Canada | AUTHOR(S)Martell K, Fairchild A, LeGerrier B, Sinha R, Baker S, Liu H, Ghose A, Olivotto IA, Kerba M. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNSurvey | P/NFacts | We found that almost one quarter of cancer patients currently use cannabis-based products of one form or another, frequently from unreliable sources and with little physician guidance. Many more are considering cannabis useVIEW STUDY |
TITLEReport of Objective Clinical Responses of Cancer Patients to Pharmaceutical-grade Synthetic Cannabidiol | AUTHOR(S)Kenyon J, Liu W, Dalgleish A. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNRetrospective Cohort Studies | P/N + | Pharmaceutical-grade synthetic cannabidiol is a candidate for treating breast cancer and glioma patients.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMedical Cannabis Use by Hodgkin Lymphoma Patients: Experience of a Single Center | AUTHOR(S)Sarid N. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNOpen study | P/N + | 81.5% reported a high overall efficacy of cannabis in relieving symptomsVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoid receptor expression in estrogen-dependent and estrogen-independent endometrial cancer. | AUTHOR(S)Ayakannu T, Taylor AH, Konje JC. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N + | These data suggest that the loss of both types of CB receptors is potentially involved in the development of or progression of EC and that CB1 and CB2 receptor expression could serve as useful histological markers and therapeutic targets in the treatment of or prevention of EC.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe effect of nabilone on appetite, nutritional status, and quality of life in lung cancer patients: a randomized, double-blind clinical trial | AUTHOR(S)Turcott JG, Del Rocío Guillen Núñez M, Flores-Estrada D, Oñate-Ocaña LF, Zatarain-Barrón ZL, Barrón F, Arrieta O | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomised controlled trial | P/N + | Nabilone is an adequate and safe therapeutic option to aid in the treatment of patients diagnosed with anorexiaVIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol Treatment of Refractory Nausea and Vomiting Related to Peritoneal Carcinomatosis. | AUTHOR(S)Hernandez SL, Sheyner I, Stover KT, Stewart JT. | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | Dronabinol is usually well tolerated and may have several novel mechanisms of antiemetic action; VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPatterns of Use of Medical Cannabis Among Israeli Cancer Patients: A Single Institution Experience. | AUTHOR(S)Waissengrin B, Urban D, Leshem Y, Garty M, Wolf I. | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNOpen study | P/N + | Cannabis use is perceived as highly effective by some patients with advanced cancer and its administration can be regulated, even by local authorities.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEImproving Quality of Life With Nabilone During Radiotherapy Treatments for Head and Neck Cancers: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial | AUTHOR(S)Côté M, Trudel M, Wang C, Fortin A. | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N - | Nabilone did not lengthen the time necessary for a 15% deterioration of quality of life (P = .4279), and it was not better than placebo for relieving symptoms like painVIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe medical necessity for medicinal cannabis: prospective, observational study evaluating the treatment in cancer patients on supportive or palliative care. | AUTHOR(S)Bar-Sela G, Vorobeichik M, Drawsheh S, Omer A, Goldberg V, Muller E. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNOpen study | P/N + | All cancer or anticancer treatment-related symptoms showed significant improvementVIEW STUDY |
TITLEDelta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol may palliate altered chemosensory perception in cancer patients: results of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot trial.THC improved taste and appetite | AUTHOR(S)Brisbois TD, de Kock IH, Watanabe SM, Mirhosseini M, Lamoureux DC, Chasen M, Macdonald N, Baracos VE, Wismer WV. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | THC improved taste and appetiteVIEW STUDY |
TITLE[Cannabinoids in children] [Article in German] Cannabinoide bei Kindern. | AUTHOR(S)Gottschling S. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNUncontrolled Case Report | P/N + | Reduced pain, spasticity and improved appetite and nauseaVIEW STUDY |
TITLEPreliminary efficacy and safety of an oromucosal standardized cannabis extract in chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. | AUTHOR(S)Duran M, Pérez E, Abanades S, Vidal X, Saura C, Majem M, Arriola E, Rabanal M, Pastor A, Farré M, Rams N, Laporte JR, Capellà D. | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Compared with placebo, CBM added to standard antiemetic therapy was well tolerated and provided better protection against delayed CINVVIEW STUDY |
TITLEA population-based case-control study of marijuana use and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. | AUTHOR(S)Liang C, McClean MD, Marsit C, Christensen B, Peters E, Nelson HH, Kelsey KT. | YEAR2009 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | The study suggests that moderate marijuana use is associated with reduced risk of HNSCC.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAdjunctive nabilone in cancer pain and symptom management: a prospective observational study using propensity scoring. | AUTHOR(S)Maida V, Ennis M, Irani S, Corbo M, Dolzhykov M. | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNProspective observational study | P/N + | The propensity-adjusted pain scores and total MSE use in nabilone-treated patients were significantly lower than were those found in untreated patients VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone for the treatment of paraneoplastic night sweats: a report of four cases. | AUTHOR(S)Maida V. | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | This paper serves to report on the successful management of four patients suffering from persistent paraneoplastic night sweats using the synthetic orally administered cannabinoid nabilone.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEfficacy of dronabinol alone and in combination with ondansetron versus ondansetron alone for delayed chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. | AUTHOR(S)Meiri E, Jhangiani H, Vredenburgh JJ, Barbato LM, Carter FJ, Yang HM, Baranowski V. | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Dronabinol or ondansetron was similarly effective for the treatment of CINVVIEW STUDY |
TITLEMedicinal cannabis does not influence the clinical pharmacokinetics of irinotecan and docetaxel. | AUTHOR(S)Engels FK, de Jong FA, Sparreboom A, Mathot RA, Loos WJ, Kitzen JJ, de Bruijn P, Verweij J, Mathijssen RH. | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNOpen study | P/N - | Coadministration of medicinal cannabis, as herbal tea, in cancer patients treated with irinotecan or docetaxel does not significantly influence the plasma pharmacokinetics of these drugs.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoids in the management of intractable chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting and cancer-related pain. | AUTHOR(S)Sutton IR, Daeninck P. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNSurvey study | P/N + | Significant improvement in one case of intractable neuropathic pain and one case of refractory cinvVIEW STUDY |
TITLEComparison of orally administered cannabis extract and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in treating patients with cancer-related anorexia-cachexia syndrome: a multicenter, phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial from the Cannabis-in-Cachexia-Study-Group | AUTHOR(S)Strasser F, Luftner D, Possinger K, Ernst G, Ruhstaller T, Meissner W, Ko YD, Schnelle M, Reif M, Cerny T. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | CE at the oral dose administered was well tolerated by these patients with CACS. No differences in patients' appetite or QOL were found either between CE, THC, and PL or between CE and THC at the dosages investigated.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol versus megestrol acetate versus combination therapy for cancer-associated anorexia: a North Central Cancer Treatment Group study. | AUTHOR(S)Jatoi A, Windschitl HE, Loprinzi CL, Sloan JA, Dakhil SR, Mailliard JA, Pundaleeka S, Kardinal CG, Fitch TR, Krook JE, Novotny PJ, Christensen B. | YEAR2002 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNControlled Study | P/N - | In the doses and schedules we studied, megestrol acetate provided superior anorexia palliation among advanced cancer patients compared with dronabinol aloneVIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffects of smoked cannabis and oral delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on nausea and emesis after cancer chemotherapy: A review of state clinical trials. | AUTHOR(S)Musty RE, Rossi R. | YEAR2001 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | DESIGNConrolled Study | P/N + | On the basis of these studies, it appears that smoked marijuana can be a very successful treatment for nausea and vomiting following cancer chemotherapy. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEIntractable nausea and vomiting due to gastrointestinal mucosal metastases relieved by tetrahydrocannabinol (dronabinol). | AUTHOR(S)Gonzalez-Rosales F, Walsh D | YEAR1997 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNConrolled Study | P/N + | Dronabinol was an effective antiemetic used in combination with prochlorperazine in nausea and vomiting unresponsive to conventional antiemetics.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA phase II study of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol for appetite stimulation in cancer-associated anorexia. | AUTHOR(S)Nelson K, Walsh D, Deeter P, Sheehan F | YEAR1994 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNControlled trial | P/N + | THC is an effective appetite stimulant in patients with advanced cancer. It is well tolerated at low doses.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol and prochlorperazine in combination for treatment of cancer chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. | AUTHOR(S)Lane M, Vogel CL, Ferguson J, Krasnow S, Saiers JL, Hamm J | YEAR1991 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/NNeutral | The combination was significantly more effective than was either single agent in controlling chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol enhancement of appetite in cancer patients. | AUTHOR(S)Wadleigh R, Spaulding GM, Lumbersky B, Zimmer M, Shepard K, Plasse T | YEAR1990 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNOpen study | P/N + | Dronabinol stimulated mood and appetiteVIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol enhancement of appetite in cancer patients. | AUTHOR(S)Wadleigh R, Spaulding GM, Lumbersky B, Zimmer M, Shepard K, Plasse T. | YEAR1990 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNOpen study | P/N + | Dronabinol stimulated mood and appetiteVIEW STUDY |
TITLEInhalation marijuana as an antiemetic for cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHOR(S)Inhalation marijuana as an antiemetic for cancer chemotherapy. | YEAR1988 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNOpen study | P/N + | The results of this prospective study suggest that inhalation marijuana is active in controlling nausea and vomiting resulting from chemotherapy.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA randomized trial of oral nabilone and prochlorperazine compared to intravenous metoclopramide and dexamethasone in the treatment of nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy regimens containing cisplatin or cisplatin analogues. | AUTHOR(S)Cunningham D, Bradley CJ, Forrest GJ, Hutcheon AW, Adams L, Sneddon M, Harding M, Kerr DJ, Soukop M, Kaye SB. | YEAR1988 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N50-50 | For patients receiving cisplatin chemotherapy metoclopramide and dexamethasone remains the antiemetic of choice but for regimens containing carboplatin, nabilone and prochlorperazine is better tolerated and preferred by the patients. LESSVIEW STUDY |
TITLEEfficacy of tetrahydrocannabinol in patients refractory to standard anti-emetic therapy | AUTHOR(S)McCabe M, Smith FP, Goldberg D, Macdonald J, Woolley PV, Warren R | YEAR1988 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNConrolled Study | P/N + | This study confirms the usefulness of THC in patients whose chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting is refractory to other standard antiemetics. VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone versus prochlorperazine for control of cancer chemotherapy-induced emesis in children: a double-blind, crossover trial. | AUTHOR(S)Chan HS, Correia JA, MacLeod SM | YEAR1987 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | abilone appears to be a safe, effective, and well-tolerated antiemetic drug for children receiving cancer chemotherapy. Although major side effects may occur at higher dosages, nabilone is preferable to prochlorperazine because of improved efficacy.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECrossover comparison of the antiemetic efficacy of nabilone and alizapride in patients with nonseminomatous testicular cancer receiving cisplatin therapy. | AUTHOR(S)Niederle N, Schutte J, Schmidt CG. | YEAR1986 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNCross-Sectional Study | P/N + | Nabilone was superior to alizapride in giving complete relief from nausea (medians, 65% vs 30%; p less than 0.01), and was more effective in shortening the duration of nausea VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone and metoclopramide in the treatment of nausea and vomiting due to cisplatinum: a double blind study. | AUTHOR(S)Crawford SM, Buckman R. | YEAR1986 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/NNeutral | There was no difference between the two treatments in the overall incidence or severity of vomiting, although a subgroup of patients enjoyed a substantial reduction in episodes of vomiting whilst receiving metoclopramideVIEW STUDY |
TITLEProspective randomized double-blind trial of nabilone versus domperidone in the treatment of cytotoxic-induced emesis. | AUTHOR(S)Pomeroy M, Fennelly JJ, Towers M. | YEAR1986 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Nausea and food intake scores did not differ significantly, although there was a trend towards less nausea and an increased food intake with N. VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone: an alternative antiemetic for cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHOR(S)Dalzell AM, Bartlett H, Lilleyman JS. | YEAR1986 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | The results indicate that nabilone is an effective antiemetic for children having chemotherapy, even for young childrenVIEW STUDY |
TITLETHC or Compazine for the cancer chemotherapy patient--the UCLA study. Part II: Patient drug preference. | AUTHOR(S)Ungerleider JT, Sarna G, Fairbanks LA, Goodnight J, Andrysiak T, Jamison K. | YEAR1985 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N - | THC preference was associated with more, rather than fewer, drug-related side effects than Compazine, particularly sedation. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAntiemetic efficacy of levonantradol compared to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. | AUTHOR(S)Citron ML, Herman TS, Vreeland F, Krasnow SH, Fossieck BE Jr, Harwood S, Franklin R, Cohen MH. | YEAR1985 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC;Other cannabinoids | DESIGNControlled trial | P/N + | Levonantradol appears to be at least as effective an antiemetic as THC and is the only cannabinoid available for parenteral use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAntiemetic therapy: a review of recent studies and a report of a random assignment trial comparing metoclopramide with delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. | AUTHOR(S)Gralla RJ, Tyson LB, Bordin LA, Clark RA, Kelsen DP, Kris MG, Kalman LB, Groshen S | YEAR1984 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/NNeutral-Negative | Poorer antiemetic control and more side effects with dronabinol than with the metoclopramide, both better than placeboVIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomized double blind comparison of delta-9-tetrahydroicannabinol (THC) and marijuana as chemotherapy antiemetics. | AUTHOR(S)Levitt M, Faiman C, Hawks R, Wilson A | YEAR1984 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | 9 patients no preference; 7 preferred oral THC, 4 preferred marijuana cigarettesVIEW STUDY |
TITLE[Randomized comparative trial of a new anti-emetic: nabilone, in cancer patients treated with cisplatin][Article in French] | AUTHOR(S)George M, Pejovic MH, Thuaire M, Kramar A, Wolff JP. | YEAR1983 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomised Controlled Trial | P/NNeutral | Nabilone, in comparison with chlorpromazine did not significantly reduce the number of vomiting. Ten patients preferred nabilone, 5 preferred chlorpromazine and 3 were undecided.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA randomised multicentre single blind comparison of a cannabinoid anti-emetic (levonantradol) with chlorpromazine in patients receiving their first cytotoxic chemotherapy. | AUTHOR(S)Hutcheon AW, Palmer JB, Soukop M, Cunningham D, McArdle C, Welsh J, Stuart F, Sangster G, Kaye S, Charlton D, et al. | YEAR1983 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | We conclude that levonantradol (0.5 mg) is a more effective anti-emetic than chlorpromazine (25 mg) in patients receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy. However, its use cannot be recommended due to its high incidence of unacceptable central nervous system side-effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAnti-emetic efficacy and toxicity of nabilone, a synthetic cannabinoid, in lung cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHOR(S)Ahmedzai S, Carlyle DL, Calder IT, Moran F. | YEAR1983 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/NCaution in its use | Nabilone is an effective oral anti-emetic drug for moderately toxic chemotherapy, but the range and unpredictability of its side-effects warrant caution in its use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA double-blind, controlled trial of nabilone vs. prochlorperazine for refractory emesis induced by cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHOR(S)Johansson R, Kilkku P, Groenroos M. | YEAR1982 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Seventy-two per cent of the patients (P < 0.05) preferred nabilone to prochlorperazine, in agreement with the observed therapeutic efficacyVIEW STUDY |
TITLEA multi-institutional Phase III study of nabilone vs. placebo in chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. | AUTHOR(S)Jones SE, Durant JR, Greco FA, Robertone A. | YEAR1982 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Of the 24 patients fully evaluable for efficacy, nabilone significantly reduced the mean number of vomiting episodesVIEW STUDY |
TITLEPhysiologic observations in a controlled clinical trial of the antiemetic effectiveness of 5, 10, and 15 mg of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol in cancer chemotherapy. Ophthalmologic implications. | AUTHOR(S)Levitt M, Wilson A, Bowman D, Kemel S, Krepart G, Marks V, Schipper H, Thomson G, Weinerman B, Weinerman R | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/NNeutral | All intraocular pressures before and after treatment were within the normal range, although a surprising statistically significant increase in IOP occurred in the group receiving 5 mg THC.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEComparative trial of the antiemetic effects of THC and haloperidol | AUTHOR(S)Neidhart JA, Gagen MM, Wilson HE, Young DC | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Toxicities from THC were less well tolerated than those from haloperidol, but most patients had no serious side effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone: an effective antiemetic in patients receiving cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHOR(S)Einhorn LH, Nagy C, Furnas B, Williams SD. | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Sixty patients (75 per cent) reported nabilone to be more effective than prochlorperazine for relief of nausea and vomiting. Of these 60 patients, 46 required further chemotherapy and continued taking nabilone as the antiemetic of choice.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDose vs response of tetrahydroannabinol (THC) vs prochlorperazine as chemotherapy antiemetics. | AUTHOR(S)Levitt M, Wilson A, Bowman D, Faiman C, Kemel S, Krepart G | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNControlled Study | P/NNeutral | THC 15 mg was the most effective against vomiting, prochlorperazine was the most effective antinauseantVIEW STUDY |
TITLEA prospective evaluation of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol as an antiemetic in patients receiving adriamycin and cytoxan chemotherapy. | AUTHOR(S)Chang AE, Shiling DJ, Stillman RC, Goldberg NH, Seipp CA, Barofsky I, Rosenberg | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | THC did not effectively reduce emesis induced by Adriamycin and Cytoxan. These findings suggest that the antiemetic properties of THC are effective only against specific chemotherapeutic drugs.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDouble-blind comparison of the antiemetic effects of nabilone and prochlorperazine on chemotherapy-induced emesis. | AUTHOR(S)Steele N, Gralla RJ, Braun DW Jr, Young CW. | YEAR1980 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Nabilone appeared to be the more effective antiemetic for patients who received chemotherapy agents other than high dose DDP; it was equivalent to prochlorperazine for those who did receive high‐dose DDP. Side effects from prochlorperazine were limited to mild drowsiness occurring among 35% of the patients. The side effects from nabilone were drowsiness and dizziness which occurred frequently and were dose‐limiting in 25% of patients.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe antiemetic activity of tetrahydrocanabinol versus metoclopramide and thiethylperazine in patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHOR(S)Colls BM, Ferry DG, Gray AJ, Harvey VJ, McQueen EG. | YEAR1980 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNBlind crossover study | P/N - | Tetrahydrocannabinol taken by mouth is not recommended as a routine antiemetic agent in cancer chemotherapy.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESuperiority of nabilone over prochlorperazine as an antiemetic in patients receiving cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHOR(S)Herman TS, Einhorn LH, Jones SE, Nagy C, Chester AB, Dean JC, Furnas B, Williams SD, Leigh SA, Dorr RT, Moon TE. | YEAR1979 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomised controlled trial | P/N + | When both drugs were compared, both nausea (P less than 0.01) and vomiting episodes (P less than 0.001) were significantly lower in patients given nabilone. Moreover, patients clearly favored nabilone for continued useVIEW STUDY |
TITLEDelta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol as an antiemetic for patients receiving cancer chemotherapy. A comparison with prochlorperazine and a placebo. | AUTHOR(S)Frytak S, Moertel CG, O'Fallon JR, Rubin J, Creagan ET, O'Connell MJ, Schutt AJ, Schwartau NW | YEAR1979 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N - | The THC had superior antiemetic activity in comparison to placebo, but it showed no advantage over prochlorperazine. Central nervous system side-effects, however, were significantly more frequent and more severe with THC.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDelta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) as an antiemetic in patients treated with cancer chemotherapy; a double-blind cross-over trial against placebo | AUTHOR(S)Kluin-Nelemans JC, Nelemans FA, Meuwissen OJATh, Maes RAA | YEAR1979 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N - | Although THC had remarkable antiemetic effects, the side effects were severe.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDelta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol as an antiemetic in cancer patients receiving high-dose methotrexate. A prospective, randomized evaluation. | AUTHOR(S)Chang AE, Shiling DJ, Stillman RC, Goldberg NH, Seipp CA, Barofsky I, Simon RM, Rosenberg SA. | YEAR1979 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol appears to have significant antiemetic properties when compared with placebo in patients receiving high-dose methotrexate.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 13, 2021 7:51 pm
Cancer Chemotherapy
TITLEMedical Cannabis Use by Hodgkin Lymphoma Patients: Experience of a Single Center | AUTHROR(S)Sarid N. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Importantly, 81.5% reported a high overall efficacy of cannabis in relieving symptoms. AEs related to cannabis use itself were mild. Thus, medical cannabis use is prevalent in this HL cohort, and appears to be effective in ameliorating chemotherapy-related AEs.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Pilot Trial With Extension Using an Oral Mucosal Cannabinoid Extract for Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathic Pain. | AUTHROR(S)Lynch ME, Cesar-Rittenberg P, Hohmann AG. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | This pilot trial found a number needed to treat of five and an average decrease of 2.6 on an 11-point NRS-PI in five "responders" (as compared with a decrease of 0.6 with placebo) and supports that it is worthwhile to study nabiximols in a full randomized, placebo-controlled trial of chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPreliminary efficacy and safety of an oromucosal standardized cannabis extract in chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. | AUTHROR(S)Duran M, Pérez E, Abanades S, Vidal X, Saura C, Majem M, Arriola E, Rabanal M, Pastor A, Farré M, Rams N, Laporte JR, Capellà D. | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Cannabis was superior to placebo in reducing nausea and vomiting in patients refractory to other medicationsVIEW STUDY |
Efficacy of dronabinol alone TITLEand in combination with ondansetron versus ondansetron alone for delayed chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. | AUTHROR(S)Meiri E, Jhangiani H, Vredenburgh JJ, Barbato LM, Carter FJ, Yang HM, Baranowski V. | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Data suggest that the addition of dronabinol to the standard antiemetic regimen before and after chemotherapy may offer more benefit than the standard regimen aloneVIEW STUDY |
TITLEMedicinal cannabis does not influence the clinical pharmacokinetics of irinotecan and docetaxel. | AUTHROR(S)Engels FK, de Jong FA, Sparreboom A, Mathot RA, Loos WJ, Kitzen JJ, de Bruijn P, Verweij J, Mathijssen RH. | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNStudy | P/N - | Coadministration of medicinal cannabis, as herbal tea, in cancer patients treated with irinotecan or docetaxel does not significantly influence the plasma pharmacokinetics of these drugs.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffects of smoked cannabis and oral delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on nausea and emesis after cancer chemotherapy: A review of state clinical trials. | AUTHROR(S)Musty RE, Rossi R. | YEAR2001 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | DESIGNReview of State Clinical Trials | P/N + | Cannabis caused symptom relief in 70-100%, dronabinol caused symptom relief in 76-88%VIEW STUDY |
TITLEIntractable nausea and vomiting due to gastrointestinal mucosal metastases relieved by tetrahydrocannabinol (dronabinol). | AUTHROR(S)Gonzalez-Rosales F, Walsh D | YEAR1997 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | The patients was treated with several antiemetic drugs, but it was not until dronabinol was added that the nausea and vomiting stoppedVIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol and prochlorperazine in combination for treatment of cancer chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. | AUTHROR(S)Lane M, Vogel CL, Ferguson J, Krasnow S, Saiers JL, Hamm J | YEAR1991 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N Neutral | Prochlorperazine better than THC, both drugs combined better than both aloneVIEW STUDY |
TITLEEfficacy of tetrahydrocannabinol in patients refractory to standard anti-emetic therapy | AUTHROR(S)McCabe M, Smith FP, Goldberg D, Macdonald J, Woolley PV, Warren R | YEAR1988 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | THC decreased nausea and vomiting in 23 of 36 (64%) patientsVIEW STUDY |
TITLEInhalation marijuana as an antiemetic for cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHROR(S)Vinciguerra V, Moore T, Brennan E. | YEAR1988 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNControlled study | P/N + | Marijuana effective as antiemetic agentVIEW STUDY |
TITLEA randomized trial of oral nabilone and prochlorperazine compared to intravenous metoclopramide and dexamethasone in the treatment of nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy regimens containing cisplatin or cisplatin analogues. | AUTHROR(S)Cunningham D, Bradley CJ, Forrest GJ, Hutcheon AW, Adams L, Sneddon M, Harding M, Kerr DJ, Soukop M, Kaye SB. | YEAR1988 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | For patients receiving cisplatin chemotherapy metoclopramide and dexamethasone remains the antiemetic of choice but for regimens containing carboplatin, nabilone and prochlorperazine is better tolerated and preferred by the patients.VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone versus prochlorperazine for control of cancer chemotherapy-induced emesis in children: a double-blind, crossover trial. | AUTHROR(S)Chan HS, Correia JA, MacLeod SM | YEAR1987 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNDouble-Blind, Crossover Trial | P/N + | Nabilone effective as antiemetic drug for childrenVIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone: an alternative antiemetic for cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHROR(S)Dalzell AM, Bartlett H, Lilleyman JS. | YEAR1986 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Even for young children nabilone is an effective antiemetic, superior to domperidone.VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone and metoclopramide in the treatment of nausea and vomiting due to cisplatinum: a double blind study. | AUTHROR(S)Crawford SM, Buckman R. | YEAR1986 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | Randomized DESIGNcontrolled trial | P/N Neutral | No difference between nabilone and metoclopramideVIEW STUDY |
TITLECrossover comparison of the antiemetic efficacy of nabilone and alizapride in patients with nonseminomatous testicular cancer receiving cisplatin therapy. | AUTHROR(S)Niederle N, Schutte J, Schmidt CG. | YEAR1986 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | It is concluded that nabilone has greater antiemetic activity than alizapride in young patients receiving low-dose cisplatin chemotherapy. Nabilone dosage should be reduced to decrease the incidence and degree of adverse reactions while leaving the definite antiemetic activity unchanged.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEProspective randomized double-blind trial of nabilone versus domperidone in the treatment of cytotoxic-induced emesis. | AUTHROR(S)Pomeroy M, Fennelly JJ, Towers M. | YEAR1986 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | N is superior to D for the control of cytotoxic-induced emesis.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAntiemetic efficacy of levonantradol compared to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. | AUTHROR(S)Citron ML, Herman TS, Vreeland F, Krasnow SH, Fossieck BE Jr, Harwood S, Franklin R, Cohen MH. | YEAR1985 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC;Other cannabinoids | DESIGNControlled study | P/N + | Levonantradol appears to be at least as effective an antiemetic as THC ; well-tolerated side-effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLETHC or Compazine for the cancer chemotherapy patient--the UCLA study. Part II: Patient drug preference. | AUTHROR(S)Ungerleider JT, Sarna G, Fairbanks LA, Goodnight J, Andrysiak T, Jamison K. | YEAR1985 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNControlled Study | P/N + | The nausea reduction was the main determinant of preference between THC and prochlorperazineVIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomized double blind comparison of delta-9-tetrahydroicannabinol (THC) and marijuana as chemotherapy antiemetics. | AUTHROR(S)Levitt M, Faiman C, Hawks R, Wilson A | YEAR1984 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomised controlled trial | P/N + | 9 patients no preference; 7 preferred oral THC, 4 preferred marijuana cigarettes (double-blind, double dummy crossover study)VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAntiemetic therapy: a review of recent studies and a report of a random assignment trial comparing metoclopramide with delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. | AUTHROR(S)Gralla RJ, Tyson LB, Bordin LA, Clark RA, Kelsen DP, Kris MG, Kalman LB, Groshen S | YEAR1984 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N - | Poorer antiemetic control and more side effects with dronabinol than with the metoclopramide, both better than placeboVIEW STUDY |
TITLEAnti-emetic efficacy and toxicity of nabilone, a synthetic cannabinoid, in lung cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHROR(S)Ahmedzai S, Carlyle DL, Calder IT, Moran F. | YEAR1983 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N Positive with caution | Nabilone is an effective oral anti-emetic drug for moderately toxic chemotherapy, but the range and unpredictability of its side-effects warrant caution in its use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomised comparative trial of a new anti-emetic: nabilone, in cancer patients treated with cisplatin][Article in French] | AUTHROR(S)George M, Pejovic MH, Thuaire M, Kramar A, Wolff JP. | YEAR1983 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | Randomized DESIGNcontrolled trial | P/N Neutral -Positive | Nabilone, in comparison with chlorpromazine did not significantly reduce the number of vomiting, but most patients preferred nabilone.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA randomised multicentre single blind comparison of a cannabinoid anti-emetic (levonantradol) with chlorpromazine in patients receiving their first cytotoxic chemotherapy. | AUTHROR(S)Hutcheon AW, Palmer JB, Soukop M, Cunningham D, McArdle C, Welsh J, Stuart F, Sangster G, Kaye S, Charlton D, et al. | YEAR1983 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N - | We conclude that levonantradol (0.5 mg) is a more effective anti-emetic than chlorpromazine (25 mg) in patients receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy. However, its use cannot be recommended due to its high incidence of unacceptable central nervous system side-effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA double-blind, controlled trial of nabilone vs. prochlorperazine for refractory emesis induced by cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHROR(S)Johansson R, Kilkku P, Groenroos M. | YEAR1982 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Nabilone showed activity against cis-plantinum- (50 mg/m2) and adriamycin-pluscyclophosphamide-induced vomiting.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA multi-institutional Phase III study of nabilone vs. placebo in chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. | AUTHROR(S)Jones SE, Durant JR, Greco FA, Robertone A. | YEAR1982 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Nabilone is an effective antiemetic agent for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone: an effective antiemetic in patients receiving cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHROR(S)Einhorn LH, Nagy C, Furnas B, Williams SD. | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Nabilone is more effective than prochlorperazine for relief of nausea and vomitingVIEW STUDY |
TITLEA prospective evaluation of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol as an antiemetic in patients receiving adriamycin and cytoxan chemotherapy. | AUTHROR(S)Chang AE, Shiling DJ, Stillman RC, Goldberg NH, Seipp CA, Barofsky I, Rosenberg | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N - | THC did not effectively reduce emesis induced by Adriamycin and Cytoxan. These findings suggest that the antiemetic properties of THC are effective only against specific chemotherapeutic drugs.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDose vs response of tetrahydroannabinol (THC) vs prochlorperazine as chemotherapy antiemetics. | AUTHROR(S)Levitt M, Wilson A, Bowman D, Faiman C, Kemel S, Krepart G | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | THC 15 mg was the most effective against vomiting, prochlorperazine was the most effective antinauseantVIEW STUDY |
TITLEComparative trial of the antiemetic effects of THC and haloperidol | AUTHROR(S)Neidhart JA, Gagen MM, Wilson HE, Young DC | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | THC and haloperidol were equally effective in controlling nausea and vomiting as judged by number of vomiting episodes, patient evaluation of efficacy, and patient preference.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe antiemetic activity of tetrahydrocanabinol versus metoclopramide and thiethylperazine in patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHROR(S)Colls BM, Ferry DG, Gray AJ, Harvey VJ, McQueen EG. | YEAR1980 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNControlled Study | P/N + | Tetrahydrocannabinol given by mouth has an antiemetic effect of approximately the same order as thiethylperazine and metoclopramideVIEW STUDY |
TITLEDouble-blind comparison of the antiemetic effects of nabilone and prochlorperazine on chemotherapy-induced emesis. | AUTHROR(S)Steele N, Gralla RJ, Braun DW Jr, Young CW. | YEAR1980 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Nabilone appeared to be the more effective antiemetic for patients who received chemotherapy agents other than high dose DDP; it was equivalent to prochlorperazine for those who did receive high‐dose DDP. Side effects from prochlorperazine were limited to mild drowsiness occurring among 35% of the patients. The side effects from nabilone were drowsiness and dizziness which occurred frequently and were dose‐limiting in 25% of patients.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDelta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) as an antiemetic in patients treated with cancer chemotherapy; a double-blind cross-over trial against placebo | AUTHROR(S)Kluin-Nelemans JC, Nelemans FA, Meuwissen OJATh, Maes RAA | YEAR1979 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N - | Although THC had remarkable antiemetic effects, the side effects were severe.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDelta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol as an antiemetic for patients receiving cancer chemotherapy. A comparison with prochlorperazine and a placebo. | AUTHROR(S)Frytak S, Moertel CG, O'Fallon JR, Rubin J, Creagan ET, O'Connell MJ, Schutt AJ, Schwartau NW | YEAR1979 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N - | THC therapy resulted in an overall more unpleasant treatment experience than that noted with prochlorperazine or placebo.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDelta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol as an antiemetic in cancer patients receiving high-dose methotrexate. A prospective, randomized evaluation. | AUTHROR(S)Chang AE, Shiling DJ, Stillman RC, Goldberg NH, Seipp CA, Barofsky I, Simon RM, Rosenberg SA. | YEAR1979 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol appears to have significant antiemetic properties when compared with placebo in patients receiving high-dose methotrexate.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESuperiority of nabilone over prochlorperazine as an antiemetic in patients receiving cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHROR(S)Herman TS, Einhorn LH, Jones SE, Nagy C, Chester AB, Dean JC, Furnas B, Williams SD, Leigh SA, Dorr RT, Moon TE. | YEAR1979 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N + | When both drugs were compared, both nausea and vomiting episodes were significantly lower in patients given nabilone.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 11, 2021 10:02 pm
Central Nervous System
TITLECannabinoids, Blood–Brain Barrier, and Brain Disposition | AUTHROR(S)Fabrizio Calapai, Luigi Cardia, Emanuela Elisa Sorbara, Michele Navarra, Sebastiano Gangemi, Gioacchino Calapai, Carmen Mannucci | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabiadol | DESIGNOpen study | P/N + | Cannabinoids positive effects on cognitive function could be also considered through the aspect of protection of BBB cerebrovascular structure and function, indicating that they may purchase substantial benefits through the protection of BBB integrity.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 11, 2021 10:02 pm
Children / Behaviour / Intellectual Disability
TITLEDoes Cannabidiol Reduce Severe Behavioural Problems in Children with Intellectual Disability? Study Protocol for a Pilot Single-Site Phase I/II Randomised Placebo Controlled Trial | AUTHROR(S)Daryl Efron,corresponding author Kaitlyn Taylor, Jonathan M Payne, Jeremy L Freeman, Noel Cranswick, Melissa Mulraney, Chidambaram Prakash, Katherine J Lee, and Katrina Williams | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/NFacts | This protocol has received ethics approval from the Royal Children's Hospital ethics committee (Human Research Ethics Committee no. 38236). Results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed journals, professional networks, conferences and social mediaVIEW STUDY |
Last modified at March 15, 2021 3:29 pm
TITLEDebunking Cannabidiol as a Treatment for COVID-19: Time for the FDA to Adopt a Focused Deterrence Model? | AUTHROR(S)Chelsea L Shovercorresponding author and Keith Humphreys | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N - | The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has sent warning letters to CBD retailers who promoted CBD to treat Alzheimer's disease, cancer, diabetes, and other serious conditions for which there is no evidence of its efficacy as a treatment or preventive.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 11, 2021 10:20 pm
TITLE"Effects of Chronic Cannabidiol Treatment in the Rat Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress Model of Depression " | AUTHROR(S)Zsolt Gáll, Szidónia Farkas Ákos Albert, Elek Ferencz, Szende Vancea, Melinda Urkon, and Melinda Kolcsár | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNControlled Study | P/N + | CBD exerted a prohedonic effect in rats subjected to CUMS, demonstrated by the increased sucrose preference after three weeks of treatment. The reversal of the effect of CUMS on hair CORT concentrations might also point toward an anxiolytic or antidepressant-like effect of CBDVIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana use and major depressive disorder are additively associated with reduced verbal learning and altered cortical thickness. | AUTHROR(S)Radoman M, Hoeppner SS, Schuster RM, Evins AE, Gilman JM. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNSurvey | P/N - | Cannabis may have negative effects on young people with depressionVIEW STUDY |
TITLETrends of major depressive episode among people with cannabis use: Findings from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health 2006-2015. | AUTHROR(S)Carrà G, Bartoli F, Crocamo C. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNStudy | P/N - | Heavy cannabis use is more likely associated with depressionVIEW STUDY |
TITLESerum Endocannabinoid and Mood Changes after Exercise in Major Depressive Disorder. | AUTHROR(S)Meyer JD, Crombie KM, Cook DB, Hillard CJ, Koltyn KF. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S) | DESIGNSurvey | P/N + | Endocannabinoids contribute to the mood improving effects of exercise in patients with major depressionVIEW STUDY |
TITLEDoes morning affect contribute to daily Cannabis use? | AUTHROR(S)Testa M, Wang W, Derrick JL, Brown WC, Collins RL. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Cannabis use increases positive affect and reduces anxietyVIEW STUDY |
TITLESex Differences in the Association Between Cannabis Use and Suicidal Ideation and Attempts, Depression, and Psychological Distress Among Canadians. | AUTHROR(S)Halladay JE, Boyle MH, Munn C, Jack SM, Georgiades K. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNcross-sectional survey | P/N - | Females who reported using regularly (defined as more than once per week) reported higher levels of psychological distress and were more likely to report suicidal thoughts and attempts.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA naturalistic examination of the perceived effects of cannabis on negative affect | AUTHROR(S)Cuttler C, Spradlin A, McLaughlin RJ | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNNaturalistic Examination | P/N + | Acute use of cannabis may reduce anxiety and depressionVIEW STUDY |
TITLEA Cross-Sectional Study of Cannabidiol Users. | AUTHROR(S)Corroon J, Phillips JA. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNControlled Study | P/N + | Consumers are using CBD as a specific therapy for multiple diverse medical conditions-particularly pain, anxiety, depression, and sleep disordersVIEW STUDY |
TITLEDepression and marijuana use disorder symptoms among current marijuana users | AUTHROR(S)Dierker L, Selya A, Lanza S, Li R3, Rose J | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNSurvey | P/N - | Depression is a consistent risk factor for marijuana use disorder symptoms over and above exposure to marijuana suggesting that depressed individuals may represent an important subgroup in need of targeted substance use intervention.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis use and the course and outcome of major depressive disorder: A population based longitudinal study. | AUTHROR(S)Feingold D, Rehm J, Lev-Ran S | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | We conclude that many of the associations between cannabis use and a more severe course of MDD do not seem to be attributed to cannabis use itself but to associated sociodemographic and clinical factorsVIEW STUDY |
TITLEDepression and anxiety among chronic pain patients receiving prescription opioids and medical marijuana | AUTHROR(S)Feingold D, Brill S, Goor-Aryeh I, Delayahu Y, Lev-Ran S | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNSurvey | P/N + | Levels of depression and anxiety are higher among chronic pain patients receiving prescription opioids compared to those receiving MM. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana Effectiveness as an HIV Self-Care Strategy. | AUTHROR(S)Corless IB, Lindgren T, Holzemer W, Robinson L, Moezzi S, Kirksey K, Coleman C, Tsai YF, Sanzero Eller L, Hamilton MJ, Sefcik EF, Canaval GE, Rivero Mendez M, Kemppainen JK, Bunch EH, Nicholas PK, Nokes KM, Dole P, Reynolds N. | YEAR2009 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNControlled Study | P/N + | 20 participants said that they used cannabis to treat health problems.VIEW STUDY |
TITLE//www.cannabis-med.org/studies/ww_en_db_study_show.php?s_id=19 | AUTHROR(S)Regelson W, Butler JR, Schulz J, Kirk T, Peek L, Green ML, Zalis MO | YEAR1976 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | weight gain with THC; weight los with placeboVIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 11:49 am
Digestion / Gastrointestinal Disorder
TITLECannabidiol and Other Non-Psychoactive Cannabinoids for Prevention and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Disorders: Useful Nutraceuticals? | AUTHROR(S)Vicente Martínez, Amaia Iriondo De-Hond, Francesca Borrelli, Raffaele Capasso, María Dolores del Castillo, and Raquel Abalo | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNStudy | P/N + | With the increasing interest in the development of functional foods for a healthy life, the non-psychoactive phytocannabinoids are hoped to find a place as nutraceuticals and food ingredients also for a healthy gastrointestinal tract function.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 12:24 pm
Dependency / Withdrawal
TITLECannabidiol for the Reduction of Cue-Induced Craving and Anxiety in Drug-Abstinent Individuals With Heroin Use Disorder: A Double-Blind Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial. | AUTHROR(S)Hurd YL, Spriggs S, Alishayev J, Winkel G, Gurgov K, Kudrich C, Oprescu AM, Salsitz E. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNrandomized controlled trial | P/N + | CBD's potential to reduce cue-induced craving and anxiety provides a strong basis for further investigation of this phytocannabinoid as a treatment option for opioid use disorder.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDSM-5 cannabis withdrawal syndrome: Demographic and clinical correlates in U.S. adults | AUTHROR(S)Livne O., Shmulewitz D., Lev-Ran S., Hasin D. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNSurvey | P/N - | DSM-5 cannabis withdrawal syndrome: Demographic and clinical correlates in U.S. adultsVIEW STUDY |
TITLESex Differences in the Association Between Cannabis Use and Suicidal Ideation and Attempts, Depression, and Psychological Distress Among Canadians. | AUTHROR(S)Halladay JE, Boyle MH, Munn C, Jack SM, Georgiades K. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N - | Cannabis use may be associated with an increased risk of suicideVIEW STUDY |
TITLEA Survey of Cannabis Acute Effects and Withdrawal Symptoms: Differential Responses Across User Types and Age. | AUTHROR(S)Sexton M, Cuttler C, Mischley LK. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNSurvey study | P/N + | Older people and medical users appear to experience acute and withdrawal effects of cannabis differently than recreational and younger users, perhaps because these groups benefit more from the medicinal properties of cannabis. VIEW STUDY |
The effect of high-TITLEdose dronabinol (oral THC) maintenance on cannabis self-administration | AUTHROR(S)Schlienz NJ, Lee DC, Stitzer ML, Vandrey R | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N - | High doses of oral THC reduced intake of inhaled THCVIEW STUDY |
TITLEHigh-intensity cannabis use is associated with retention in opioid agonist treatment: a longitudinal analysis. | AUTHROR(S)Socías ME, Wood E, Lake S, Nolan S, Fairbairn N, Hayashi K, Shulha HP, Liu S, Kerr T, Milloy MJ. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Facts | Among people who use illicit drugs initiating opioid agonist treatment in Vancouver, at least daily cannabis use was associated with approximately 21% greater odds of retention in treatment compared with less than daily consumption.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEFalling rates of marijuana dependence among heavy users. | AUTHROR(S)Davenport S. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNSurvey | P/N Facts | Though it is unclear why, the risk of dependence formation among heavy marijuana users appear to have declined since 2002VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe effects of cannabidiol on impulsivity and memory during abstinence in cigarette dependent smokers. | AUTHROR(S)Hindocha C, Freeman TP, Grabski M, Crudgington H, Davies AC, Stroud JB, Das RK, Lawn W, Morgan CJA, Curran HV. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N - | In conclusion, a single 800 mg dose of CBD does not improve verbal or spatial working memory, or impulsivity during tobacco abstinence.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEGreater risk for frequent marijuana use and problems among young adult marijuana users with a medical marijuana card. | AUTHROR(S)Tucker JS, Rodriguez A, Pedersen ER, Seelam R, Shih RA, D'Amico EJ. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Facts | Adolescents, who are allowed to use medical cannabis, use cannabis more oftenVIEW STUDY |
TITLEExploring the association of legalisation status of cannabis with problematic cannabis use and impulsivity in the USA. | AUTHROR(S)Destrée L, Amiet D, Carter A, Lee R, Lorenzetti V, Segrave R, Youssef G, Solowij N, Yücel M. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Facts | The status of legalisation in US states has no effect on problematic cannabis useVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol reverses attentional bias to cigarette cues in a human experimental model of tobacco withdrawal | AUTHROR(S)Hindocha C. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | CBD may be helpful in tobacco dependencyVIEW STUDY |
TITLEIntentional cannabis use to reduce crack cocaine use in a Canadian setting: A longitudinal analysis | AUTHROR(S)Socías ME et al. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Cannabis use reduced crack useVIEW STUDY |
TITLE//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5549367/ | AUTHROR(S)Hill KP et al. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | There is evidence, although limited, to support the use of cannabis pharmacotherapy in certain clinical scenariosVIEW STUDY |
TITLESafety of oral dronabinol during opioid withdrawal in humans | AUTHROR(S)Jicha CJ, Lofwall MR, Nuzzo PA, Babalonis S, Elayi SC, Walsh SL. | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N - | Dronabinol 20mg and higher increased heart rate among healthy adults at rest who were in a state of opioid withdrawal, raising concern about its safety.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe prescription of medical cannabis by a transitional pain service to wean a patient with complex pain from opioid use following liver transplantation: a case report. | AUTHROR(S)Meng H, Hanlon JG, Katznelson R, Ghanekar A, McGilvray I, Clarke H. | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | The use of cannabis reduced opioid consumptionVIEW STUDY |
TITLENabiximols as an agonist replacement therapy during cannabis withdrawal: a randomized clinical trial | AUTHROR(S)Allsop DJ, Copeland J, Lintzeris N, Dunlop AJ, Montebello M, Sadler C, Rivas GR, Holland RM, Muhleisen P, Norberg MM, Booth J, McGregor IS | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N No effect | Sativex had no relevant long-term effect on cannabis dependenceVIEW STUDY |
TITLEImpact of cannabis use during stabilization on methadone maintenance treatment. | AUTHROR(S)Scavone JL, Sterling RC, Weinstein SP, Van Bockstaele EJ. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Symptoms of opiate withdrawal decrease in patients undergoing methadone maintenance treatment, who use cannabis.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEImpact of Cannabis Use during Stabilization on Methadone Maintenance Treatment. | AUTHROR(S)Scavone JL, Sterling RC, Weinstein SP, Van Bockstaele EJ. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Objective ratings of opiate withdrawal decreased in patients using cannabis during stabilizationVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol for the treatment of cannabis withdrawal syndrome: a case report. | Crippa JA, Hallak JE, Machado-de-AUTHROR(S)Sousa JP, Queiroz RH, Bergamaschi M, Chagas MH, Zuardi AW. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | They were no major withdrawal symptoms.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe dose effects of short-term dronabinol (oral THC) maintenance in daily cannabis users. | AUTHROR(S)Vandrey R, Stitzer ML, Mintzer MZ, Huestis MA, Murray JA, Lee D. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Dronabinol's ability to dose-dependently suppress cannabis withdrawal may be therapeutically beneficial to individuals trying to stop cannabis use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis as a substitute for alcohol and other drugs: A dispensary-based survey of substitution effect in Canadian medical cannabis patients. | AUTHROR(S)Lucas P, Reiman A, Earleywine M, McGowan S, Oleson M, Coward M, Thomas B. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNSurvey | P/N + | Many patients substitute cannabis for alcohol, illegal and medicinal drugsVIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol for the treatment of cannabis dependence: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. | AUTHROR(S)Levin FR, Mariani JJ, Brooks DJ, Pavlicova M, Cheng W, Nunes EV | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNControled study | P/N + | THC caused significant improvement in treatment retention and withdrawal symptoms.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis as a substitute for alcohol and other drugs | AUTHROR(S)Reiman A. | YEAR2009 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNSurvey | P/N + | 40 % use cannabis to substitute for alcohol, 26 % to substitute for illegal drugsVIEW STUDY |
TITLEWhite matter integrity in adolescents with histories of marijuana use and binge drinking. | AUTHROR(S)Jacobus J, McQueeny T, Bava S, Schweinsburg BC, Frank LR, Yang TT, Tapert SF. | YEAR2009 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Brain damage was less in alcohol users who used also cannabis than in alcohol only usersVIEW STUDY |
TITLEUse of dronabinol for cannabis dependence: two case reports and review. | AUTHROR(S)Levin FR, Kleber HD. | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | THC reduced withdrawal symptoms in cannabis dependenceVIEW STUDY |
TITLEConcurrent cannabis use during treatment for comorbid ADHD and cocaine dependence: effects on outcome. | AUTHROR(S)Aharonovich E, Garawi F, Bisaga A, Brooks D, Raby WN, Rubin E, Nunes EV, Levin FR. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNSurvey | P/N + | Moderate cannabis use had a positive effect of retention rates and abstinence from cocaineVIEW STUDY |
TITLELow efficacy of non-opioid drugs in opioid withdrawal symptoms. | AUTHROR(S)Low efficacy of non-opioid drugs in opioid withdrawal symptoms. | YEAR2005 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N - | Only low efficacy of cannabis in alleviating opioid withdrawal symptomsVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis as a Substitute for Alcohol: A Harm-Reduction Approach | AUTHROR(S)Mikuriya TH | YEAR2004 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Nabilone | DESIGNControled study | P/N + | Cannabis is a successful substituent of alcoholVIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana withdrawal in humans: effects of oral THC or divalproex. | AUTHROR(S)Haney M, Hart CL, Vosburg SK, Nasser J, Bennett A, Zubaran C, Foltin RW. | YEAR2004 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | THC abolished withdrawal symptomsVIEW STUDY |
TITLECrack heads and roots daughters: The therapeutic use of cannabis in Jamaica. | AUTHROR(S)Dreher M. | YEAR2002 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNStudy | P/N + | Cannabis was the most effective and readily available therapy to quit cocaine useVIEW STUDY |
TITLETherapeutic use of cannabis by crack addicts in Brazil. | AUTHROR(S)Labigalini E Jr, Rodrigues LR, Da Silveira DX. | YEAR1999 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Cannabis use helped patients to quit crack use by reducing the craving symptomsVIEW STUDY |
TITLETherapeutic use of cannabis by crack addicts in Brazil. | AUTHROR(S)Labigalini E, Jr., Rodrigues LR, Da Silveira DX. | YEAR1999 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Cannabis reduced craving and helped patients to quit cocaineVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis substitution. An adjunctive therapeutic tool in the treatment of alcoholism. | AUTHROR(S)Mikuriya TH | YEAR1970 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Marijuana consumption may help to decrease alcolholic intake.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 11, 2021 10:34 pm
TITLERandomized pharmacodynamic and pharmacogenetic trial of dronabinol effects on colon transit in irritable bowel syndrome-diarrhea | AUTHROR(S)Wong BS, Camilleri M, Eckert D, Carlson P, Ryks M, Burton D, Zinsmeister AR | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomised Controlled Trial | P/N + | Dronabinol reduces fasting motility of the colon in IBS patients with diarrhoeaVIEW STUDY |
TITLEPharmacogenetic Trial of a Cannabinoid Agonist Shows Reduced Fasting Colonic Motility in Patients with Non-Constipated Irritable Bowel Syndrome. | AUTHROR(S)Wong BS, Camilleri M, Busciglio I, Carlson P, Szarka LA, Burton D, Zinsmeister AR. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomised Controlled Trial | P/N + | Nabilone reduced cannabis use in cannabis-dependent personsVIEW STUDY |
TITLETreatment of Crohn's disease with cannabis: an observational study. | AUTHROR(S)Naftali T, Lev LB, Yablekovitz D, Half E, Konikoff FM. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNObservational Study | P/N - | THC had no significant effects on gut transit.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 11, 2021 10:36 pm
TITLECurrent status of cannabis treatment of multiple sclerosis with an illustrative case presentation of a patient with MS, complex vocal tics, paroxysmal dystonia, and marijuana dependence treated with dronabinol. | AUTHROR(S)Deutsch SI, Rosse RB, Connor JM, Burket JA, Murphy ME, Fox FJ. | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNIllustrative Case Presentation | P/N + | Of the 30 patients 21 improved significantlyVIEW STUDY |
TITLEOpen label evaluation of cannabidiol in dystonic movement disorders. | AUTHROR(S)Consroe P, Sandyk R, Snider SR | YEAR1986 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNOpen Label Evaluation | P/N + | Significant improvement of symptomsVIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 21, 2021 4:27 pm
TITLEPotential anti-epileptic phytoconstituents: An updated review | AUTHOR(S)Jaskiran Kaur 1, Paras Famta 2, Mani Famta 3, Meenu Mehta 4, Saurabh Satija 4, Neha Sharma 1, Manish Vyas 1, Gopal Lal Khatik 1, Dinesh Kumar Chellappan 5, Kamal Dua 6, Navneet Khurana 7 | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN | P/N +Needs More Trials | The preclinical and clinical data of the phytoconstituents to treat epilepsy and its associated comorbidities provides evidence for the discovery and development of novel antiepileptic drugs from medicinal plants. In terms of efficacy and safety, further randomized and controlled clinical studies are required to understand the complete pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic picture of phytoconstituents. Also, specific botanical source evaluation is needed.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe Endocannabinoid System and Synthetic Cannabinoids in Preclinical Models of Seizure and Epilepsy | AUTHOR(S)Anna-Maria Smolyakova 1, Ayat Zagzoog 1, Asher L Brandt 1, Tallan Black 1, Kawthar Mohamed 1 2, Robert B Laprairie 1 3 | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N + | SCs were developed as potential new drug candidates and tool compounds for studying the ECS. Beyond the plant cannabinoids, an extensive research effort is underway to determine whether SCs that directly target CB1R, CB2R, or the enzymes that breakdown endogenous cannabinoids have anticonvulsant effects in preclinical rodent models of epilepsy and seizure.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMedical Cannabis for Intractable Epilepsy in Childhood: A Review | AUTHROR(S)Bruria Ben-Zeev | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N + | Future research on the role of cannabis in epilepsy should keep in mind that the controlled, randomized trials have revealed that the actual reduction in seizure frequency in response to CBD is comparable VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA Review of Scientific Evidence for THC:CBD Oromucosal Spray (Nabiximols) in the Management of Chronic Pain | AUTHOR(S)Michael A Überall | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Nabiximol | DESIGN Review | P/N +Needs More Trials | Cumulative evidence from clinical trials and an exploratory analysis of the German Pain e-Registry suggests that add-on THC:CBD oromucosal spray (nabiximols) may have a role in managing chronic neuropathic pain, although further precise clinical trials are required to draw definitive conclusions.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe role of cannabinoids in epilepsy treatment: a critical review of efficacy results from clinical trials | AUTHOR(S)Rima Nabbout , Elizabeth A Thiele | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Other Cannabiols | DESIGN Review | P/N + | Thus, CBD became the first FDA-approved purified drug substance derived from cannabis and also the first FDA-approved drug for the treatment of seizures in DS.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoids in epilepsy: Clinical efficacy and pharmacological considerations | AUTHOR(S)C Espinosa-Jovel | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabinoid | DESIGN Review | P/N + | Several open-label studies and randomised controlled clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of these products.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEfficacy and adverse event profile of cannabidiol and medicinal cannabis for treatment-resistant epilepsy: Systematic review and meta-analysis | AUTHOR(S)Renandro de Carvalho Reis , Kelson James Almeida , Luciano da Silva Lopes , Cíntia Maria de Melo Mendes , Edson Bor-Seng-Shu | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol, Other Canabinoids | DESIGN | P/N + | Cannabidiol is more effective than placebo, regardless of the etiology of epileptic syndromes and dosage. Overall, the AE profile did not differ across treatments with cannabidiol or medicinal cannabis, though it did differ favorably for long-term than for short-term treatment.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEOverview of cannabidiol (CBD) and its analogues: Structures, biological activities, and neuroprotective mechanisms in epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease | AUTHOR(S)Han Li , Yuzhi Liu , Danni Tian , Lei Tian , Xingke Ju , Liang Qi , Yongbo Wang , Chengyuan Liang | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN | P/N + | CBD indirectly acts as an endogenous cannabinoid receptor agonist to exert its neuroprotective effects. CBD also promotes neuroprotection through different signal transduction pathways mediated indirectly by cannabinoid receptors.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol for Adjuvant Treatment of Seizures Associated with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome and Dravet Syndrome: An Evidence Review Group Perspective of a NICE Single Technology Appraisal | AUTHOR(S)Ben Wijnen , Nigel Armstrong , Bram Ramaekers , Willem Witlox , Marie Westwood , Debra Fayter , Steve Ryder , Titas Buksnys , Gill Worthy , Kate Misso , Sabine Grimm , Jos Kleijnen , Manuela Joore | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N + | During the process, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) licence granted marketing authorisation for CBD only in conjunction with clobazam.VIEW STUDY |
TITLENew and Emerging Medications for Treatment of Pediatric Epilepsy | AUTHOR(S)M Scott Perry | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN | P/N + | Several new compounds are recently approved or under study for epilepsy in children.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDravet Syndrome: A Review of Current Management | AUTHOR(S)James W Wheless 1, Stephen P Fulton 2, Basanagoud D Mudigoudar | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N Needs more trials | Given that most patients require polypharmacy, clinicians must be cognizant of drug-drug interactions between new medicines, existing anti-epileptic drugs, and other medications to manage comorbidities and must have an understanding of available therapeutic drug monitoring strategies and pharmacokinetic parameters.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis-based products for pediatric epilepsy: An updated systematic review | AUTHOR(S)Jesse Elliott 1, Deirdre DeJean 2, Tammy Clifford 3, Doug Coyle 3, Beth K Potter 3, Becky Skidmore 4, Christine Alexander 5, Alexander E Repetski 5, Vijay Shukla 6, Bláthnaid McCoy 7, George A Wells | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN | P/N + | Newly available evidence supports earlier findings that cannabidiol probably reduces the frequency of seizures among children with drug-resistant epilepsy.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis for Paediatric Epilepsy | AUTHOR(S)Richard J Huntsman 1, Richard Tang-Wai 2, Alan E Shackelford | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Randomised Controlled Study | P/N + | The two large randomized controlled studies assessing the efficacy of pharmaceutical-grade CBD in children with Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndromes showed similar efficacy to other VIEW STUDY |
TITLEUpdate on Drug Management of Refractory Epilepsy in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex | AUTHOR(S)Emma van der Poest Clement 1, Floor E Jansen 1, Kees P J Braun 1, Jurriaan M Peters | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN | P/N + | Based on retrospective data, vigabatrin should be considered for other indications, especially in infants with focal seizures, as this may prevent infantile spasms, but also in children and adults with epileptic spasms and tonic seizures.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESlow Titration of Cannabidiol Add-On in Drug-Resistant Epilepsies Can Improve Safety With Maintained Efficacy in an Open-Label Study | AUTHOR(S)Gianluca D'Onofrio, Mathieu Kuchenbuch, Caroline Hachon-Le Camus, Béatrice Desnous, Véronique Staath, Sylvia Napuri, Dorothée Ville, Jean-Michel Pedespan, Anne Lépine, Claude Cances, Anne de Saint-Martin, Théo Teng1 Nicole Chemaly, Mathieu Milh, Nathalie Villeneuve, and Rima Nabbout. | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Open-Label Study | P/N + | This study shows that slower titration of cannabidiol is more safe than previous methods for the treatment of epilepsy but while maintaining the same level of effectiveness.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAdjunctive Cannabidiol in Patients with Dravet Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Efficacy and Safety | AUTHOR(S)Simona Lattanzi , Francesco Brigo , Eugen Trinka , Gaetano Zaccara , Pasquale Striano , Cinzia Del Giovane , Mauro Silvestrini | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN | P/N + | Adjunctive CBD resulted in a greater reduction in convulsive seizure frequency than placebo and a higher rate of AEs in patients with DS presenting with seizures uncontrolled by concomitant antiepileptic therapy.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEIs cannabidiol a drug acting on unconventional targets to control drug-resistant epilepsy? | AUTHOR(S)Luisa Rocha , Christian Lizette Frías-Soria , José G Ortiz , Jerónimo Auzmendi , Alberto Lazarowski | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN | P/N +Needs More Trials | Several studies support that CBD decreases the expression and function of P‐glycoprotein in different cell types. If CBD is able to diminish the overexpression of this transporter in the brain of patients with drug‐resistant epilepsy, it could be used as adjunctive therapy to better biodistribution and CNS access of antiseizure drugs.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe Anticonvulsant Effects of Cannabidiol in Experimental Models of Epileptic Seizures: From Behaviour and Mechanisms to Clinical Insights | AUTHOR(S)Willian Lazarini-Lopes , Raquel A Do Val-da Silva , Rui M P da Silva-Júnior , João P Leite , Norberto Garcia-Cairasco | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N + needs more trials | CBD anticonvulsant effects are associated with a great variety of mechanisms of action such as endocannabinoid and calcium signalling. CBD has shown effectiveness in the clinical scenario for epilepsies, but its effects on epilepsy-related comorbidities are scarce even in basic researchVIEW STUDY |
TITLEBiochemical Aspects and Therapeutic Mechanisms of Cannabidiol in Epilepsy | AUTHOR(S)Ana Paula de A Boleti , Breno Emanuel F Frihling , Patrícia Souza E Silva , Pedro Henrique de O Cardoso , Luiz Filipe R N de Moraes , Thiago Antônio A Rodrigues , Maria Eduarda Freitas Biembengute , Hector Henrique F Koolen , Ludovico Migliolo | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N + | Based on these arguments, we conclude that CBD presents a biotecnological potential in the anticonvulsant process, including decreasing dependence on health care in hospitals, and could make the patient's life more stable, with regard to neurological conditions.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol Therapy for Refractory Epilepsy and Seizure Disorders | AUTHOR(S)Victoria Golub 1, D Samba Reddy | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N + | Overall, adjunct CBD has been found to be generally safe and effective for treatment-resistant seizures in children with severe early-onset epilepsy.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDevelopment of Cannabidiol as a Treatment for Severe Childhood Epilepsies | AUTHOR(S)Claire M Williams , Gary J Stephens | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N + | One key driver in this interest has been the scientific demonstration of efficacy and safety of CBD in randomised, placebo‐controlled clinical trials in children and young adults with difficult‐to‐treat epilepsies, which has encouraged increasing numbers of human trials of CBD for other indications and in other populationsVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoids in the Treatment of Epilepsy: Current Status and Future Prospects | AUTHOR(S)Alessandra Morano 1, Martina Fanella 1, Mariarita Albini 1, Pierangelo Cifelli 2 3, Eleonora Palma 2, Anna Teresa Giallonardo 1, Carlo Di Bonaventura 1 | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN | P/N + | Most patients reported adverse events (AEs), generally from mild to moderate and transient, which mainly consisted of somnolence, sedation, decreased appetite, diarrhea and elevation in aminotransferase levels, the last being documented only in subjects on concomitant valproate therapy. The interaction between CBD and clobazam, likely due to CYP2C19 inhibition, might contribute to some AEs, especially somnolence, but also to CBD clinical effectiveness. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEUnderstanding the Basics of Cannabidiol from Cannabis to Apply to Therapeutics in Epilepsy | AUTHOR(S)L Hay | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol, Cannabis | DESIGN Review | P/N + | Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the main compounds in cannabis plants, and there is evidence that it can successfully treat certain patients with epilepsyVIEW STUDY |
TITLEUnderstanding the basics of cannabidiol from cannabis to apply to therapeutics in epilepsy | AUTHOR(S)L Hay | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol, Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the main compounds in cannabis plants, and there is evidence that it can successfully treat certain patients with epilepsyVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol in the Treatment of Epilepsy: A Focused Review of Evidence and Gaps | AUTHROR(S)Guilherme Diogo Silva , Felipe Borelli Del Guerra , Maira de Oliveira Lelis , Lécio Figueira Pinto | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N + needs more trials | Transaminase elevation is the most common AE that leads to CBD discontinuation. Coadministration with valproate may increase the risk of hepatotoxicity. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDose-Ranging Effect of Adjunctive Oral Cannabidiol vs Placebo on Convulsive Seizure Frequency in Dravet Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial | AUTHOR(S)Ian Miller , Ingrid E Scheffer Boudewijn Gunning , Rocio Sanchez-Carpintero , Antonio Gil-Nagel , M Scott Perry , Russell P Saneto , Daniel Checketts , Eduardo Dunayevich, Volker Knappertz | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Randomized Clinical Trial | P/N + with caution | Adjunctive cannabidiol at doses of 10 and 20 mg/kg/d led to similar clinically relevant reductions in convulsive seizure frequency with a better safety and tolerability profile for the 10-mg/kg/d dose in children with treatment-resistant Dravet syndrome. Dose increases of cannabidiol to greater than 10 mg/kg/d should be tailored to individual efficacy and safety.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol Treatment for Refractory Epilepsies in Pediatrics | AUTHOR(S)Umberto Raucci, Nicola Pietrafusa , Maria Chiara Paolino , Giovanni Di Nardo , Maria Pia Villa , Piero Pavone , Gianluca Terrin , Nicola Specchio , Pasquale Striano , Pasquale Parisi | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | positive & negative | CBD, both in isolation as a pharmaceutical-grade preparation or as part of a CBD-enriched cannabis herbal extract, shows beneficial effects in decreasing seizure frequency in children with drug-resistant epilepsy.. Long-term data indicate a possible negative effect on cognitive and behavioral performance (Lagae, 2020)VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEpilepsy and Cannabidiol: a Guide to Treatment. | AUTHOR(S)Alexis Arzimanoglou , Ulrich Brandl , J Helen Cross , Antonio Gil-Nagel , Lieven Lagae , Cecilie Johannessen Landmark , Nicola Specchio , Rima Nabbout , Elizabeth A Thiele , Oliver Gubbay , The Cannabinoids International Experts Panel, Collaborators | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N + | This review aims to provide information to neurologists and epileptologists on the therapeutic value of CBD products, principally a purified form, in routine practice for patients with intractable epilepsy.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEmerging Use of Epidiolex (Cannabidiol) in Epilepsy | AUTHOR(S)Renad Abu-Sawwa, PharmD,corresponding author Brielle Scutt, PharmD, and Yong Park, MD | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N + | This study reviews the drug Epidiolex and its application in medicine for treatment of patients with epilepsy. The study classes the approval of this drug as revolutionary for patients with epilepsy, both adults and children.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPharmacokinetics and Tolerability of Multiple Doses of Pharmaceutical-Grade Synthetic Cannabidiol in Pediatric Patients with Treatment-Resistant Epilepsy. | AUTHOR(S)Wheless JW, et al. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Open-Label Study | P/N - | CBD may influence the blood concentrations of antiepileptic drugsVIEW STUDY |
TITLEHigher Cannabidiol Plasma Levels are Associated with Better Seizure Response Following Treatment with a Pharmaceutical Grade Cannabidiol. | AUTHOR(S)Szaflarski JP, Hernando K, Bebin EM, Gaston TE, Grayson LE, Ampah SB, Moreadith R. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Open-Label Study | P/N + | In this open-label study, we found evidence of a linear correlation between CBD dosage and plasma levels, and that higher dose/levels are associated with a higher response rate for seizure improvement. Children and adults responded to CBD similarly. However, seizure control response rates suggest children may respond to lower dosages/plasma levels than adultsVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol in Patients with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome: Interim Analysis of an Open-Label Extension Study. | AUTHOR(S)Thiele E, et al. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Open Label Study | P/N + | CBD showed long-term efficacy in the treatment of epilepsy due to Lenox-Gastaut syndromeVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis Use Disorder and Epilepsy: A Cross-National Analysis of 657 072 Hospitalized Patients | AUTHOR(S)Patel RS, Mekala HM, Tankersley WE. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN Cross National Study | P/N - | The use of cannabis, tobacco and alcohol is associated with higher prevalence of epilepsyVIEW STUDY |
TITLEA Prospective Open-Label Trial of a CBD/THC Cannabis Oil in Dravet Syndrome | AUTHOR(S)McCoy B. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC;Cannabidiol | DESIGN Open Label Trial | P/N + | CBD appears to have antidystonic and Parkinsonism-aggravating effects in humans.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol for Treatment of Refractory Childhood Epilepsies: Experience from a Single Tertiary Epilepsy Center in Slovenia | AUTHOR(S)David Neubauer, Mirjana Perković Benedik, Damjan Osredkar | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Cohort Study | P/N + | About half of children with epilepsy had a significant improvement following CBD treatmentVIEW STUDY |
TITLEComposition and Use of Cannabis Extracts for Childhood Epilepsy in the Australian Community | AUTHOR(S)Suraev A. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN Interview Study | P/N Variable | THC and CBD content in products used for self-treatment of Australian children with epilepsy varies considerablyVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol in patients with seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (GWPCARE4): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial | AUTHOR(S)Thiele EA. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-controlled Trial | P/N + | Add-on cannabidiol is efficacious for the treatment of patients with drop seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and is generally well tolerated. The long-term efficacy and safety of cannabidiol is currently being assessed in the open-label extension of this trial.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol for Treating Drug-Resistant Epilepsy in Children: The New South Wales Experience. | AUTHOR(S)Chen KA, Farrar M, Cardamone M, Gill D, Smith R, Cowell CT, Truong L, Lawson JA. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Open Label Cohort Study | P/N + | CBD effective in children with epilepsyVIEW STUDY |
TITLEEfficacy of Cannabinoids in Paediatric Epilepsy | AUTHOR(S)Ali S, Scheffer IE, Sadleir LG. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Randomised Controlled Trial | P/N + | CBD is similar effective as established antiepileptic drugsVIEW STUDY |
TITLEEfficacy of CBD-Enriched Medical Cannabis for Treatment of Refractory Epilepsy in Children and Adolescents - An Observational, Longitudinal Study | AUTHOR(S)Menascu S, Kramer U, Hausman-Kedem M | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN Observational Study | P/N + | A cannabis extract with THC and CBD reduced seizures in epilepsyVIEW STUDY |
TITLEOpen-Label use of Highly* Purified CBD (Epidiolex®) in Patients with CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder and Aicardi, Dup15q, and Doose Syndromes. | AUTHOR(S)Devinsky O, et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Open- Label Study | P/N + | CBD reduces seizures in several further childhood-onset epilepsy forms according to an open-label studyVIEW STUDY |
TITLESuccessful Use of Pure Cannabidiol for the Treatment of Super-Refractory Status Epilepticus. | AUTHOR(S)Rajaraman RR, Sankar R, Hussain SA. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Case Report | P/N + | CBD may be effective in refractory status epilepticus according to a case reportVIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomized, dose-ranging safety trial of cannabidiol in Dravet syndrome | AUTHOR(S)Devinsky O. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Randomised Controlled Trial | P/N + | Exposure to CBD and its metabolites increased proportionally with dose. An interaction with N-CLB was observed, likely related to CBD inhibition of cytochrome P450 subtype 2C19. CBD resulted in more AEs than placebo but was generally well-tolerated.VIEW STUDY |
TITLELong-Term Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Cannabidiol in Children with Refractory Epilepsy: Results from an Expanded Access Program in the US. | AUTHOR(S)Sands TT, Rahdari S, Oldham MS, Caminha Nunes E, Tilton N, Cilio MR. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Open-Label Study | P/N - | Over a 4-year period, cannabidiol was effective in 26.9% of children with otherwise refractory epilepsy. It was well tolerated in about 20% of patients, but 80.8% had adverse events, including 23.1% with serious adverse events. Decreased appetite and diarrhea were frequent along with weight loss that became evident only later in the treatment.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol improves frequency and severity of seizures and reduces adverse events in an open-label add-on prospective study. | AUTHOR(S)Szaflarski JP, Bebin EM, Cutter G, DeWolfe J, Dure LS, Gaston TE, Kankirawatana P, Liu Y, Singh R, Standaert DG, Thomas AE, Ver Hoef LW; UAB CBD Program. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Open-Label Study | P/N + | Large study with CBD in patients with epilepsy demonstrates good long-term safety of the medicationVIEW STUDY |
TITLETrial of Cannabidiol for Drug-Resistant Seizures in the Dravet Syndrome | AUTHOR(S)Devinsky O, Cross JH, Laux L, Marsh E, Miller I, Nabbout R, Scheffer IE, Thiele EA, Wright S; Cannabidiol in Dravet Syndrome Study Group. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Randomised Control Study | P/N + | Cannabidiol is effective against epilepsy in Dravet syndromeVIEW STUDY |
TITLEInteractions Between Cannabidiol and Commonly used Anti-epileptic Drugs | AUTHOR(S)Gaston TE, Bebin EM, Cutter GR, Liu Y, Szaflarski JP; UAB CBD Program | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Open-Label Study | P/N Results | Increases in topiramate, rufinamide, and N-desmethylclobazam and decrease in clobazam (all p < 0.01) serum levels were seen with increasing CBD dose. Increases in serum levels of zonisamide (p = 0.02) and eslicarbazepine (p = 0.04) with increasing CBD dose were seen in adults. Except for clobazam and desmethylclobazam, all noted mean level changes were within the accepted therapeutic range. Sedation was more frequent with higher N-desmethylclobazam levels in adults (p = 0.02), and AST/ALT levels were significantly higher in participants taking concomitant valproate (p < 0.01).VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe Use of Cannabidiol for Seizure Management in Patients with Brain Tumor-Related Epilepsy | AUTHOR(S)Warren PP, Bebin EM, Nabors LB, Szaflarski JP | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Pilot Study | P/N + | Of the three patients with refractory seizures and a history of a primary brain tumor, two had improvement in seizure frequency and all three had improvement in seizure severity.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEReport from a Survey of Parents Regarding the Use of Cannabidiol (Medicinal cannabis) in Mexican Children with Refractory Epilepsy | AUTHOR(S)Aguirre-Velázquez CG | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN Online Survey | P/N + | CBD-rich cannabis reduced seizures in children with epilepsy according to a surveyVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol as a New Treatment for Drug-Resistant Epilepsy in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. | AUTHOR(S)Hess EJ, Moody KA, Geffrey AL, Pollack SF, Skirvin LA, Bruno PL, Paolini JL, Thiele EA. | YEAR2016 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Expanded-Access Study | P/N + | Cannabidiol (CBD) was shown to be effective in the treatment of epilepsy due to Tuberous sclerosis complexVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Febrile Infection-Related Epilepsy Syndrome (FIRES) in the Acute and Chronic Phases. | AUTHOR(S)Gofshteyn JS, Wilfong A, Devinsky O, Bluvstein J, Charuta J, Ciliberto MA, Laux L, Marsh ED. | YEAR2016 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Open-Label Case Study | P/N + | Cannabidiol is effective in febrile infection-related epilepsy syndrome in a case seriesVIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana use in Adults Admitted to a Canadian Epilepsy Monitoring Unit. | AUTHOR(S)Massot-Tarrús A, McLachlan RS. | YEAR2016 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN Cohort Study | P/N + | Improvement in seizures, stress was decreased, sleep improved and memory/concentration was betterVIEW STUDY |
TITLECBD-enriched medical cannabis for intractable pediatric epilepsy: The current Israeli experience. | AUTHOR(S)Tzadok M, Uliel-Siboni S, Linder I, Kramer U, Epstein O, Menascu S, Nissenkorn A, Yosef OB, Hyman E, Granot D, Dor M, Lerman-Sagie T, Ben-Zeev B. | YEAR2016 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Retrospective Study | P/N + | Improvement in behaviour and alertness, language, communication, motor skills and sleepVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol in patients with treatment-resistant epilepsy: an open-label interventional trial. | AUTHOR(S)Devinsky O, Marsh E, Friedman D, Thiele E, Laux L, Sullivan J, Miller I, Flamini R, Wilfong A, Filloux F, Wong M, Tilton N, Bruno P, Bluvstein J, Hedlund J, Kamens R, Maclean J, Nangia S, Singhal NS, Wilson CA, Patel A, Cilio MR. | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Open-Label Interventional Trial | P/N + | Cannabidiol reduces seizure frequency in epilepsy of children and young adultsVIEW STUDY |
TITLEParental Reporting of Response to Oral Cannabis Extracts for Treatment of Refractory Epilepsy | AUTHOR(S)Press CA, Knupp KG, Chapman KE | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN Retrospective Study | P/N + | About one third of children suffering from different forms of epilepsy experienced a more than 50 % reduction in seizures by the use of oral cannabis extracts.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis and Other Illicit Drug Use in Epilepsy Patients. | AUTHOR(S)Hamerle M, Ghaeni L, Kowski A, Weissinger F, Holtkamp M. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN Systematic Interviews | P/N + | The use of cannabis did not affect disease severity in epilepsy.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESeizure Exacerbation in Two Patients with Focal Epilepsy Following Marijuana Cessation. | AUTHOR(S)Hegde M, Santos-Sanchez C, Hess CP, Kabir AA, Garcia PA. | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN Review | P/N + | Patients with epilepsy were able to control their seizures by the use of cannabis.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana: An Effective Antiepileptic Treatment in Partial Epilepsy? A Case Report and Review of the Literature. | AUTHOR(S)Mortati K, Dworetzky B, Devinsky O. | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN Case Report & Review | P/N + | Significant improvement of epilepsy with the use of cannabis.VIEW STUDY |
TITLETreatment With CBD in Oily Solution of Drug-Resistant Paediatric Epilepsies. | AUTHOR(S)Pelliccia A, Grassi G, Romano A, Crocchialo P | YEAR2005 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Review | P/N + | Improvement of epilepsy without side effectsVIEW STUDY |
TITLEChronic Administration of Cannabidiol to Healthy Volunteers and Epileptic Patients. | AUTHOR(S)Cunha JM, Carlini EA, Pereira AE, Ramos OL, Pimentel C, Gagliardi R, Sanvito WL, Lander N, Mechoulam R | YEAR1980 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN Controlled Clinical Study | P/N + | 4 of the 8 CBD subjects remained almost free of convulsive crises and 3 other patients demonstrated partial improvementVIEW STUDY |
TITLEAnticonvulsant Nature of Marihuana Smoking. | AUTHOR(S)Consroe PF, Wood GC, Buchsbaum H | YEAR1975 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN Pilot Study | P/N + | Cannabis was able to control seizures in conjunction with phenobarbital and diphenylhydantoin.VIEW STUDY |
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Last modified at April 13, 2021 6:41 pm
Food / Antimicrobial
TITLEPreliminary data on the antimicrobial effect of Cannabis sativa L. variety Futura 75 against food-borne pathogens in vitro as well as against naturally occurring microbial populations on minced meat during storage | AUTHROR(S)Frédérique Pasquali, Marco Schinzari, Alex Lucchi, Mara Mandrioli, Tullia Gallina Toschi, Alessandra De Cesare, and Gerardo Manfreda | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNReview | P/N + | Enterobacteriaceae and coliforms were significantly reduced of 2.3 log CFU/g and 1.6 log CFU/g respectively in treated meat in comparison to the control. Although preliminary, the present study suggests the antimicrobial properties of the extract of Cannabis sativa both in vitro and in minced meat.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 13, 2021 7:03 pm
Gastrointestinal Disorder
TITLEAssociation Between Cannabis Use and Complications Related to Crohn's Disease: A Retrospective Cohort Study. | AUTHROR(S)Mbachi C, et al. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNRetrospective Cohort Study | P/N + | Cannabis may reduce complications of Crohn’s diseaseVIEW STUDY |
TITLEPalmitoylethanolamide and Cannabidiol Prevent Inflammation-induced Hyperpermeability of the Human Gut In Vitro and In Vivo-A Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Double-blind Controlled Trial. | AUTHROR(S)Couch DG, Cook H, Ortori C, Barrett D, Lund JN, O'Sullivan SE. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNRandomised, Placebo-controlled, Double-blind Controlled Trial | P/N + | CBD and palmitoylethanolamine may be helpful in inflammatory bowel diseaseVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis Oil Use by Adolescents and Young Adults With Inflammatory Bowel Disease. | AUTHROR(S)Hoffenberg EJ, McWilliams S, Mikulich-Gilbertson S, Murphy B, Hoffenberg A, Hopfer CJ. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNDescriptive Study | P/N + | Many young patients with irritable bowel syndrome use cannabis to treat symptomsVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis use disorders may protect against certain disorders of the digestive organs in people with schizophrenia but not in healthy controls. | AUTHROR(S)Olesen JA, Posselt CM, Poulsen CH, Nordentoft M, Hjorthøj C. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNRetrospective Cohort Study | P/N + | Cannabis use in patients with schizophrenia is associated with a reduced risk for inflammatory bowel diseaseVIEW STUDY |
TITLEHigher odds of irritable bowel syndrome among hospitalised patients using cannabis: a propensity-matched analysis. | AUTHROR(S)Adejumo AC, Ajayi TO, Adegbala OM, Bukong TN. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNPropensity-Matched Analysis | P/N Facts | Patients with irritable bowel syndrome are more likely to use cannabisVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoid Use in Patients With Gastroparesis and Related Disorders: Prevalence and Benefit. | AUTHROR(S)Jehangir A, Parkman HP. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNQuestionnaire | P/N + | A third of patients with Gp symptoms actively use cannabinoids for their chronic symptoms. Most of these patients perceive improvement in their symptoms with cannabinoids.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana Use Patterns Among Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. | AUTHROR(S)Ravikoff Allegretti J, Courtwright A, Lucci M, Korzenik JR, Levine J. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNProspective Cohort Survey | P/N + | Patients find cannabis very helpful for symptom control.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEKonikoff FM. Cannabis induces a clinical response in patients with Crohn's disease: a prospective placebo-controlled study | AUTHROR(S)Konikoff FM. Cannabis induces a clinical response in patients with Crohn's disease: a prospective placebo-controlled study | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNProspective Placebo-Controlled Study | P/N + | Cannabis produced significant clinical benefits in 10 of 11 patients with active Crohn’s disease.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEImpact of cannabis treatment on the quality of life, weight and clinical disease activity in inflammatory bowel disease patients: a pilot prospective study | AUTHROR(S)Lahat A, Lang A, Ben-Horin S | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNPilot Prospective Study | P/N + | Improvement in general health perception, social functioning, ability to work, physical pain and depression; weight gain; average rise in BMI; average Harvey-Bradshaw index was reducedVIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomised Pharmacodynamic and Pharmacogenetic Trial of Dronabinol Effects on Colon Transit in Irritable Bowel Syndrome-Diarrhea | AUTHROR(S)Wong BS, Camilleri M, Eckert D, Carlson P, Ryks M, Burton D, Zinsmeister AR | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomised Trial | P/N - | THC had no significant effects on gut transit.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis use Amongst Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. | AUTHROR(S)Lal S, Prasad N, Ryan M, Tangri S, Silverberg MS, Gordon A, Steinhart H. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNQuestionnaire | P/N + | Cannabis use is frequent in patients with chronic intestinal inflammationVIEW STUDY |
TITLETreatment of Crohn's Disease with Cannabis: an Observational Study. | AUTHROR(S)Naftali T, Lev LB, Yablekovitz D, Half E, Konikoff FM. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNObservational Study | P/N + | This is the first report of cannabis use in Crohn's disease in humans. The results indicate that cannabis may have a positive effect on disease activity, as reflected by reduction in disease activity index and in the need for other drugs and surgeryVIEW STUDY |
TITLEPharmacogenetic Trial of a Cannabinoid Agonist Shows Reduced Fasting Colonic Motility in Patients with Non-Constipated Irritable Bowel Syndrome. | AUTHROR(S)Wong BS, Camilleri M, Busciglio I, Carlson P, Szarka LA, Burton D, Zinsmeister AR. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomised Controlled Trial | P/N + | Dronabinol reduces fasting motility of the colon in IBS patients with diarrhoeaVIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 4:52 pm
TITLEDronabinol and retinal hemodynamics in humans. | AUTHROR(S)Plange N, Arend KO, Kaup M, Doehmen B, Adams H, Hendricks S, Cordes A, Huth J, Sponsel WE, Remky A. | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | THC reduced intraoculat pressure and improved blood circulation in the retina.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of Sublingual Application of Cannabinoids on Intraocular Pressure: A Pilot Study. | AUTHROR(S)Tomida I, Azuara-Blanco A, House H, Flint M, Pertwee RG, Robson PJ. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC;Cannabidiol | P/N + | Significant reduction of intraocular pressureVIEW STUDY |
TITLEClinical relevance of cannabis tolerance and dependence. | AUTHROR(S)Jones RT, Benowitz NL, Herning RI. | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Clinical significance of dependence is difficult to assess since drug-seeking behavior has many determinants. Cannabis-induced super sensitivity should be considered wherever chronic drug administration is anticipated in conditions like epilepsy, glaucoma or chronic pain. Cannabis pharmacology suggests ways of minimizing tolerance and dependence problems.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPhysiologic observations in a controlled clinical trial of the antiemetic effectiveness of 5, 10, and 15 mg of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol in cancer chemotherapy. Ophthalmologic implications. | AUTHROR(S)Levitt M, Wilson A, Bowman D, Kemel S, Krepart G, Marks V, Schipper H, Thomson G, Weinerman B, Weinerman R | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Patients were remarkably free of adverse physiologic effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLETopical delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol and aqueous dynamics in glaucoma. | AUTHROR(S)Merritt JC, Perry DD, Russell DN, Jones BF | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N - | Topical THC in light mineral oil vehicles, though effective in laboratory animals, was not shown effective in 0.05 and 0.1% topical solutions when administered to six subjects with primary open-angle glaucoma in a randomized, balanced, double-masked protocolVIEW STUDY |
TITLEPhysiologic observations in a controlled clinical trial of the antiemetic effectiveness of 5, 10, and 15 mg of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol in cancer chemotherapy. Ophthalmologic implications. | AUTHROR(S)Levitt M, Wilson A, Bowman D, Kemel S, Krepart G, Marks V, Schipper H, Thomson G, Weinerman B, Weinerman R | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Patients were remarkably free of adverse physiologic effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of marihuana on intraocular and blood pressure in glaucoma. | AUTHROR(S)Merritt JC, Crawford WJ, Alexander PC, Anduze AL, Gelbart SS | YEAR1980 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Marihuana inhalation decreased intraocular and blood pressure.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffects of tetrahydrocannabinol on arterial and intraocular hypertension. | AUTHROR(S)Crawford WJ, Merritt JC | YEAR1979 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | These findings suggest that the positive chronotropic response to THC tends to maintain cardiac output which limits further decreases in blood pressure and the capillary filtration of aqueous humor decreases or the reabsorption of aqueous humor increases because of the systemic hypotensive effect attending THC inhalation.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on intraocular pressure in humans. | AUTHROR(S)Cooler P, Gregg JM | YEAR1977 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | reduction in intraocular pressureVIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana smoking and reduced pressure in human eyes: drug action or epiphenomenon? | AUTHROR(S)Flom MC, Adams AJ, Jones RT | YEAR1975 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Analysis suggests an indirect effect of the drug associated with relaxation-a psychophysiologic state that can be produced by drug and nondrug means.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarihuana smoking and intraocular pressure. | AUTHROR(S)Hepler RS, Frank IR | YEAR1971 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | 9 of 11 had drop in intraocular pressure of 16-45%VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 4:56 pm
TITLEAssociation of Cannabis, Stimulant, and Alcohol use with Mortality Prognosis Among HIV-Infected Men | AUTHROR(S)Adams, Joëlla W. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Our findings show no evidence of a negative effect of cannabis use on mortality risk, while stimulant use was associated with increased mortality risk among HIV-infected men. Interventions to reduce stimulant use in this patient population may reduce mortality.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDaily cannabis and reduced risk of steatosis in human immunodeficiency virus and hepatitis C virus-co-infected patients | AUTHROR(S)Nordmann S et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Daily cannabis use may protect the liver in people with HIV and hepatitis CVIEW STUDY |
TITLEHIV-infected cannabis users have lower circulating CD16+ monocytes and IFN-γ-inducible protein 10 levels compared with nonusing HIV patients | AUTHROR(S)Rizzo MD et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Components of cannabis, including THC, may decelerate peripheral monocyte processes that are implicated in HIV-associated neuroinflammation.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEHeavy Cannabis Use Associated With Reduction in Activated and Inflammatory Immune Cell Frequencies in Antiretroviral Therapy-Treated Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Individuals | AUTHROR(S)Manuzak JA et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | While the clinical implications are unclear, our findings suggest that cannabis use is associated with a potentially beneficial reduction in systemic inflammation and immune activation in the context of antiretroviral-treated HIV infectionVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis Use is Associated with Lower Odds of Prescription Opioid Analgesic Use Among HIV-Infected Individuals with Chronic Pain | AUTHROR(S)Sohler NL, Starrels JL, Khalid L, Bachhuber MA, Arnsten JH, Nahvi S, Jost J, Cunningham CO | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Medical cannabis legislation might reduce the need for opioid analgesics for pain managementVIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana Use Impacts Midlife Cardiovascular Events in HIV-Infected Men | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N - | Heavy marijuana use is a risk factor for CV disease in HIV-infected men ages 40-60, independent of tobacco smoking and traditional risk factors.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEHigh-intensity cannabis use associated with lower plasma human immunodeficiency virus-1 RNA viral load among recently infected people who use injection drugs. | AUTHROR(S)Milloy MJ, Marshall B, Kerr T, Richardson L, Hogg R, Guillemi S, Montaner JS, Wood E. | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Our findings support the further investigation of the immunomodulatory or anti-viral effects of cannabinoids among individuals living with HIV/AIDS.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana smoking does not accelerate progression of liver disease in HIV-hepatitis C coinfection: a longitudinal cohort analysis. | AUTHROR(S)Brunet L, Moodie EE, Rollet K, Cooper C, Walmsley S, Potter M, Klein MB; Canadian Co-infection Cohort Investigators. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Neutral Positive | In this prospective analysis we found no evidence for an association between marijuana smoking and significant liver fibrosis progression in HIV/HCV coinfection. A slight increase in the hazard of cirrhosis and ESLD with higher intensity of marijuana smoking was attenuated after lagging marijuana exposure, suggesting that reverse causation due to self-medication could explain previous results.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana smoking does not accelerate progression of liver disease in HIV-hepatitis C coinfection: a longitudinal cohort analysis | AUTHROR(S)Brunet L. et al. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Neutral Positive | In this prospective analysis we found no evidence for an association between marijuana smoking and significant liver fibrosis progression in HIV/HCV coinfection. A slight increase in the hazard of cirrhosis and ESLD with higher intensity of marijuana smoking was attenuated after lagging marijuana exposure, suggesting that reverse causation due to self-medication could explain previous results.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA pilot study of the effects of cannabis on appetite hormones in HIV-infected adult men | AUTHROR(S)Riggs PK, Vaida F, Rossi SS, Sorkin LS, Gouaux B, Grant I, Ellis RJ | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Compared to placebo, cannabis administration was associated with significant increases in plasma levels of ghrelin and leptin, and decreases in PYY, but did not significantly influence insulin levels.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA pilot study of the effects of cannabis on appetite hormones in HIV-infected adult men. | AUTHROR(S)Riggs PK, Vaida F, Rossi SS, Sorkin LS, Gouaux B, Grant I, Ellis RJ. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | ||
TITLEEfficacy and tolerability of high-dose dronabinol maintenance in HIV-positive marijuana smokers: a controlled laboratory study. | AUTHROR(S)Bedi G, Foltin RW, Gunderson EW, Rabkin J, Hart CL, Comer SD, Vosburg SK, Haney M. | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | In HIV-positive marijuana smokers, high dronabinol doses safely and effectively increased caloric intake. However, repeated high-dose dronabinol appeared to result in selective tolerance to these effects. These findings indicate that HIV-positive individuals who smoke marijuana may require higher dronabinol doses than are recommended by the FDA.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESmoked medicinal cannabis for neuropathic pain in HIV: a randomized, crossover clinical trial. | AUTHROR(S)Ellis RJ, Toperoff W, Vaida F, van den Brande G, Gonzales J, Gouaux B, Bentley H, Atkinson JH. | YEAR2009 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Our findings suggest that cannabinoid therapy may be an effective option for pain relief in patients with medically intractable pain due to HIV-associated DSPN. As with all analgesics, dose limiting side effects should be carefully monitored, particularly during the initial trials of therapyVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis in painful HIV-associated sensory neuropathy: A randomized placebo-controlled trial. | AUTHROR(S)Abrams DI, Jay CA, Shade SB, Vizoso H, Reda H, Press S, Kelly ME, Rowbotham MC, Petersen KL. | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Smoked cannabis was well tolerated and effectively relieved chronic neuropathic pain from HIV-associated sensory neuropathy.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol and marijuana in HIV-positive marijuana smokers: caloric intake, mood, and sleep. | AUTHROR(S)Haney M, Gunderson EW, Rabkin J, Hart CL, Vosburg SK, Comer SD, Foltin RW | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | P/N + | THC and cannabis caused an increase in caloric intake and weightVIEW STUDY |
TITLESmoked cannabis therapy for HIV-related painful peripheral neuropathy: results of a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. | AUTHROR(S)Abrams DI, Jay CA, Vizoso H, Shade SB, Reda H, Press S, Kelly ME, Rowbotham M, Petersen K | YEAR2005 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Smoked marijuana is effective in reducing chronic ongoing neuropathic pain as well as acute pain in the experimental pain model. The magnitude of the response of the neuropathic pain is similar to what is seen with gabapentin, a widely used therapeutic intervention for HIV neuropathyVIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe effects of smoked cannabis in painful peripheral neuropathy and cancer pain refractory to opiods. | AUTHROR(S)Abrams DI, Jay Ch, Petersen K, Shade S, Vizoso H, Reda H, Benowitz N, Rowbotham M. | YEAR2003 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | With increased use of medical cannabis as pharmacotherapy for pain comes a need for comprehensive risk-benefit discussions that take into account cannabis' significant possible side effects. As cannabis use increases in the context of medical and recreational cannabis policies, additional research to support or refute the current evidence base is essential to attempt to answer the questions that so many healthcare professionals and patients are asking.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEShort-term effects of cannabinoids in patients with HIV-1 infection: a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. | AUTHROR(S)Abrams DI, Hilton JF, Leiser RJ, Shade SB, Elbeik TA, Aweeka FT, Benowitz NL, Bredt BM, Kosel B, Aberg JA, Deeks SG, Mitchell TF, Mulligan K, Bacchetti P, McCune JM, Schambelan M | YEAR2003 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Smoked and oral cannabinoids did not seem to be unsafe in people with HIV infection with respect to HIV RNA levels, CD4+ and CD8+ cell counts, or protease inhibitor levels over a 21-day treatment.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDifferential Effects of Medical Marijuana Based on Strain and Route of Administration: A Three-Year Observational Study | AUTHROR(S)Corral VL | YEAR2001 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Results demonstrated that in the case of nausea and spasm, symptom expressions are definitely affected by various methods of can-nabis administrationVIEW STUDY |
TITLELong-term efficacy and safety of dronabinol for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-associated anorexia. | AUTHROR(S)Beal JE, Olson R, Lefkowitz L, Laubenstein L, Bellman P, Yangco B, Morales JO, Murphy R, Powderly W, Plasse TF, Mosdell KW, Shepard KV | YEAR1997 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | In conclusion, this 12-month,follow-up stud}," demonstrates that dronabinol, when used in accordance with current labeling, is safe and effective for long-term use for the treatment of anorexia associated with weight loss in patients with MDS.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe safety and pharmacokinetics of single-agent and combination therapy with megestrol acetate and dronabinol for the treatment of HIV wasting syndrome. The DATRI 004 Study Group. Division of AIDS Treatment Research Initiative. | AUTHROR(S)Timpone JG, Wright DJ, Li N, Egorin MJ, Enama ME, Mayers J, Galetto G | YEAR1997 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNRandomized controlled trial | P/N - | For megestrol acetate, but not dronabinol, there was a positive correlation at week 2 between both Cmax and AUC with each of the following: VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of dronabinol on nutritional status in HIV infection. | AUTHROR(S)Struwe M, Kaempfer SH, Geiger CJ, Pavia AT, Plasse TF, Shepard KV, Ries K, Evans TG. | YEAR1993 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Trends toward weight gain, improved appetite, decreased symptom stressVIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol effects on weight in patients with HIV infection. | AUTHROR(S)Gorter R, Seefried M, Volberding P | YEAR1992 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | During dronabinol treatment, subjects experienced increased percent body fat (one percent, p = 0.04); decreased symptom distress (p = 0.04); and trends toward weight gain VIEW STUDY |
TITLERecent clinical experience with dronabinol. | AUTHROR(S)Plasse TF, Gorter RW, Krasnow SH, Lane M, Shepard KV, Wadleigh RG | YEAR1991 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Dronabinol improved appetite in both cancer and HIV patients.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 12:50 pm
Huntington's Disease
Cannabinoids for Treatment of Dystonia in Huntington's Disease | AUTHROR(S)Saft C, von Hein SM, Lücke T, Thiels C, Peball M, Djamshidian A, Heim B3, Seppi K | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | P/N + | Improvement of motor symptoms, mainly dystonia, led to several relevant improvements from a global clinical perspective such as improvement of care, gait and fine motor skills and weight gain. Moreover, we observed changes in behavior with less irritability and apathy, as well as less hypersalivation in some cases.VIEW STUDY |
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Last modified at April 17, 2021 12:59 pm
Immune System
TITLEImmune Responses regulated by Cannabidiol | AUTHROR(S)James M. Nichols, Barbara L.F. Kaplan | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN | P/N + | Overall, the data overwhelmingly support the notion that CBD is immune suppressive and that the mechanisms involve direct suppression of activation of various immune cell types, induction of apoptosis, and promotion of regulatory cells, which, in turn, control other immune cell targets.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 12:22 pm
Inflammation / Rheumatoid Arthritis
TITLECannabidiol (CBD): a killer for inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts | AUTHROR(S)Torsten Lowin,corresponding author Ren Tingting, Julia Zurmahr,Tim Classen, Matthias Schneider, and Georg Pongratz | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNCohort Study | P/N + | Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-intoxicating phytocannabinoid from cannabis sativa that has demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects in several inflammatory conditions including arthritis. However, CBD binds to several receptors and enzymes and, therefore, its mode of action remains elusive.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA cautious hope for cannabidiol (CBD) in rheumatology care | AUTHOR(S)Mary-Ann Fitzcharles , Daniel J Clauw , Winfried Hauser | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNReview | P/N + | Preclinical effects on pain and inflammation is encouraging, but clinical study is lacking with only a single study in knee osteoarthritis reporting promising effect on symptoms.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol: A Brief Review of Its Therapeutic and Pharmacologic Efficacy in the Management of Joint Disease | AUTHOR(S)Charles A Gusho , Tannor Court | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNReview | P/N + | This review highlights the extent of the current research on CBD and its biochemical and pharmacologic efficacy in the treatment of joint disease, aVIEW STUDY |
TITLEPatterns of medicinal cannabis use, strain analysis, and substitution effect among patients with migraine, headache, arthritis, and chronic pain in a medicinal cannabis cohort. | AUTHOR(S)Baron EP, Lucas P, Eades J, Hogue O | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNCohort Study | P/N + | Chronic pain was the most common reason for cannabis use, consistent with most registries. The majority of headache patients treating with cannabis were positive for migraine. Hybrid strains were preferred in ID Migraine™, headache, and most pain groups,VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 12:52 pm
Inflammation / Obesity
TITLEThe Atypical Cannabinoid Abn-CBD Reduces Inflammation and Protects Liver, Pancreas, and Adipose Tissue in a Mouse Model of Prediabetes and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease | AUTHROR(S)Silvana Y. Romero-Zerbo, María García-Fernández, Vanesa Espinosa-Jiménez, Macarena Pozo-Morales, Alejandro Escamilla-Sánchez, Lourdes Sánchez-Salido, Estrella Lara, Nadia Cobo-Vuilleumier, Alex Rafacho, Gabriel Olveira, Gemma Rojo-Martínez, Benoit R. Gauthier, Isabel González-Mariscal, Francisco J. Bermúdez-Silva | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | These results suggest that Abn-CBD exerts beneficial immunomodulatory actions in the liver, pancreas and adipose tissue of DIO prediabetic mice with NAFLD, thus protecting tissues. Therefore, Abn-CBD and related compounds could represent novel pharmacological strategies for managing obesity-related metabolic disorders.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 4:58 pm
TITLEInvestigating the Relationships Between Alcohol Consumption, Cannabis Use, and Circulating Cytokines: A Preliminary Analysis | AUTHROR(S)Karoly HC, Bidwell LC, Mueller RL, Hutchison KE. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | These preliminary findings suggest that cannabinoid compounds may serve to mitigate inflammation associated with alcohol use. In addition, the present results provide data to inform future investigations, with the goal of ultimately leveraging knowledge of the role of inflammation in AUDs to develop more effective treatments focused on novel immune targets.VIEW STUDY | ||
TITLEModulation of Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Signaling by Medicinal Cannabinoids | AUTHROR(S)Utomo WK, et al. | YEAR2017 | P/N Positive with caution | While these data provide a powerful mechanistic rationale for the clinical use of medical marijuana in inflammatory and oncological disease, caution may be advised with sustained use of such preparations.VIEW STUDY | |||
TITLEKonikoff FM. Cannabis induces a clinical response in patients with Crohn's disease: a prospective placebo-controlled study | AUTHROR(S)Naftali T, Bar-Lev Schleider L, Dotan I, Lansky EP, Sklerovsky Benjaminov F, Konikoff FM | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Although the primary end point of the study (induction of remission) was not achieved, a short course (8 weeks) of THC-rich cannabis produced significant clinical, steroid-free benefits to 10 of 11 patients with active Crohn's disease, compared with placebo, without side effects. Further studies, with larger patient groups and a nonsmoking mode of intake, are warranted.VIEW STUDY | ||
Marijuana Use TITLEPatterns Among Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. | AUTHROR(S)Ravikoff Allegretti J, Courtwright A, Lucci M, Korzenik JR, Levine J. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | A significant number of patients with IBD currently use marijuana. Most patients find it very helpful for symptom control, including patients with ulcerative colitis, who are currently excluded from medical marijuana laws. Clinical trials are needed to determine marijuana's potential as an IBD therapy and to guide prescribing decisions.VIEW STUDY | ||
TITLEImpact of cannabis treatment on the quality of life, weight and clinical disease activity in inflammatory bowel disease patients: a pilot prospective study | AUTHROR(S)Lahat A, Lang A, Ben-Horin S | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Three months' treatment with inhaled cannabis improves quality of life measurements, disease activity index, and causes weight gain and rise in BMI in long-standing IBD patients.VIEW STUDY | ||
TITLECannabis use amongst patients with inflammatory bowel disease. | AUTHROR(S)Lal S, Prasad N, Ryan M, Tangri S, Silverberg MS, Gordon A, Steinhart H. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Cannabis use is common amongst patients with IBD for symptom relief, particularly amongst those with a history of abdominal surgery, chronic abdominal pain and/or a low quality of life index. The therapeutic benefits of cannabinoid derivatives in IBD may warrant further exploration.VIEW STUDY | ||
TITLEImpact of cannabis treatment on the quality of life, weight and clinical disease activity in inflammatory bowel disease patients: a pilot prospective study. | AUTHROR(S)Lahat A, Lang A, Ben-Horin S. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Three months' treatment with inhaled cannabis improves quality of life measurements, disease activity index, and causes weight gain and rise in BMI in long-standing IBD patients.VIEW STUDY | ||
TITLETreatment of Crohn's disease with cannabis: an observational study. | AUTHROR(S)Naftali T, Lev LB, Yablekovitz D, Half E, Konikoff FM. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | This is the first report of cannabis use in Crohn's disease in humans. The results indicate that cannabis may have a positive effect on disease activity, as reflected by reduction in disease activity index and in the need for other drugs and surgery. Prospective placebo-controlled studies are warranted to fully evaluate the efficacy and side effects of cannabis in CD.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at March 15, 2021 8:39 pm
Memory (cerebral blood flow)
TITLEThe effects of acute cannabidiol on cerebral blood flow and its relationship to memory: An arterial spin labelling magnetic resonance imaging study | AUTHROR(S)Michael A P Bloomfield, Sebastian F Green, Chandni Hindocha, Yumeya Yamamori, Jocelyn Lok Ling Yim, Augustus P M Jones, Hannah R Walker, Pawel Tokarczuk, Ben Statton, Oliver D Howes, H Valerie Curran, Tom P Freeman | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | These findings suggest that CBD increases CBF to key regions involved in memory processing, particularly the hippocampus. These results identify potential mechanisms of CBD for a range of conditions associated with altered memory processing, including Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder and cannabis-use disorders.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 12:02 pm
Migraines / Headache
TITLEPatterns of medicinal cannabis use, strain analysis, and substitution effect among patients with migraine, headache, arthritis, and chronic pain in a medicinal cannabis cohort. | AUTHOR(S)Baron EP, Lucas P, Eades J, Hogue O | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNCohort Study | P/N + | Chronic pain was the most common reason for cannabis use, consistent with most registries. The majority of headache patients treating with cannabis were positive for migraine. Hybrid strains were preferred in ID Migraine™, headache, and most pain groups,VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoids as effective as pharmaceutical treatments for migraine attacks | AUTHOR(S)Gary Scattergood | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Other Cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N + | Cannabinoids as effective as pharmaceutical treatments for migraine attacksVIEW STUDY |
TITLEUse of cannabis among 139 cluster headache sufferers. | AUTHROR(S)Leroux E, Taifas I, Valade D, Donnet A, Chagnon M, Ducros A. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N - | Cannabis use is very frequent in CH patients, but its efficacy for the treatment of the attacks is limited. Less than one third of self-reported users mention a relief of their attacks following inhalation. Cannabis should not be recommended for CH unless controlled trials with synthetic selective cannabinoids show a more convincing therapeutic benefit.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECluster attacks responsive to recreational cannabis and dronabinol. | AUTHROR(S)Robbins MS, Tarshish S, Solomon S, Grosberg BM. | YEAR2009 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | We present a patient with cluster headache who was refractory to multiple acute and preventive medications but successfully aborted his attacks with recreational marijuana use; subsequent use of dronabinol provided equally effective pain relief.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 5:15 pm
Multiple Sclerosis
TITLEMultiple Sclerosis and Use of Medical Cannabis: A Retrospective Review Evaluating Symptom Outcomes | AUTHOR(S)McCormack K. et al. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Patients with multiple sclerosis who initiated medical cannabis treatment experienced improved symptomology with good tolerability and were able to decrease or altogether discontinue opioids, stimulants and benzodiazepines. Further controlled studies are needed to confirm and clarify these results.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of tetrahydrocannabinol:cannabidiol oromucosal spray on activities of daily living in multiple sclerosis patients with resistant spasticity: a retrospective, observational study. | AUTHOR(S)Mallada Frechín J. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N + | In this pilot study, THC:CBD oromucosal spray maintained or improved aspects of daily functioning. Further study in a larger trial is warranted.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESativex® as Add-on therapy Vs. further optimized first-line ANTispastics (SAVANT) in resistant multiple sclerosis spasticity: a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomised clinical trial. | AUTHOR(S)Markovà J, Essner U, Akmaz B, Marinelli M, Trompke C, Lentschat A, Silván CV | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N + | Add-on THC:CBD oromucosal spray provided better and clinically relevant improvement of resistant MS spasticity compared with adjusting first-line antispasticity medication alone.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEExploring cannabis use by patients with multiple sclerosis in a state where cannabis is legal. | AUTHOR(S)Weinkle L, Domen CH, Shelton I, Sillau S, Nair K, Alvarez E. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N Facts | As cannabis legalization has impacted the variety of cannabis products available, there appears to be growing numbers of PwMS using cannabis, with this study's CUs reporting use of highly efficacious products with minimal side-effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLETHC/CBD oromucosal spray in patients with multiple sclerosis overactive bladder: a pilot prospective study | AUTHOR(S)Maniscalco GT et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N + | THC/CBD oromucosal spray has shown to be effective in improving overactive bladder symptoms in MS patients demonstrating a favorable impact on detrusor overactivity.VIEW STUDY |
TITLETetrahydrocannabinol/Cannabidiol Oromucosal Spray in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Study on the Plasma Concentration-Effect Relationship. | AUTHOR(S)Contin M, Mancinelli L, Perrone A, Sabattini L, Mohamed S, Scandellari C, Foschi M, Vacchiano V, Lugaresi A, Riva R. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC;Cannabidiol | DESIGN | P/N + | Our kinetic dynamic findings from THC/CBD oromucosal spray are the first obtained in real MS patients. Although preliminary, they suggest that subacute dosing might elicit a subjective clinically significant effect on MS-related spasticity, paralleling cannabinoids measurable plasma concentrations.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis and cognitive functioning in multiple sclerosis: The role of gender | AUTHOR(S)Patel VP, Feinstein A | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N - | Males with MS may be particularly vulnerable to the cognitive side effects of smoked cannabis use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol Is a Safe Long-Term Treatment Option for Neuropathic Pain Patients | AUTHOR(S)Schimrigk S et al. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N + | Overall, this trial demonstrated the long-lasting therapeutic potential, the good tolerability and favourable safety profile of dronabinol – especially in terms of drug abuse and dependency. Based on the presented results, there is no special focus on the harm caused by dronabinol treatment. Although the statistical proof of efficacy for dronabinol versus placebo treatment is pending, physicians should consider the potential benefits of the multifactorial effects of dronabinol.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffects on Spasticity and Neuropathic Pain of an Oral Formulation of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in Patients With Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. Effects on Spasticity and Neuropathic Pain of an Oral Formulation of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in Patients With Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)van Amerongen G, Kanhai K, Baakman AC, Heuberger J, Klaassen E, Beumer TL, Strijers RL, Killestein J, van Gerven J, Cohen A, Groeneveld GJ | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | This study specifically underlines the added value of thorough investigation of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic associations in the target population. Despite the complex interplay of psychoactive effects and analgesia, the current oral formulation of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol may play a role in the treatment of spasticity and pain associated with MS because it was well tolerated and had a stable pharmacokinetic profile.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEvaluating Sativex® in Neuropathic Pain Management: A Clinical and Neurophysiological Assessment in Multiple Sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)Russo M, Naro A, Leo A, Sessa E, D'Aleo G, Bramanti P, Calabrò RS. | YEAR2016 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N + | Our data suggest that Sativex may be effective in improving MS-related neuropathic pain, maybe through its action on specific cortical pathways.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe effect of cannabinoids on the stretch reflex in multiple sclerosis spasticity. | AUTHOR(S)Marinelli L, Mori L, Canneva S, Colombano F, Currà A, Fattapposta F, Bandini F, Capello E, Abbruzzese G, Trompetto C. | YEAR2016 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | The present study confirms the efficacy of cannabinoids in reducing spasticity in patients with MS, suggesting a higher sensitivity and specificity of the stretch reflex compared with other measures. As an objective and quantitative measure of spasticity, the stretch reflex is particularly useful to assess the effects of cannabinoids on spinal excitability and may play a role in future pharmacological studies.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEClinical experience with THC:CBD oromucosal spray in patients with multiple sclerosis-related spasticity. | AUTHOR(S)Koehler J, Feneberg W, Meier M, Pöllmann W. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | THC:CBD spray was effective and well tolerated as add-on therapy or as monotherapy in a relevant proportion of patients with resistant MS spasticity.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEClinical experiences with cannabinoids in spasticity management in multiple sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)Lorente Fernández L, Monte Boquet E, Pérez-Miralles F, Gil Gómez I, Escutia Roig M, Boscá Blasco I, Poveda Andrés JL, Casanova-Estruch B. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | THC/CBD appears to be a good alternative to standard treatment as it improves refractory spasticity in MS and has an acceptable toxicity profile.VIEW STUDY |
TITLELong-term effectiveness and safety of nabiximols (tetrahydrocannabinol/cannabidiol oromucosal spray) in clinical practice. | AUTHOR(S)Flachenecker P, Henze T, Zettl UK. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Real-life data confirm the long-term effectiveness and tolerability of nabiximols for the treatment of resistant MSS in everyday clinical practice.VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabiximols (THC/CBD oromucosal spray, Sativex®) in clinical practice--results of a multicenter, non-interventional study (MOVE 2) in patients with multiple sclerosis spasticity. | AUTHOR(S)Flachenecker P, Henze T, Zettl UK. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Real-life data confirm nabiximols as an effective and well-tolerated treatment option for resistant MSS in clinical practice.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA new multiple sclerosis spasticity treatment option: effect in everyday clinical practice and cost-effectiveness in Germany. | AUTHOR(S)Flachenecker P. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | The majority of patients (84%) reported no adverse events, and there was only a limited risk of serious adverse reactions.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study of THC/CBD oromucosal spray in combination with the existing treatment regimen, in the relief of central neuropathic pain in patients with multiple sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)Langford RM, Mares J, Novotna A, Vachova M, Novakova I, Notcutt W, Ratcliffe S | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | These findings demonstrate that, in a meaningful proportion of otherwise treatment-resistant patients, clinically important improvements in pain, sleep quality and SGIC of the severity of their condition are obtained with THC/CBD spray. THC/CBD spray was well tolerated and no new safety concerns were identified.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEndocannabinoid system modulator use in everyday clinical practice in the UK and Spain. | AUTHOR(S)Endocannabinoid system modulator use in everyday clinical practice in the UK and Spain. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Even after more than 2 years of use, no new safety/tolerability signals have emerged with Sativex, including no evidence of driving impairment and no relevant incidence of falls or other adverse events of concern, such as psychiatric or nervous system events. Sativex appears to be a well-tolerated and useful add-on therapy in patients who have not achieved an adequate response with traditional antispastic agentsVIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of dronabinol on progression in progressive multiple sclerosis (CUPID): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial. | AUTHOR(S)Zajicek J, Ball S, Wright D, Vickery J, Nunn A, Miller D, Cano MG, McManus D, Mallik S, Hobart J; on behalf of the CUPID investigator group. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N No effect | Our results show that dronabinol has no overall effect on the progression of multiple sclerosis in the progressive phase. The findings have implications for the design of future studies of progressive multiple sclerosis, because lower than expected progression rates might have affected our ability to detect clinical change.VIEW STUDY |
TITLETreatment failure of intrathecal baclofen and supra-additive effect of nabiximols in multiple sclerosis-related spasticity: a case report. | AUTHOR(S)Stroet A, Trampe N, Chan A. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Add-on nabiximols therapy may improve spasti-city not sufficiently controlled by GABA-ergic medication including ITB. Presumably owing to different mechanisms of action, low dosages of nabiximols may be sufficient in these casesVIEW STUDY |
TITLEMultiple Sclerosis and Extract of Cannabis: results of the MUSEC trial. | AUTHOR(S)Zajicek JP, Hobart JC, Slade A, Barnes D, Mattison PG; on behalf of the MUSEC Research Group. | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | The study met its primary objective to demonstrate the superiority of CE over placebo in the treatment of muscle stiffness in MS. This was supported by results for secondary efficacy variables. Adverse events in participants treated with CE were consistent with the known side effects of cannabinoids. No new safety concerns were observed.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESmoked cannabis for spasticity in multiple sclerosis: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. | AUTHOR(S)Corey-Bloom J, Wolfson T, Gamst A, Jin S, Marcotte TD, Bentley H, Gouaux B. | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N Positive with caution | Using an objective measure, we saw a beneficial effect of inhaled cannabis on spasticity among patients receiving insufficient relief from traditional treatments. Although generally well-tolerated, smoking cannabis had acute cognitive effects. Larger, long-term studies are needed to confirm our findings and determine whether lower doses can result in beneficial effects with less cognitive impact.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA questionnaire survey of patients and carers of patients prescribed Sativex as an unlicensed medicine. | AUTHOR(S)Notcutt WG. | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | In conclusion, this survey confirms the results of other surveys and extension studies in showing Sativex to be associated with maintenance of benefit to the quality of life of both patients with MS and their carers, in a chronic condition where progressive deterioration is the norm. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, enriched-design study of nabiximols* (Sativex(®) ), as add-on therapy, in subjects with refractory spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)Novotna A, Mares J, Ratcliffe S, Novakova I, Vachova M, Zapletalova O, Gasperini C, Pozzilli C, Cefaro L, Comi G, Rossi P, Ambler Z, Stelmasiak Z, Erdmann A, Montalban X, Klimek A, Davies P; the Sativex Spasticity Study Group. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N Follow up | The enriched study design provides a method of determining the efficacy and safety of nabiximols in a way that more closely reflects proposed clinical practice, by limiting exposure to those patients who are likely to benefit from it. Hence, the difference between active and placebo should be a reflection of efficacy and safety in the population intended for treatment.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study of Sativex, in subjects with symptoms of spasticity due to multiple sclerosis | AUTHOR(S)Collin C, Ehler E, Waberzinek G, Alsindi Z, Davies P, Powell K, Notcutt W, O'Leary C, Ratcliffe S, Nováková I, Zapletalova O, Piková J, Ambler Z | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | The 0-10 NRS and responder PP analyses demonstrated that Sativex treatment resulted in a significant reduction in treatment-resistant spasticity, in subjects with advanced MS and severe spasticity. The response observed within the first 4 weeks of treatment appears to be a useful aid to prediction of responder/non-responder status.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoid-induced effects on the nociceptive system: a neurophysiological study in patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)Conte A, Bettolo CM, Onesti E, Frasca V, Iacovelli E, Gilio F, Giacomelli E, Gabriele M, Aragona M, Tomassini V, Pantano P, Pozzilli C, Inghilleri M. | YEAR2009 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | The cannabinoid-induced changes in the RIII reflex threshold and area in patients with MS provide objective neurophysiological evidence that cannabinoids modulate the nociceptive system in patients with MS.VIEW STUDY |
TITLELack of effect of cannabis-based treatment on clinical and laboratory measures in multiple sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)Centonze D, Mori F, Koch G, Buttari F, AUTHROR(S)Codecà C, Rossi S, Cencioni MT, Bari M, Fiore S, Bernardi G, Battistini L, Maccarrone M. | YEAR2009 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N - | Sativex failed to affect spasticity and stretch reflex excitability. This compound also failed to affect the synthesis and the degradation of the endocannabinoid anandamide, as well as the expression of both CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors in various subpopulations of peripheral lymphocytes.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPsychopathological and cognitive effects of therapeutic cannabinoids in multiple sclerosis: a double-blind, placebo controlled, crossover study. | AUTHOR(S)Aragona M, Onesti E, Tomassini V, Conte A, Gupta S, Gilio F, Pantano P, Pozzilli C, Inghilleri M. | YEAR2009 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N Positive with caution | Cannabinoid treatment did not induce psychopathology and did not impair cognition in cannabis-naïve patients with MS. However, the positive correlation between blood levels of Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and psychopathological scores suggests that at dosages higher than those used in therapeutic settings, interpersonal sensitivity, aggressiveness, and paranoiac features might arise, although greater statistical power would be necessary to confirm this finding.VIEW STUDY |
TITLELack of effect of cannabis-based treatment on clinical and laboratory measures in multiple sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)Centonze D, Mori F, Koch G, Buttari F, Codecà C, Rossi S, Cencioni MT, Bari M, Fiore S, Bernardi G, Battistini L, Maccarrone M. | YEAR2009 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is involved in the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis (MS), and relief from pain and spasticity has been reported in MS patients self-medicating with marijuana. A cannabis-based medication containing Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol (Sativex®) has been approved in some countries for the treatment of MS-associated pain. VIEW STUDY |
TITLECurrent status of cannabis treatment of multiple sclerosis with an illustrative case presentation of a patient with MS, complex vocal tics, paroxysmal dystonia, and marijuana dependence treated with dronabinol. | AUTHOR(S)Deutsch SI, Rosse RB, Connor JM, Burket JA, Murphy ME, Fox FJ. | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | The patient reported a dramatic reduction of craving and illicit use; she did not experience the "high" on the prescribed medication. She also reported an improvement in the quality of her sleep with diminished awakenings during the night, decreased vocalizations, and the tension associated with their emission, decreased anxiety and a decreased frequency of paroxysmal dystonia.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis; adverse effects from an oromucosal spray. | AUTHOR(S)Scully C. | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N - | Although the white lesions observed were almost certainly burns, resolving or improving on discontinuation of use of the medication, the high alcohol concentration of the oromucosal cannabis spray raises concern in relation to chronic oral use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEOromucosal ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol/cannabidiol for neuropathic pain associated with multiple sclerosis: an uncontrolled, open-label, 2-year extension trial. | AUTHOR(S)Rog DJ, Nurmikko TJ, Young CA. | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | THC/CBD was effective, with no evidence of tolerance, in these select patients with CNP and MS who completed approximately 2 years of treatment (n = 28). Ninety-two percent of patients experienced an AE, the most common of which were dizziness and nausea. The majority of AEs were deemed to be of mild to moderate severity by the investigators.VIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomized controlled trial of cannabis-based medicine in spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis | AUTHOR(S)Collin C, Davies P, Mutiboko IK, Ratcliffe S, for the Sativex Spasticity in MS Study Group | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | We conclude that this CBM may represent a useful new agent for treatment of the symptomatic relief of spasticity in MS.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA randomised controlled study of Sativex® in patients with symptoms of spasticity due to multiple sclerosis | AUTHOR(S)Collin C, Ambler Z, Kent R, McCalla R. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | This review by recognizing the clinical effectiveness of Sativex in spasticity management, opened a new opportunity for many patients with spasticity resistant to common antispastic drugs.VIEW STUDY |
TITLELow dose treatment with the synthetic cannabinoid Nabilone significantly reduces spasticity-related pain : A double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over trial. | AUTHOR(S)Wissel J, Haydn T, Muller J, Brenneis C, Berger T, Poewe W, Schelosky LD. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | P/N + | central andperipheral neuropathic pain and spasticity-relatedpain often present a challenge to therapeutic op-tions. In selected patient groups with otherwiseuncontrollable spasticity-related pain, Nabiloneproved to be a worthwhile and safe addition to thetherapeutic armamentarium. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe effect of cannabis on urge incontinence in patients with multiple sclerosis: a multicentre, randomised placebo-controlled trial (CAMS-LUTS). | AUTHOR(S)Freeman RM, Adekanmi O, Waterfield MR, Waterfield AE, Wright D, Zajicek J. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | The findings are suggestive of a clinical effect of cannabis on incontinence episodes in patients with MS. This is in contrast to the negative finding of the CAMS study, where no difference was seen in the primary outcome of spasticity.VIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomised controlled study of cannabis-based medicine (Sativex®) in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis associated detrusor overactivity | AUTHOR(S)de Ridder D, Constantinescu CS,Fowler C, Kavia R, Sarantis N. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Our results show a beneficial effect in a double blind randomised placebo controlled trial of (Sativex®) on the symptoms of overactive bladder in multiple sclerosisVIEW STUDY |
TITLEA randomised controlled study of Sativex® in patients with symptoms of spasticity due to multiple sclerosis | AUTHOR(S)Collin C, Ambler Z, Kent R, McCalla R. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNRandomised Controlled Study | P/N + | No new safety concerns were identified with chronic Sativex treatment, and serious AEs were uncommon. There was no evidence of tolerance developing, and patients who remained in the study reported continued benefit.VIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomized, controlled trial of cannabis-based medicine in central pain in multiple sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)Rog DJ, Nurmikko TJ, Friede T, Young CA. | YEAR2005 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Cannabis-based medicine is effective in reducing pain and sleep disturbance in patients with multiple sclerosis related central neuropathic pain and is mostly well tolerated.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoid influence on cytokine profile in multiple sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)Katona S, Kaminski E, Sanders H, Zajicek J. | YEAR2005 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N No effect | We found no evidence for cannabinoid influence on serum levels of interferon (IFN)-gamma, interleukin (IL)-10, IL-12 or C-reactive protein as measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), in comparison to control valuesVIEW STUDY |
TITLEDoes the cannabinoid dronabinol reduce central pain in multiple sclerosis? Randomised double blind placebo controlled crossover trial | AUTHOR(S)Svendsen KB, Jensen TS, Bach FW | YEAR2004 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/NPositive with caution | Dronabinol has a modest but clinically relevant analgesic effect on central pain in patients with multiple sclerosis. Adverse events, including dizziness, were more frequent with dronabinol than with placebo during the first week of treatment.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAn open-label pilot study of cannabis-based extracts for bladder dysfunction in advanced multiple sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)Brady CM, DasGupta R, Dalton C, Wiseman OJ, Berkley KJ, Fowler CJ. | YEAR2004 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | In this open-label pilot study, treatment with cannabis-based medicinal extracts produced sustained improve-ments in urinary symptoms, in particular urinary urgencyand urge incontinence, with significant improvements insymptom-specific quality of life scores. Decreased urinaryoutput during treatment might account for part of theimprovements in frequency and nocturia. VIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomised controlled trial of cannabis based medicinal extracts (CBME) in central neuropathic pain due to multiple sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)Young CA, Rog DJ | YEAR2003 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Cannabis-based medicine is effective in reducing pain and sleep disturbance in patients with multiple sclerosis related central neuropathic pain and is mostly well tolerated.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAcute and chronic effects of cannabis based medicinal extract on refractory lower urinary tract dysfunction in patients with advanced multiple sclerosis – early results | AUTHOR(S)Brady CM, DasGupta R, Wiseman OJ, Berkley KJ, Fowler CJ | YEAR2001 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | There were few troublesome side effects, suggesting that cannabis-based medicinal extracts are a safe and effective treatment for urinary and other problems in patients with advanced MS.VIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomised controlled trial of cannabis based medicine (CBM, Stativex®) to treat detrusor overactivity in multiple sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)Kavia R, De Ridder D, Sarantis N, Constantinescu C, Fowler. | YEAR2000 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Our results show a beneficial effect in a double blind randomised placebo controlled trial of (Sativex®) on the symptoms of overactive bladder in multiple sclerosisVIEW STUDY |
TITLEAnalgesic effect of the cannabinoid analogue nabilone is not mediated by opioid receptors. | AUTHOR(S)Hamann W, di Vadi PP. | YEAR1999 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | Facts | These findings have led to the hypothesis that cannabinoid analgesia is mediated through a μ opiate receptor pathway. VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)Martyn CN, Illis LS, Thom J | YEAR1995 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | P/N + | Use of 9-delta-tetrahydrocannabinol is likely to be limited by its prominent psychoactive properties, but our experience with this patient suggests that synthetic cannabinoids might be of value in the treatment of spasticity and that a randomised controlled trial that included objective measurement of muscle tone would be worthwhile.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEShort-term effects of smoking marijuana on balance in patients with multiple sclerosis and normal volunteers | AUTHOR(S)Greenberg HS, Werness SAS, Pugh JE, Andrus RO, Anderson DJ, Domino EF | YEAR1994 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N - | Therefore the hypothesis that initiated this research was not confirmed. The subclinical posturographic changes observed in ambulatory patients with MS under the influence of marijuana lessen their ability to react to their environment. Obviously, marijuana should not be used in a spastic ambulant population because the spasticity reducing effect of marijuana or its active ingredient A9-~~c reported by others is not translated into an improvement in responding to changes in postural controlVIEW STUDY |
TITLEDelta-9-THC in the treatment of spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)Ungerleider JT, Andyrsiak T, Fairbanks L, Ellison GW, Myers LW | YEAR1987 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | At doses greater than 7.5 mg there was significant improvement in patient ratings of spasticity compared to placeboVIEW STUDY |
TITLETetrahydrocannabinol for tremor in multiple sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)Clifford DB | YEAR1983 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N - | Cannabis extract does not produce a functionally significant improvement in MS-associated tremor.VIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomized controlled trial of cannabis-based medicine in spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis | AUTHROR(S)Collin C, Davies P, Mutiboko IK, Ratcliffe S, for the Sativex Spasticity in MS Study Group | YEAR | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNRandomized Controlled Trial | P/N + | We conclude that this CBM may represent a useful new agent for treatment of the symptomatic relief of spasticity in MS.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 5:24 pm
Nausea / Vomiting
TITLEA randomized-controlled trial of nabilone for the prevention of acute postoperative nausea and vomiting in elective surgery | AUTHROR(S)Levin DN, Dulberg Z, Chan AW, Hare GM, Mazer CD, Hong A | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N - | Oral nabilone 0.5 mg given as a single dose prior to surgery is ineffective in reducing PONV.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol Treatment of Refractory Nausea and Vomiting Related to Peritoneal Carcinomatosis. | AUTHROR(S)Hernandez SL, Sheyner I, Stover KT, Stewart JT. | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Dronabinol is usually well tolerated and may have several novel mechanisms of antiemetic action; further study of its scope of efficacy is warranted.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEImproving Quality of Life With Nabilone During Radiotherapy Treatments for Head and Neck Cancers: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial | AUTHROR(S)Côté M, Trudel M, Wang C, Fortin A. | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N - | At the dosage used, nabilone was not potent enough to improve the patients' quality of life over placebo.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis for intractable nausea after bilateral cerebellar stroke. | AUTHROR(S)Adhiyaman V, Arshad S. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Cannabis might be an option to treat intractable nausea after stroke but only after all other treatments fail, and more research is needed regarding its usefulness in individuals with conditions other than cancer.VIEW STUDY |
TITLE[Cannabinoids in children] [Article in German] Cannabinoide bei Kindern. | AUTHROR(S)Gottschling S. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Reduced pain, spasticity and improved appetite and nauseaVIEW STUDY |
TITLEMotion sickness, stress and the endocannabinoid system. | AUTHROR(S)Choukèr A, Kaufmann I, Kreth S, Hauer D, Feuerecker M, Thieme D, Vogeser M, Thiel M, Schelling G. | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | P/N + | These findings demonstrate that stress and motion sickness in humans are associated with impaired endocannabinoid activity. Enhancing ECS signaling may represent an alternative therapeutic strategy for motion sickness in individuals who do not respond to currently available treatments.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPreliminary efficacy and safety of an oromucosal standardized cannabis extract in chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. | AUTHROR(S)Duran M, Pérez E, Abanades S, Vidal X, Saura C, Majem M, Arriola E, Rabanal M, Pastor A, Farré M, Rams N, Laporte JR, Capellà D. | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Compared with placebo, CBM added to standard antiemetic therapy was well tolerated and provided better protection against delayed CINV. These results should be confirmed in a phase III clinical trial.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana Effectiveness as an HIV Self-Care Strategy. | AUTHROR(S)Corless IB, Lindgren T, Holzemer W, Robinson L, Moezzi S, Kirksey K, Coleman C, Tsai YF, Sanzero Eller L, Hamilton MJ, Sefcik EF, Canaval GE, Rivero Mendez M, Kemppainen JK, Bunch EH, Nicholas PK, Nokes KM, Dole P, Reynolds N. | YEAR2009 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Analyze | Baseline data are analyzed to examine differences in the use and efficacy of marijuana as compared with prescribed and over-the-counter medications as well as the impact on adherence and quality of life.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEUse of medical marijuana for treatment of severe intractable nausea after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery: case report. | AUTHROR(S)Merriman AR, Oliak DA. | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N Facts | Small amounts of 400 active substances are present in he marijuana plant; however, the primary active ingredient s delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), now available in solated form [2,3]. Orally administered, it is called dronbinol (Marinol) and contains no other cannabinoids.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEvaluation of oral cannabinoid-containing medications for the management of interferon and ribavirin-induced anorexia, nausea and weight loss in patients treated for chronic hepatitis C virus. | AUTHROR(S)Costiniuk CT, Mills E, Cooper CL | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC;Nabilone | P/N + | The present retrospective cohort analysis found that OC use is often effective in managing HCV treatment-related symptoms that contribute to weight loss, and may stabilize weight decline once initiated.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEfficacy of dronabinol alone and in combination with ondansetron versus ondansetron alone for delayed chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. | AUTHROR(S)Meiri E, Jhangiani H, Vredenburgh JJ, Barbato LM, Carter FJ, Yang HM, Baranowski V. | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Dronabinol or ondansetron was similarly effective for the treatment of CINV. Combination therapy with dronabinol and ondansetron was not more effective than either agent alone. Active treatments were well tolerated.VIEW STUDY |
TITLETHC improves appetite and reverses weight loss in AIDS patients | AUTHROR(S)Dejesus E, Rodwick BM, Bowers D, Cohen CJ, Pearce D | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Subjects who received dronabinol for 3 to 12 months were included in a retrospective analysis. THC was shown to improve appetite and weight and to reduce nausea.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoids in the management of intractable chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting and cancer-related pain. | AUTHROR(S)Sutton IR, Daeninck P. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | In selected patients, the cannabinoids tested in these trials may be useful as mood enhancing adjuvants for controlling chemotherapy related sickness. Potentially serious adverse effects, even when taken short term orally or intramuscularly, are likely to limit their widespread useVIEW STUDY |
TITLEPrevention of nausea and vomiting following breast surgery. | AUTHROR(S)Layeeque R, Siegel E, Kass R, Henry-Tillman RS, Colvert M, Mancino A, Klimberg VS. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | PONV is a significant problem in breast surgical patients. Preoperative treatment with dronabinol and prochlorperazine significantly reduced the number and severity of episodes of PONV.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis use improves retention and virological outcomes in patients treated for hepatitis C. | AUTHROR(S)Sylvestre DL, Clements BJ, Malibu Y. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Our results suggest that modest cannabis use may offer symptomatic and virological benefit to some patients undergoing HCV treatment by helping them maintain adherence to the challenging medication regimen.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESurvey of medicinal cannabis use among childbearing women: patterns of its use in pregnancy and retroactive self-assessment of its efficacy against 'morning sickness'. | AUTHROR(S)Westfall RE, Janssen PA, Lucas P, Capler R. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | While 59 (77%) of the respondents who had been pregnant had experienced nausea and/or vomiting of pregnancy, 40 (68%) had used cannabis to treat the condition, and of these respondents, 37 (over 92%) rated cannabis as 'extremely effective' or 'effective.'VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana use and its association with adherence to antiretroviral therapy among HIV-infected persons with moderate to severe nausea. | AUTHROR(S)de Jong BC, Prentiss D, McFarland W, Machekano R, Israelski DM. | YEAR2005 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | In summary 33% of the HIV patients who responded to this survey reported the use of cannabis as a medical treatment for a variety of SymptomsVIEW STUDY |
TITLEHyperemesis Gravidarum and Clinical Cannabis: To Eat or Not to Eat? | AUTHROR(S)Curry W-NL | YEAR2002 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | While a small, underground, pilot study of cannabis treatment for HG has proven relatively promising, clinical trials are necessary for a more conclusive answer.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffects of smoked cannabis and oral delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on nausea and emesis after cancer chemotherapy: A review of state clinical trials. | AUTHROR(S)Musty RE, Rossi R. | YEAR2001 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | P/N + | On the basis of these studies, it appears that smoked marijuana can be a very successful treatment for nausea and vomiting following cancer chemotherapyVIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana Use in HIV-Positive and AIDS Patients: Results of an Anonymous Mail Survey | AUTHROR(S)Sidney S. | YEAR2001 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | In combination with other reported surveys, these data suggest that the use of marijuana for medical purposes is relatively common in HIV-positive and AIDS patients.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEIntractable nausea and vomiting due to gastrointestinal mucosal metastases relieved by tetrahydrocannabinol (dronabinol). | AUTHROR(S)Gonzalez-Rosales F, Walsh D | YEAR1997 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Dronabinol was an effective antiemetic used in combination with prochlorperazine in nausea and vomiting unresponsive to conventional antiemetics.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of nabilone on nausea and vomiting after total abdominal hysterectomy. | AUTHROR(S)Lewis IH, Campbell DN, Barrowcliffe MP. | YEAR1994 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | Data from 53 patients were analysed: the incidences of nausea and vomiting for the metoclopramide group were 70% and 67%, respectively; the corresponding values for the nabilone group were 73% and 54%. These differences were not significant.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol and prochlorperazine in combination for treatment of cancer chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. | AUTHROR(S)Lane M, Vogel CL, Ferguson J, Krasnow S, Saiers JL, Hamm J | YEAR1991 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | The combination was significantly more effective than was either single agent in controlling chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone as effective therapy for intractable nausea and vomiting in AIDS. | AUTHROR(S)Green ST, Nathwani D, Goldberg DJ, Kennedy DH. | YEAR1989 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | Despite for the potential for these side effects,the apparent value of nabilone as a therapeutic alternative in the treatment of intractable nausea in terminal AIDS should not be ignored and clearly warrants further investigation.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA randomized trial of oral nabilone and prochlorperazine compared to intravenous metoclopramide and dexamethasone in the treatment of nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy regimens containing cisplatin or cisplatin analogues. | AUTHROR(S)Cunningham D, Bradley CJ, Forrest GJ, Hutcheon AW, Adams L, Sneddon M, Harding M, Kerr DJ, Soukop M, Kaye SB. | YEAR1988 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N 50-50 | For patients receiving cisplatin chemotherapy metoclopramide and dexamethasone remains the antiemetic of choice but for regimens containing carboplatin, nabilone and prochlorperazine is better tolerated and preferred by the patients.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEfficacy of tetrahydrocannabinol in patients refractory to standard anti-emetic therapy | AUTHROR(S)McCabe M, Smith FP, Goldberg D, Macdonald J, Woolley PV, Warren R | YEAR1988 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | This study confirms the usefulness of THC in patients whose chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting is refractory to other standard antiemeticsVIEW STUDY |
TITLEInhalation marijuana as an antiemetic for cancer chemotherapy | AUTHROR(S)Vinciguerra V, Moore T, Brennan E. | YEAR1988 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Our results demonstrate that inhalation marijuana is an effective therapy for the treatment of nausea and vomiting due to cancer chemotherapyVIEW STUDY |
TITLEA double-blind randomised cross-over comparison of nabilone and metoclopramide in the control of radiation-induced nausea. | AUTHROR(S)Priestman SG, Priestman TJ, Canney PA. | YEAR1987 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N - | Patient characteristics and the incidence and severity of nausea and vomiting were similar for the two groups. There was no difference in the efficacy of the two drugs but the incidence and severity of adverse reactions was significantly greater in those patients who received nabilone.VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone versus prochlorperazine for control of cancer chemotherapy-induced emesis in children: a double-blind, crossover trial. | AUTHROR(S)Chan HS, Correia JA, MacLeod SM | YEAR1987 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N Positive with caution in high dosage | Nabilone appears to be a safe, effective, and well-tolerated antiemetic drug for children receiving cancer chemotherapy. Although major side effects may occur at higher dosages, nabilone is preferable to prochlorperazine because of improved efficacy.VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone and metoclopramide in the treatment of nausea and vomiting due to cisplatinum: a double blind study. | AUTHROR(S)Crawford SM, Buckman R. | YEAR1986 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | There was no difference between the two treatments in the overall incidence or severity of vomiting, although a subgroup of patients enjoyed a substantial reduction in episodes of vomiting whilst receiving metoclopramide. Side-effects were predictable from the pharmacology of the drugs.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECrossover comparison of the antiemetic efficacy of nabilone and alizapride in patients with nonseminomatous testicular cancer receiving cisplatin therapy. | AUTHROR(S)Niederle N, Schutte J, Schmidt CG. | YEAR1986 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | . It is concluded that nabilone has greater antiemetic activity than alizapride in young patients receiving low-dose cisplatin chemotherapy. Nabilone dosage should be reduced to decrease the incidence and degree of adverse reactions while leaving the definite antiemetic activity unchanged.VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone: an alternative antiemetic for cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHROR(S)Dalzell AM, Bartlett H, Lilleyman JS. | YEAR1986 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | Nabilone is an effective antiemetic for children having chemotherapy, even for young children. It seems to be superior in this respect to domperidone, and although it has a higher incidence of side effects, these are mostly acceptable to patients. It can be recommended as an alternative to conventional antiemetic treatment throughout childhood.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEProspective randomized double-blind trial of nabilone versus domperidone in the treatment of cytotoxic-induced emesis. | AUTHROR(S)Pomeroy M, Fennelly JJ, Towers M. | YEAR1986 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | Nausea and food intake scores did not differ significantly, although there was a trend towards less nausea and an increased food intake with N. Subjectively adverse effects were more frequent with N and included drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth, and postural hypotension. N is superior to D for the control of cytotoxic-induced emesis.VIEW STUDY |
TITLETHC or Compazine for the cancer chemotherapy patient--the UCLA study. Part II: Patient drug preference. | AUTHROR(S)THC or Compazine for the cancer chemotherapy patient--the UCLA study. Part II: Patient drug preference. | YEAR1985 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N Neutral - more side effects | THC preference was associated with more, rather than fewer, drug-related side effects than Compazine, particularly sedation. Patients who reported being anxious or depressed did not experience accentuation of their mood states with either regime. Mood effects, nausea reduction, incidence of side effects, and drug preference were the same in patients under and over 50 years of age.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAntiemetic therapy: a review of recent studies and a report of a random assignment trial comparing metoclopramide with delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. | AUTHROR(S)Gralla RJ, Tyson LB, Bordin LA, Clark RA, Kelsen DP, Kris MG, Kalman LB, Groshen S | YEAR1984 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Poorer antiemetic control and more side effects with dronabinol than with the metoclopramide, both better than placeboVIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomized double blind comparison of delta-9-tetrahydroicannabinol (THC) and marijuana as chemotherapy antiemetics. | AUTHROR(S)Levitt M, Faiman C, Hawks R, Wilson A | YEAR1984 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | P/N - | There is now clear evidence that cannabinoids are useful for the treatment of various medical conditions.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAnti-emetic efficacy and toxicity of nabilone, a synthetic cannabinoid, in lung cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHROR(S)Ahmedzai S, Carlyle DL, Calder IT, Moran F. | YEAR1983 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N Positive with caution | Nabilone is an effective oral anti-emetic drug for moderately toxic chemotherapy, but the range and unpredictability of its side-effects warrant caution in its use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA randomised multicentre single blind comparison of a cannabinoid anti-emetic (levonantradol) with chlorpromazine in patients receiving their first cytotoxic chemotherapy. | AUTHROR(S)Hutcheon AW, Palmer JB, Soukop M, Cunningham D, McArdle C, Welsh J, Stuart F, Sangster G, Kaye S, Charlton D, et al. | YEAR1983 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | P/N Positive with caution | We conclude that levonantradol (0.5 mg) is a more effective anti-emetic than chlorpromazine (25 mg) in patients receiving cytotoxic chemotherapy. However, its use cannot be recommended due to its high incidence of unacceptable central nervous system side-effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLE[Randomized comparative trial of a new anti-emetic: nabilone, in cancer patients treated with cisplatin][Article in French] | AUTHROR(S)George M, Pejovic MH, Thuaire M, Kramar A, Wolff JP. | YEAR1983 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | Ten patients preferred nabilone, 5 preferred chlorpromazine and 3 were undecided. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA multi-institutional Phase III study of nabilone vs. placebo in chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. | AUTHROR(S)Jones SE, Durant JR, Greco FA, Robertone A. | YEAR1982 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | Nabilone is an effective antiemetic agent for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting.VIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomised clinical trial of levonantradol and chlorpromazine in the prevention of radiotherapy-induced vomiting. | AUTHROR(S)Lucraft HH, Palmer MK | YEAR1982 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | P/N Positive but with extreme caution | In selected patients, the cannabinoids tested in these trials may be useful as mood enhancing adjuvants for controlling chemotherapy related sickness. Potentially serious adverse effects, even when taken short term orally or intramuscularly, are likely to limit their widespread use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEComparative trial of the antiemetic effects of THC and haloperidol | AUTHROR(S)Neidhart JA, Gagen MM, Wilson HE, Young DC | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Patients failing one of the antiemetics had good control with the other about half the time. Toxicities from THC were less well tolerated than those from haloperidol, but most patients had no serious side effects. Nonoverlapping toxicities and efficacy raise the possibility that a combination of the agents might be worthwhile.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDose vs response of tetrahydroannabinol (THC) vs prochlorperazine as chemotherapy antiemetics. | AUTHROR(S)Levitt M, Wilson A, Bowman D, Faiman C, Kemel S, Krepart G | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | THC 15 mg was the most effective against vomiting, prochlorperazine was the most effective antinauseantVIEW STUDY |
TITLEA prospective evaluation of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol as an antiemetic in patients receiving adriamycin and cytoxan chemotherapy. | AUTHROR(S)Chang AE, Shiling DJ, Stillman RC, Goldberg NH, Seipp CA, Barofsky I, Rosenberg | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | These findings suggest that the antiemetic properties of THC are effective only against specific chemotherapeutic drugs.VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone: an effective antiemetic in patients receiving cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHROR(S)Einhorn LH, Nagy C, Furnas B, Williams SD. | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | Side effects consisting of hypotension and lethargy were more pronounced with nabilone. Toxicity, in general, did not preclude antiemetic treatment and in no way interfered with chemotherapy. Sixty patients (75 per cent) reported nabilone to be more effective than prochlorperazine for relief of nausea and vomiting. Of these 60 patients, 46 required further chemotherapy and continued taking nabilone as the antiemetic of choice.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe antiemetic activity of tetrahydrocanabinol versus metoclopramide and thiethylperazine in patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHROR(S)Colls BM, Ferry DG, Gray AJ, Harvey VJ, McQueen EG. | YEAR1980 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N Negative to extreme caution | This trial has established that in the dosages used tetrahydrocannabinol given by mouth has an antiemetic effect of approximately the same order as thiethylperazine and metoclopramide. However, its adverse effects are sufficiently greater than those of the other agents to prevent is widespread usage for this purpose. Tetrahydrocannabinol taken by mouth is not recommended as a routine antiemetic agent in cancer chemotherapy.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAmelioration of cancer chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting by delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. | AUTHROR(S)Ekert H, Waters KD, Jurk IH, Mobilia J, Loughnan P | YEAR1979 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N Positive with caution | THC was found to be a significantly better antinausea and antivomiting agent, but not all patients obtained relief of nausea and vomiting with THC. In some patients, THC enhanced appetite during a course of chemotherapy. In two patients, a "high" associated with THC administrationwas reported. Drowsiness was reported significantly more frequently with THC.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDelta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol as an antiemetic for patients receiving cancer chemotherapy. A comparison with prochlorperazine and a placebo. | AUTHROR(S)Frytak S, Moertel CG, O'Fallon JR, Rubin J, Creagan ET, O'Connell MJ, Schutt AJ, Schwartau NW | YEAR1979 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Although THC may have a role in preventing nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy, this role must be more clearly defined before THC can be recommended for general use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDelta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol as an antiemetic in cancer patients receiving high-dose methotrexate. A prospective, randomized evaluation. | AUTHROR(S)Chang AE, Shiling DJ, Stillman RC, Goldberg NH, Seipp CA, Barofsky I, Simon RM, Rosenberg SA. | YEAR1979 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol appears to have significant antiemetic properties when compared with placebo in patients receiving high-dose methotrexate.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDelta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) as an antiemetic in patients treated with cancer chemotherapy; a double-blind cross-over trial against placebo | AUTHROR(S)Kluin-Nelemans JC, Nelemans FA, Meuwissen OJATh, Maes RAA | YEAR1979 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N - | Most patients preferred the nausea and the vomiting after MOPP-therapy to the use of THC. A relation between the antiemetic action or the side-effects and the blood-level of THC could not be demonstrated.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESuperiority of nabilone over prochlorperazine as an antiemetic in patients receiving cancer chemotherapy. | AUTHROR(S)Herman TS, Einhorn LH, Jones SE, Nagy C, Chester AB, Dean JC, Furnas B, Williams SD, Leigh SA, Dorr RT, Moon TE. | YEAR1979 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | Of 113 patients evaluated, 90 (80 per cent) responded to nabilone therapy, whereas only 36 (32 per cent) responded to prochlorperazine (P less than 0.001).VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 5:24 pm
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
TITLERefractory OCD Due to Thalamic Infarct With Response to Dronabinol | AUTHROR(S)Cooper JJ, Grant J | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | We speculate that this patient’s capacities to pause behavior and thought patterns were disrupted by this lesion and partially restored by treatment with dronabinol.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol, a cannabinoid agonist, reduces hair pulling in trichotillomania: a pilot study. | AUTHROR(S)Grant JE, Odlaug BL, Chamberlain SR, Kim SW. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | This study, the first to examine a cannabinoid agonist in the treatment of trichotillomania, found that dronabinol demonstrated statistically significant reductions in trichotillomania symptoms, in the absence of negative cognitive effects. Pharmacological modulation of the cannabinoid system may prove useful in controlling a range of compulsive behaviors. Given the small sample and open-label design, however larger placebo-controlled studies incorporating cognitive measures are warranted.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 21, 2021 4:09 pm
Pain / Chronic Pain
TITLECannabinoids in the Treatment of Back Pain | AUTHOR(S)Teddy E Kim 1, Robert K Townsend 1, Charles L Branch 1, Edgar A Romero-Sandoval 2, Wesley Hsu | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNReview | P/N Needs More Trials | Although there is strong preclinical evidence supporting the promise of cannabinoids in the treatment of back pain, there is a paucity of clinical data supporting their use in clinical practice.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEvaluation of the effects of CBD hemp extract on opioid use and quality of life indicators in chronic pain patients: a prospective cohort study | AUTHOR(S)Alex Capano 1 2, Richard Weaver 3, Elisa Burkman | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNProspective Cohort Study | P/N + | CBD could significantly reduce opioid use and improve chronic pain and sleep quality among patients who are currently using opioids for pain management.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA Scoping Review on Clinical Trials of Pain Reduction With Cannabis Administration in Adults | AUTHOR(S)Reham Haleem 1, Robert Wright 1 | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNReview | P/N + | Cannabis-based medications were found most effective as an adjuvant therapy in refractory multiple sclerosis, and weak evidence was found to support the treatment of cancer pain especially in advanced stages. Chronic rheumatic pain showed promising results. Adverse events of cannabis-based treatment were found to be more frequent with tetrahydrocannabinol herbal strains compared to other cannabis-derived products.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe effects of cannabis, cannabinoids, and their administration routes on pain control efficacy and safety: A systematic review and network meta-analysis | AUTHOR(S)Karma Rabgay, Neti Waranuch, Nathorn Chaiyakunapruk, Ratree Sawangjit, Kornkanok Ingkaninan, Piyameth Dilokthornsakul | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabinoids | DESIGNSystematic Review | P/N + | The use of cannabis and cannabinoids via certain administration routes could reduce different types of pain. Product developers could consider our findings as part of their product design so that the effective route of cannabis and cannabinoids for pain control can be achieved.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEImpact of Medical Marijuana Legalization on Opioid Use, Chronic Opioid Use, and High-risk Opioid Use. | AUTHOR(S)Shah A, Hayes CJ, Lakkad M, Martin BC. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNMultilevel Logistic Regression Analysis | P/N + | In states where marijuana is available through medical channels, a modestly lower rate of opioid and high-risk opioid prescribing was observed. Policy makers could consider medical marijuana legalization as a tool that may modestly reduce chronic and high-risk opioid use. However, further research assessing risk versus benefits of medical marijuana legalization and head to head comparisons of marijuana versus opioids for pain management is required.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEReduction of Benzodiazepine Use in Patients Prescribed Medical Cannabis | AUTHROR(S)Purcell C.,Davis A., Moolman N.,Taylor S.N. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Within a cohort of 146 patients initiated on medical cannabis therapy, 45.2% patients successfully discontinued their pre-existing benzodiazepine therapy. This observation merits further investigation into the risks and benefits of the therapeutic use of medical cannabis and its role relating to benzodiazepine use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEQualifying Conditions Of Medical Cannabis License Holders In The United States. | AUTHROR(S)Boehnke KF, Gangopadhyay S, Clauw DJ, Haffajee RL. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/NStats | Overwhelming use of cannabis for conditions that are supported by clinical evidence, we believe that not only is it inappropriate for cannabis to remain a Schedule I substance, but that it is also important for state and federal policy makers to seriously consider how to integrate cannabis research and products in an evidence-based way into the healthcare system.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMedical Cannabis: Effects on Opioid and Benzodiazepine Requirements for Pain Control. | AUTHROR(S)O'Connell M, Sandgren M, Frantzen L, Bower E, Erickson B. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N + | Patients using medical cannabis for intractable pain experienced a significant reduction in the number of MMEs available to use for pain control. No significant difference was noted in DE from baseline. Further prospective studies are warranted to confirm or deny the opioid-sparing effects of medical cannabis when used to treat intractable pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPills to pot: observational analyses of cannabis substitution among medical cannabis users with chronic pain. | AUTHROR(S)Boehnke KF, Scott JR, Litinas E, Sisley S, Williams DA, Clauw DJ. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | this article presents results that confirm previous clinical studies suggesting that cannabis may be an effective analgesic and potential opioid substitute. Participants reported improved pain, health, and fewer side effects as rationale for substituting. This article highlights how use duration and intentions for use affect reported treatment and substitution effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA Cross-Sectional Study of Cannabidiol Users. | AUTHOR(S)Corroon J, Phillips JA. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNAnonymous Questionnaire | P/N + | Consumers are using CBD as a specific therapy for multiple diverse medical conditions—particularly pain, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. These data provide a compelling rationale for further research to better understand the therapeutic potential of CBD.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESubstitution of medical cannabis for pharmaceutical agents for pain, anxiety, and sleep | AUTHROR(S)Piper BJ et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | A majority of patients reported using less opioids as well as fewer medications to treat anxiety, migraines, and sleep after initiating MC. A smaller portion used less antidepressants or alcohol. Additional research is needed to corroborate these self-reported, retrospective, cross-sectional findings using other data sources.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECombined THC and CBD to treat pain in epidermolysis bullosa: a report of three cases. | AUTHOR(S)Schräder NHB, Duipmans JC, Molenbuur B, Wolff A, Jonkman MF. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC;Cannabidiol | DESIGNQuestionnaire | P/N + | All three patients reported improved pain scores, reduced pruritus and reduction in overall analgesic drug intake.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMedical Cannabis for the Treatment of Fibromyalgia | AUTHROR(S)Habib G, Artul S. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Medical cannabis treatment had a significant favorable effect on patients with fibromyalgia, with few adverse effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of cannabis use in people with chronic non-cancer pain prescribed opioids: findings from a 4-year prospective cohort study. | AUTHROR(S)Campbell G. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNProspective Cohort Study | P/N - | Cannabis use was common in people with chronic non-cancer pain who had been prescribed opioids, but we found no evidence that cannabis use improved patient outcomes. People who used cannabis had greater pain and lower self-efficacy in managing pain, and there was no evidence that cannabis use reduced pain severity or interference or exerted an opioid-sparing effect.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect profile of paracetamol, Δ9-THC and promethazine using an evoked pain test battery in healthy subjects | AUTHROR(S)van Amerongen G, Siebenga P, de Kam ML, Hay JL, Groeneveld GJ | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNClinical Trial | P/N + | This study found a decreased pain tolerance due to Δ9-THC and promethazine, or lack thereof, using an evoked pain task battery. Pain thresholds following paracetamol administration remained unchanged, which may be due to insufficient statistical power. We showed that pain thresholds determined using this pain test battery are not driven by sedation.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of adding medical cannabis to analgesic treatment in patients with low back pain related to fibromyalgia: an observational cross-over single centre study. | AUTHROR(S)Yassin M, Oron A, Robinson D. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNObservational Cross-Over Single Centre Study | P/N + | This observational cross-over study demonstrates an advantage of MCT in FM patients with LBP as compared with SAT. Further randomised clinical trial studies should assess whether these results can be generalised to the FM population at large.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffects of Legal Access to Cannabis on Scheduled II-V Drug Prescriptions. | AUTHROR(S)Stith SS, Vigil JM, Adams IM, Reeve AP | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNPragmatic Historical Cohort Study | P/N + | Legal access to cannabis may reduce the use of multiple classes of dangerous prescription medications in certain patient populations.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEChronic Pain Treatment With Cannabidiol in Kidney Transplant Patients in Uruguay | AUTHOR(S)Cuñetti L, Manzo L, Peyraube R, Arnaiz J, Curi L, Orihuela S | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNClinical Study | P/N + | During this follow-up, CBD was well-tolerated, and there were no severe adverse effects. Plasma levels of tacrolimus were variable. Therefore, longer follow-up is required.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis analgesia in chronic neuropathic pain is associated with altered brain connectivity. | AUTHOR(S)Weizman L, Dayan L, Brill S, Nahman-Averbuch H, Hendler T, Jacob G, Sharon H. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC;Cannabidiol | DESIGNRandomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial | P/N + | THC significantly reduced patients' pain compared to placebo. THC-induced analgesia was correlated with a reduction in functional connectivity between the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the sensorimotor cortex. VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis Use is Associated with Lower Odds of Prescription Opioid Analgesic Use Among HIV-Infected Individuals with Chronic Pain | AUTHOR(S)Sohler NL, Starrels JL, Khalid L, Bachhuber MA, Arnsten JH, Nahvi S, Jost J, Cunningham CO | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNSecondary Data Analysis | P/N + | Our data suggest that new medical cannabis legislation might reduce the need for opioid analgesics for pain management, which could help to address adverse events associated with opioid analgesic use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAssociation of Medical and Adult-Use Marijuana Laws With Opioid Prescribing for Medicaid Enrolees | AUTHOR(S)Wen H, Hockenberry JM | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNCross-Sectional Study | P/N + | The potential of marijuana liberalization to reduce the use and consequences of prescription opioids among Medicaid enrollees deserves consideration during the policy discussions about marijuana reform and the opioid epidemic.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAssociation Between US State Medical Cannabis Laws and Opioid Prescribing in the Medicare Part D Population | AUTHOR(S)Bradford AC, Bradford WD, Abraham A, Bagwell Adams G | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNLongitudinal Analysis | P/N + | Medical cannabis laws are associated with significant reductions in opioid prescribing in the Medicare Part D population. This finding was particularly strong in states that permit dispensaries, and for reductions in hydrocodone and morphine prescriptions.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana's Influence on Pain Scores, Initial Weight Loss, and Other Bariatric Surgical Outcomes. | AUTHROR(S)Bauer FL, Donahoo WT, Hollis HW Jr, Tsai AG, Pottorf BJ, Johnson JM, Silveira LJ, Husain FA. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/NFacts | Postoperative prescription opioid use using natural log morphine equivalents was significantly higher in the MJ-user group despite lower subjective pain scores. This difference in perioperative opioid requirements may suggest an MJ-withdrawal phenomenon, a cross-tolerance to opioids, or a decreased pain threshold in MJ userVIEW STUDY |
TITLEPreliminary evaluation of the efficacy, safety, and costs associated with the treatment of chronic pain with medical cannabis. | AUTHROR(S)Bellnier T, Brown GW, Ortega TR. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | After 3 months treatment, MC improved quality of life, reduced pain and opioid use, and lead to cost savings. Large randomized clinical trials are warranted to further evaluate the role of MC in the treatment of chronic pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPatient Perceptions of the Use of Medical Marijuana in the Treatment of Pain After Musculoskeletal Trauma: A Survey of Patients at 2 Trauma Centers in Massachusetts. | AUTHROR(S)Heng M, McTague MF, Lucas RC, Harris MB, Vrahas MS, Weaver MJ | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | The majority of patients in this study believed that medical marijuana is a valid treatment and that it does have a role in reducing postinjury and postoperative pain. Those patients who used marijuana during their recovery felt that it alleviated symptoms of pain and reduced their opioid intake. Our results help inform clinicians regarding the perceptions of patients with trauma regarding the usefulness of marijuana in treating pain and support further study into the utility of medical marijuana in this population.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEImpact of co-administration of oxycodone and smoked cannabis on analgesia and abuse liability | AUTHROR(S)Cooper ZD, Bedi G, Ramesh D, Balter R, Comer SD, Haney M | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNDouble-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study | P/N + | Cannabinoids may provide a therapeutic strategy to enhance the analgesic effects of opioids while mitigating their serious adverse effects. Smoked cannabis combined with an ineffective analgesic dose of oxycodone produced analgesia comparable to an effective opioid analgesic dose without significantly increasing cannabis’s abuse liability. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPatterns and correlates of medical cannabis use for pain among patients prescribed long-term opioid therapy | AUTHROR(S)Nugent SM et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N - | There are potential risks associated with co-occurring LTOT and medical cannabis for pain. Study findings highlight the need for further clinical evaluation in this population. Future research is needed to examine the longitudinal impact of medical cannabis use on pain-related and substance use outcomes.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAn experimental randomized study on the analgesic effects of pharmaceutical-grade cannabis in chronic pain patients with fibromyalgia. | AUTHOR(S)van de Donk T, Niesters M, Kowal MA, Olofsen E, Dahan A, van Velzen M. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNExperimental Randomised Study | P/N - | None of the active treatments were effective in reducing spontaneous pain scores more than placebo. Further studies are needed to assess efficacy and safety (including addictive behavior) in clinical trials with prolonged treatment periods and explore the role of psychotropic effects in the development of analgesia.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPatterns of medicinal cannabis use, strain analysis, and substitution effect among patients with migraine, headache, arthritis, and chronic pain in a medicinal cannabis cohort. | AUTHROR(S)Baron EP, Lucas P, Eades J, Hogue O | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Chronic pain was the most common reason for cannabis use, consistent with most registries. The majority of headache patients treating with cannabis were positive for migraine. Hybrid strains were preferred in ID Migraine™, headache, and most pain groups,VIEW STUDY |
TITLESelf-Reported Effectiveness and Safety of Trokie® Lozenges: A Standardized Formulation for the Buccal Delivery of Cannabis Extracts. | AUTHROR(S)Crowley K, de Vries ST, Moreno-Sanz G. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | None of the self-reported AEs resulted in a serious medical situation and most of them had limited impact on daily functions. Despite the AEs, 90% of participants reported being “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the product. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe relationship of endocannabinoidome lipid mediators with pain and psychological stress in women with fibromyalgia - a case control study | AUTHROR(S)Stensson N, Ghafouri N, Ernberg M, Mannerkorpi K, Kosek E, Gerdle B, Ghafouri B | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/NStats | This study reports about elevated plasma levels of endocannabinoidome lipid mediators in FM. The lipids suitability to work as biomarkers for FM in the clinic were low, however their altered levels indicate that a metabolic asymmetry is ongoing in FM, which could serve as basis during explorative FM pain management.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe Consumption of Cannabis by Fibromyalgia Patients in Israel. | AUTHROR(S)Habib G, Avisar I. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/NNo data | There are no studies about the prevalence of cannabis consumption by fibromyalgia patients in our country. There are very few studies in the literature about the use of cannabis by fibromyalgia patients from other parts of the world VIEW STUDY |
TITLEOrthopaedic surgery patients who use recreational marijuana have less pre-operative pain | AUTHROR(S)Medina SH, Nadarajah V, Jauregui JJ, Smuda MP, Foster M, Meredith SJ, Packer JD, Henn RF 3rd. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Our studies support other national studies that report increased marijuana use among younger patients and those who smoke cigarettes. The results do not support our hypothesis, as marijuana use was associated with less pain and better lower extremity activity rating scale scores when compared to non-users.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe Consumption of Cannabis by Fibromyalgia Patients in Israel. | AUTHROR(S)Habib G, Avisar I. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Cannabis consumption among fibromyalgia patients in our country is very common and is mostly not licensed. Nearly all CC reported favorable effects on pain and sleep, and few reported adverse effects or feeling of dependence on cannabisVIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe Impact of Cannabis Access Laws on Opioid Prescribing | AUTHROR(S)McMichael, Benjamin J. and Van Horn, Ray and Viscusi, W. Kip | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/NCanabis laws | Cannabis access laws reduces the use of prescription opioids across several different measures of opioid prescriptions. These empirical effects are netimpacts on each ofthese measures of usage, including both increases and decreases that may have occurred for any individual patient. While cannabis may be a gateway drug that encourages use of opioids in some patients, on balance for the population generally both recreational and medical cannabis access laws decrease opioid use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe relationship of endocannabinoidome lipid mediators with pain and psychological stress in women with fibromyalgia - a case control study | AUTHROR(S)Stensson N, Ghafouri N, Ernberg M, Mannerkorpi K, Kosek E, Gerdle B, Ghafouri B | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/NStudy positi | This study reports about elevated plasma levels of endocannabinoidome lipid mediators in FM. The lipids suitability to work as biomarkers for FM in the clinic were low, however their altered levels indicate that a metabolic asymmetry is ongoing in FM, which could serve as basis during explorative FM pain management.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis and intractable chronic pain: an explorative retrospective analysis of Italian cohort of 614 patients | AUTHOR(S)Fanelli G et al. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis, Other Cannabinoids | DESIGNRetrospectiveAnalysis | P/N + | We present the first analysis of Italian clinical practice of the use of cannabinoids for a large variety of chronic pain syndromes. From this initial snapshot, we determined that the treatment seems to be effective and safe, although more data and subsequent trials are needed to better investigate its ideal clinical indication.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol Is a Safe Long-Term Treatment Option for Neuropathic Pain Patients | AUTHROR(S)Schimrigk S et al. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGNRandomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study | P/N + | No signs of drug abuse and only one possible case of dependency occurred. The trial results demonstrate that dronabinol is a safe long-term treatment option.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPerioperative Patient Beliefs Regarding Potential Effectiveness of Marijuana (Cannabinoids) for Treatment of Pain: A Prospective Population Survey | AUTHROR(S)Khelemsky Y et al. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Patients generally believe that marijuana could be at least somewhat effective for the management of pain and are willing to use cannabinoid compounds for this indication, if prescribed by a physician.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEFatty Acid Amide Hydrolase Inhibitor Treatment in Men With Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome: An Adaptive Double-blind, Randomised Controlled Trial. | AUTHROR(S)Wagenlehner FM, et al. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGNAdaptive Double-blind, Randomised Controlled Trial | P/N + | ASP3652 was generally safe and well-tolerated. It did not show efficacy on pain symptoms in patients with CP/CPPS. However, the results indicate that FAAH inhibition may attenuate lower urinary tract symptoms. Dedicated studies in patients with lower urinary tract dysfunction are needed to confirm this.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPatient Perceptions of the Use of Medical Marijuana in the Treatment of Pain After Musculoskeletal Trauma: A Survey of Patients at 2 Trauma Centers in Massachusetts | AUTHROR(S)Heng, Marilyn et al. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N + | The majority of patients in this study believed that medical marijuana is a valid treatment and that it does have a role in reducing postinjury and postoperative pain. Those patients who used marijuana during their recovery felt that it alleviated symptoms of pain and reduced their opioid intake.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMedical Cannabis in Patients with Chronic Pain: Effect on Pain Relief, Pain Disability, and Psychological aspects. A Prospective Non randomized Single Arm Clinical Trial. | AUTHROR(S)Poli P, Crestani F, Salvadori C, Valenti I, Sannino C. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Our study suggest that Cannabis therapy, as an adjun- ct a traditional analgesic therapy, can be an efficacious tool to make more effective the management of chronic pain and its consequences on functional and psychological dimension. Further randomized, controlled trials are needed to confirm our conclusions.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEChronic pain patients' perspectives of medical cannabis | AUTHOR(S)Piper BJ, Beals ML, Abess AT, Nichols SD, Martin M, Cobb CM, DeKeuster RM. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | The largest positive theme identified related to health benefits. Respondents described in great depth how medical cannabis improved their treatment of chronic-pain and enhanced their quality of life.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe MOBILE Study-A Phase IIa Enriched Enrollment Randomized Withdrawal Trial to Assess the Analgesic Efficacy and Safety of ASP8477, a Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase Inhibitor, in Patients with Peripheral Neuropathic Pain. | AUTHROR(S)Bradford D et al. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N - | ASP8477 was well tolerated in patients with PNP; however, ASP8477 did not demonstrate a significant treatment difference compared with placebo.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDronabinol increases pain threshold in patients with functional chest pain: a pilot double-blind placebo-controlled trial. | AUTHROR(S)Malik Z, Bayman L, Valestin J, Rizivi-Toner A, Hashmi S, Schey R. | YEAR2016 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | Dronabinol increased pain threshold and decreased frequency and intensity in NCCP patients. Further large scale studies are needed to evaluate its role in the treatment on NCCP.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of medical cannabis on thermal quantitative measurements of pain in patients with Parkinson's disease. | AUTHROR(S)Shohet A, Khlebtovsky A, Roizen N, Roditi Y, Djaldetti R. | YEAR2016 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Cannabis improved motor scores and pain symptoms in PD patients, together with a dissociate effect on heat and cold pain thresholds. Peripheral and central pathways are probably modulated by cannabis.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA preliminary evaluation of the relationship of cannabinoid blood concentrations with the analgesic response to vaporized cannabis. | AUTHOR(S)Wilsey BL, Deutsch R, Samara E, Marcotte TD, Barnes AJ, Huestis MA, Le D. | YEAR2016 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/NNeed more trials | The current study was not able to analyze the effect of CBD (nor CBN) on pain scores as negligible plasma concentrations were detected (Table 1). Presumably, the amount of these cannabinoids in the stock supplies provided by the NIDA at the time this study was initiated was minimal. In the interim, the availability of research grade cannabis plant material available from NIDAVIEW STUDY |
TITLEAn Exploratory Human Laboratory Experiment Evaluating Vaporized Cannabis in the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain From Spinal Cord Injury and Disease. | AUTHOR(S)Wilsey B, Marcotte TD, Deutsch R, Zhao H, Prasad H, Phan A. | YEAR2016 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | This study supports consideration of future research that would include longer duration studies over weeks to months to evaluate the efficacy of medicinal cannabis in patients with central neuropathic pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEfficacy of Inhaled Cannabis on Painful Diabetic Neuropathy | AUTHOR(S)Wallace MS, Marcotte TD, Umlauf A, Gouaux B, Atkinson JH | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | This small, short-term, placebo-controlled trial of inhaled cannabis demonstrated a dose-dependent reduction in diabetic peripheral neuropathy pain in patients with treatment-refractory pain. This adds preliminary evidence to support further research on the efficacy of the cannabinoids in neuropathic pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEExperience of adjunctive cannabis use for chronic non-cancer pain: Findings from the Pain and Opioids IN Treatment (POINT) study. | AUTHOR(S)Degenhardt L, Lintzeris N, Campbell G, Bruno R, Cohen M, Farrell M, Hall WD. | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Cannabis use for pain relief purposes appears common among people living with chronic non-cancer pain, and users report greater pain relief in combination with opioids than when opioids are used alone.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEImproving Quality of Life With Nabilone During Radiotherapy Treatments for Head and Neck Cancers: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial | AUTHOR(S)Côté M, Trudel M, Wang C, Fortin A. | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | P/N - | At the dosage used, nabilone was not potent enough to improve the patients' quality of life over placebo.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESingle dose delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in chronic pancreatitis patients: analgesic efficacy, pharmacokinetics and tolerability | AUTHROR(S)de Vries M, van Rijckevorsel DC, Vissers KC, Wilder-Smith OH, van Goor H(; Pain and Nociception Neuroscience Research Group | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | A single dose of Δ9-THC was not efficacious in reducing chronic pain resulting from CP, but was well tolerated with only mild or moderate AEs. The PK results in CP patients showed delayed absorption and an increased variability compared with healthy volunteers.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe prescription of medical cannabis by a transitional pain service to wean a patient with complex pain from opioid use following liver transplantation: a case report. | AUTHROR(S)Meng H, Hanlon JG, Katznelson R, Ghanekar A, McGilvray I, Clarke H. | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Reductions in opioid consumption were achieved with the administration of medical cannabis in a patient with acute postoperative pain superimposed on a chronic pain syndrome and receiving high doses of opioids. Concurrent benefits of initiating medical cannabis may include improvements in pain profile and functional status along with reductions in opioid-related side effects. This highlights the potential for medical cannabis as an adjunct medication for weaning patients from opioid use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESingle dose delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in chronic pancreatitis patients: analgesic efficacy, pharmacokinetics and tolerability | AUTHROR(S)de Vries M, van Rijckevorsel DC, Vissers KC, Wilder-Smith OH, van Goor H(; Pain and Nociception Neuroscience Research Group | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | A single dose of Δ9-THC was not efficacious in reducing chronic pain resulting from CP, but was well tolerated with only mild or moderate AEs. The PK results in CP patients showed delayed absorption and an increased variability compared with healthy volunteers.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover pilot trial with extension using an oral mucosal cannabinoid extract for treatment of chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain. | AUTHOR(S)Lynch ME, Cesar-Rittenberg P, Hohmann AG. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain is particularly resistant to currently available treatments. This pilot trial found a number needed to treat of five and an average decrease of 2.6 on an 11-point NRS-PI in five "responders" (as compared with a decrease of 0.6 with placebo) and supports that it is worthwhile to study nabiximols in a full randomized, placebo-controlled trial of chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEUse of a Synthetic Cannabinoid in a Correctional Population for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder-Related Insomnia and Nightmares, Chronic Pain, Harm Reduction, and Other Indications: A Retrospective Evaluation. | AUTHROR(S)Cameron C, Watson D, Robinson J. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | P/N + | This study supports the promise of nabilone as a safe, effective treatment for concurrent disorders in seriously mentally ill correctional populations.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe subjective psychoactive effects of oral dronabinol studied in a randomized, controlled crossover clinical trial for pain. | AUTHROR(S)Issa MA, Narang S, Jamison RN, Michna E, Edwards RR, Penetar DM, Wasan AD. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | In pain patients, oral dronabinol has similar psychoactive effects to smoking marijuana. This risk must be considered in any decision to prescribe cannabinoid medications for pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe Pharmacokinetics, Efficacy, Safety, and Ease of Use of a Novel Portable Metered-Dose Cannabis Inhaler in Patients With Chronic Neuropathic Pain: A Phase 1a Study | AUTHROR(S)Eisenberg E, Ogintz M, Almog S | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Tolerable, lightheadedness, lasting 15-30 minutes and requiring no intervention, was the only reported adverse event. This trial suggests the potential use of the Syqe Inhaler device as a smokeless delivery system of medicinal cannabis, producing a Δ(9)-THC pharmacokinetic profile with low interindividual variation of Cmax, achieving pharmaceutical standards for inhaled drugs.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana Use Patterns Among Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. | AUTHROR(S)Ravikoff Allegretti J, Courtwright A, Lucci M, Korzenik JR, Levine J. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | A significant number of patients with IBD currently use marijuana. Most patients find it very helpful for symptom control, including patients with ulcerative colitis, who are currently excluded from medical marijuana laws. Clinical trials are needed to determine marijuana's potential as an IBD therapy and to guide prescribing decisions.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEKonikoff FM. Cannabis induces a clinical response in patients with Crohn's disease: a prospective placebo-controlled study | AUTHROR(S)Naftali T, Bar-Lev Schleider L, Dotan I, Lansky EP, Sklerovsky Benjaminov F, Konikoff FM | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Although the primary end point of the study (induction of remission) was not achieved, a short course (8 weeks) of THC-rich cannabis produced significant clinical, steroid-free benefits to 10 of 11 patients with active Crohn's disease, compared with placebo, without side effects. Further studies, with larger patient groups and a nonsmoking mode of intake, are warranted.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Pilot Trial With Extension Using an Oral Mucosal Cannabinoid Extract for Treatment of Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathic Pain. | AUTHOR(S)Lynch ME, Cesar-Rittenberg P, Hohmann AG. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | This pilot trial found a number needed to treat of five and an average decrease of 2.6 on an 11-point NRS-PI in five "responders" (as compared with a decrease of 0.6 with placebo) and supports that it is worthwhile to study nabiximols in a full randomized, placebo-controlled trial of chemotherapy-induced neuropathic pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEComparison of the analgesic effects of dronabinol and smoked marijuana in daily marijuana smokers. | AUTHOR(S)Cooper ZD, Comer SD, Haney M. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | Cannabinoids have been shown to alleviate neuropathic pain associated with disease (multiple sclerosis (Svendsen et al, 2004; Rog et al, 2007; Zajicek and Apostu, 2011), HIV (Ellis et al, 2009) and injury (Berman et al, 2004). This study is the first to demonstrate the dose- and route-dependent analgesic effectiveness of cannabinoids for acute experimentally-induced pain in a pain-free population, evidence that supports the role of cannabinoids for the management of pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study of THC/CBD oromucosal spray in combination with the existing treatment regimen, in the relief of central neuropathic pain in patients with multiple sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)Langford RM, Mares J, Novotna A, Vachova M, Novakova I, Notcutt W, Ratcliffe S | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N - | While there were a large proportion of responders to THC/CBD spray treatment during the phase A double-blind period, the primary endpoint was not met due to a similarly large number of placebo responders. In contrast, there was a marked effect in phase B of the study, with an increased time to treatment failure in the THC/CBD spray group compared to placebo. These findings suggest that further studies are required to explore the full potential of THC/CBD spray in these patients.VIEW STUDY |
TITLELow-dose vaporized cannabis significantly improves neuropathic pain | AUTHROR(S)Wilsey B, Marcotte T, Deutsch R, Gouaux B, Sakai S, Donaghe H | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | cannabis has analgesic efficacy with the low dose being as effective a pain reliever as the medium dose.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe Subjective Psychoactive Effects of Oral Dronabinol Studied in a Randomized, Controlled Crossover Clinical Trial For Pain. | AUTHROR(S)Issa MA, Narang S, Jamison RN, Michna E, Edwards RR, Penetar DM, Wasan AD. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | In pain patients, oral dronabinol has similar psychoactive effects to smoking marijuana. This risk must be considered in any decision to prescribe cannabinoid medications for pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAn efficient randomised, placebo-controlled clinical trial with the irreversible fatty acid amide hydrolase-1 inhibitor PF-04457845, which modulates endocannabinoids but fails to induce effective analgesia in patients with pain due to osteoarthritis of the knee. | AUTHOR(S)Huggins JP, Smart TS, Langman S, Taylor L, Young T. | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N + | The study was stopped at the interim analysis for futility and there was no evidence of cannabinoid-type adverse events. The lack of analgesic effect of FAAH1 inhibition in humans is in contrast to data from animal models. This apparent disconnect between species needs further study.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEImpact of cannabis treatment on the quality of life, weight and clinical disease activity in inflammatory bowel disease patients: a pilot prospective study | AUTHROR(S)Lahat A, Lang A, Ben-Horin S | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Three months' treatment with inhaled cannabis improves quality of life measurements, disease activity index, and causes weight gain and rise in BMI in long-standing IBD patients.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEIntractable neuropathic pain due to ulnar nerve entrapment treated with cannabis and ketamine 10%. | AUTHROR(S)Hesselink JM, Kopsky DJ. | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Cannabis has been used to treat pain for thousands of years [3]. It is considered by pain specialists a viabletreatment option for patients suffering from neuropathic pain, based on a great variety of preclinical and clinical findingsVIEW STUDY |
TITLEPalmitoylethanolamide in the Treatment of Chronic Pain Caused by Different Etiopathogenesis. | AUTHROR(S)Gatti A, Lazzari M, Gianfelice V, Di Paolo A, Sabato E, Sabato AF. | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N + | PEA was effective and safe in the management of chronic pain in different pathological conditions.VIEW STUDY |
TITLELack of effect of central nervous system-active doses of nabilone on capsaicin-induced pain and hyperalgesia. | AUTHROR(S)Kalliomäki J, Philipp A, Baxendale J, Annas P, Karlsten R, Segerdahl M. | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | P/N - | Plasma concentrations of nabilone and its metabolite carbinol were maximal 1-2 h after dosing. Adverse events (AE) were common on nabilone treatment. Four subjects withdrew due to pronounced CNS AE (anxiety, agitation, altered perception, impaired consciousness). Although nabilone had marked CNS effects, no analgesic or antihyperalgesic effects were observed.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA questionnaire survey of patients and carers of patients prescribed Sativex as an unlicensed medicine. | AUTHOR(S)Notcutt WG. | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | The majority of respondents and their caregivers reported improvements across a range of daily functional activities, alongside a reduction in the use of concomitant anti-spasticity medication and in the use of other healthcare resources.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESmoked cannabis for spasticity in multiple sclerosis: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. | AUTHROR(S)Corey-Bloom J, Wolfson T, Gamst A, Jin S, Marcotte TD, Bentley H, Gouaux B. | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Smoked cannabis was superior to placebo in symptom and pain reduction in participants with treatment-resistant spasticity. Future studies should examine whether different doses can result in similar beneficial effects with less cognitive impact.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA Randomized, Controlled Study to Investigate the Analgesic Efficacy of Single Doses of the Cannabinoid Receptor-2 Agonist GW842166, Ibuprofen or Placebo in Patients With Acute Pain Following Third Molar Tooth Extraction. | AUTHOR(S)Ostenfeld T, Price J, Albanese M, Bullman J, Guillard F, Meyer I, Leeson R, Costantin C, Ziviani L, Nocini PF, Milleri S. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N - | In comparison to ibuprofen, single doses of GW842166 (100 and 800 mg) failed to demonstrate clinically meaningful analgesia in the setting of acute dental pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis use in patients with fibromyalgia: effect on symptoms relief and health-related quality of life. | AUTHOR(S)Fiz J, Durán M, Capellà D, Carbonell J, Farré M. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | The use of cannabis was associated with beneficial effects on some FM symptoms. Further studies on the usefulness of cannabinoids in FM patients as well as cannabinoid system involvement in the pathophysiology of this condition are warranted.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoid-opioid interaction in chronic pain | AUTHOR(S)Abrams DI, Couey P, Shade SB, Kelly ME, Benowitz NL | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | We therefore concluded that vaporized cannabis augments the analgesic effects of opioids without significantly altering plasma opioid levels. The combination may allow for opioid treatment at lower doses with fewer side effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis use amongst patients with inflammatory bowel disease. | AUTHOR(S)Lal S, Prasad N, Ryan M, Tangri S, Silverberg MS, Gordon A, Steinhart H. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Cannabis use is common amongst patients with IBD for symptom relief, particularly amongst those with a history of abdominal surgery, chronic abdominal pain and/or a low quality of life index. The therapeutic benefits of cannabinoid derivatives in IBD may warrant further exploration.VIEW STUDY |
TITLE[Cannabinoids in children] [Article in German] Cannabinoide bei Kindern. | AUTHOR(S)Gottschling S. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | Efficacy with regard to spasticity set in within one to two weeks. In some patients opioid treatment could be reduced. Most cancer patients profited from an increase in appetite and weight, reduction of nausea and vomiting, as well as improved sleep and reduced anxiety. Even with long-term treatment no relevant side-effects were noted.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAn Open-Label Comparison of Nabilone and Gabapentin as Adjuvant Therapy or Monotherapy in the Management of Neuropathic Pain in Patients with Peripheral Neuropathy. | AUTHOR(S)Bestard JA, Toth CC. | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | P/N + | The benefits of monotherapy or adjuvant therapy with nabilone appear comparable to gabapentin for management of NeP. We advocate for head‐to‐head randomized, double‐blind studies for current therapies for NeP in order to determine potential advantages beneficial in this patient population.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAdjuvant topical therapy with a cannabinoid receptor agonist in facial postherpetic neuralgia. | AUTHOR(S)Phan NQ, Siepmann D, Gralow I, Ständer S. | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N + | Topical cannabinoid receptor agonists are an effective and well-tolerated adjuvant therapy option in postherpetic neuralgia.VIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomised Placebo Controlled Double Blind Clinical Trial of Cannabis Based Medicinal Product (Sativex) in Painful Diabetic Neuropathy: Depression is a Major Confounding Factor. | AUTHROR(S)Selvarajah D, Gandhi R, Emery CJ, Tesfaye S. | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N - | This first-ever trial assessing the efficacy of cannabis has shown it to be no more efficacious than placebo in painful DPN. Depression was a major confounder and may have important implications for future trials on painful DPN.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESmoked cannabis for chronic neuropathic pain: a randomized controlled trial. | AUTHROR(S)Ware MA, Wang T, Shapiro S, Robinson A, Ducruet T, Huynh T, Gamsa A, Bennett GJ, Collet JP. | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | A single inhalation of 25 mg of 9.4% tetrahydrocannabinol herbal cannabis three times daily for five days reduced the intensity of pain, improved sleep and was well tolerated. Further long-term safety and efficacy studies are indicated. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe effects of nabilone on sleep in fibromyalgia: results of a randomized controlled trial. | AUTHROR(S)Ware MA, Fitzcharles MA, Joseph L, Shir Y. | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | P/N + | Nabilone is effective in improving sleep in patients with FM and is well tolerated. Low-dose nabilone given once daily at bedtime may be considered as an alternative to amitriptyline. Longer trials are needed to determine the duration of effect and to characterize long-term safety.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESmoked cannabis for chronic neuropathic pain: a randomized controlled trial. | AUTHROR(S)Ware MA, Wang T, Shapiro S, Robinson A, Ducruet T, Huynh T, Gamsa A, Bennett GJ, Collet JP. | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | A single inhalation of 25 mg of 9.4% tetrahydrocannabinol herbal cannabis three times daily for five days reduced the intensity of pain, improved sleep and was well tolerated. Further long-term safety and efficacy studies are indicated.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoid-induced effects on the nociceptive system: a neurophysiological study in patients with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. | AUTHOR(S)Conte A, Bettolo CM, Onesti E, Frasca V, Iacovelli E, Gilio F, Giacomelli E, Gabriele M, Aragona M, Tomassini V, Pantano P, Pozzilli C, Inghilleri M. | YEAR2009 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | In conclusion, the cannabinoid-induced changes in the RIII reflex threshold and area in patients with MS provide objective neurophysiological evidence that cannabinoids modulate the nociceptive system in patients with MS.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESmoked medicinal cannabis for neuropathic pain in HIV: a randomized, crossover clinical trial. | AUTHROR(S)Ellis RJ, Toperoff W, Vaida F, van den Brande G, Gonzales J, Gouaux B, Bentley H, Atkinson JH. | YEAR2009 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Cannabinoid receptors in the central and peripheral nervous systems have been shown to modulate pain perception. We conducted a clinical trial to assess the impact of smoked cannabis on neuropathic pain in HIVVIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana Effectiveness as an HIV Self-Care Strategy. | AUTHROR(S)Corless IB, Lindgren T, Holzemer W, Robinson L, Moezzi S, Kirksey K, Coleman C, Tsai YF, Sanzero Eller L, Hamilton MJ, Sefcik EF, Canaval GE, Rivero Mendez M, Kemppainen JK, Bunch EH, Nicholas PK, Nokes KM, Dole P, Reynolds N. | YEAR2009 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/NNothing, Data analysis | The use of marijuana as a symptom management approach for six common symptoms for persons living with HIV/AIDS--anxiety, depression, fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, and peripheral neuropathy. VIEW STUDY |
TITLECharacteristics of patients with chronic pain accessing treatment with medical cannabis in Washington State. | AUTHOR(S)Aggarwal SK, Carter GT, Sullivan MD, ZumBrunnen C, Morrill R, Mayer JD. | YEAR2009 | MEDICATION(S)Open study | DESIGN | P/N + | Data indicate that males and females access MC at approximately the same rate, with similar median authorization times. Although the majority of patient records documented significant symptom alleviation with MC, major treatment access and delivery barriers remain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAdjunctive nabilone in cancer pain and symptom management: a prospective observational study using propensity scoring. | AUTHOR(S)Maida V, Ennis M, Irani S, Corbo M, Dolzhykov M. | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | P/N + | When compared with those not taking nabilone, patients using this cannabinoid had a lower rate of starting nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, tricyclic antidepressants, gabapentin, dexamethasone, metoclopramide, and ondansetron and a greater tendency to discontinue these drugs.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEOpen-label, add-on study of tetrahydrocannabinol for chronic nonmalignant pain. | AUTHROR(S)Haroutiunian S, Rosen G, Shouval R, Davidson E. | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | Oral THC may be a valuable therapeutic option for selected patients with CNMP that are unresponsive to previous treatments, though further research is warranted to characterize those patients.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Trial of Cannabis Cigarettes in Neuropathic Pain. | AUTHOR(S)Wilsey B, Marcotte T, Tsodikov A, Millman J, Bentley H, Gouaux B, Fishman S. | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | This study adds to a growing body of evidence that cannabis may be effective at ameliorating neuropathic pain, and may be an alternative for patients who do not respond to, or cannot tolerate, other drugs. However, the use of marijuana as medicine may be limited by its method of administration (smoking) and modest acute cognitive effects, particularly at higher doses.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEComparison of analgesic effects and patient tolerability of nabilone and dihydrocodeine for chronic neuropathic pain: randomised, crossover, double blind study. | AUTHOR(S)Frank B, Serpell MG, Hughes J, Matthews JN, Kapur D. | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Controlled study | DESIGN | P/N - | Dihydrocodeine provided better pain relief than the synthetic cannabinoid nabilone and had slightly fewer side effects, although no major adverse events occurred for either drug.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAnalgesic and antihyperalgesic effects of nabilone on experimental heat pain. | AUTHOR(S)Redmond WJ, Goffaux P, Potvin S, Marchand S. | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | P/NNegative needs more trials | Nabilone failed to produce analgesic effects and it did not interact with descending pain inhibitory systems. However, we found that a single 1 mg dose of nabilone reduced temporal summation for women but not men. Although a titration regime and a larger sample of subjects might have provided more robust effects, these preliminary results suggest that nabilone appears effective at relieving hyperalgesic responses in women. Possible neurobiological mechanisms and clinical implications are further discussed.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA prospective identification of neuropathic pain in specific chronic polyneuropathy syndromes and response to pharmacological therapy. | AUTHOR(S)Toth C, Au S. | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Nabilone | DESIGN | P/NNeutral - needs more trials | NeP is common in patients with PN and frequently requires pharmacotherapy management, which may be more effective with combination therapy. Future studies assessing longer duration of follow-up and quality of life changes with the use of various pharmacotherapies for management of NeP due to PN will be important.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEfficacy of dronabinol as an adjuvant treatment for chronic pain patients on opioid therapy. | AUTHOR(S)Narang S, Gibson D, Wasan AD, Ross EL, Michna E, Nedeljkovic SS, Jamison RN | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | This study examines the effect of adding a cannabinoid to the regimen of patients with chronic pain who report significant pain despite taking stable doses of opioids. The results of our preliminary study suggest that dronabinol, a synthetic THC, may have an additive effect on pain relief.VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone for the treatment of pain in fibromyalgia. | AUTHROR(S)Skrabek RQ, Galimova L, Ethans K, Perry D. | YEAR2008 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | P/N + | As nabilone improved symptoms and was well-tolerated, it may be a useful adjunct for pain management in fibromyalgia.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDose-dependent effects of smoked cannabis on capsaicin-induced pain and hyperalgesia in healthy volunteers. | AUTHOR(S)Wallace M, Schulteis G, Atkinson JH, Wolfson T, Lazzaretto D, Bentley H, Gouaux B, Abramson I. | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | This study suggests that there is a window of modest analgesia for smoked cannabis, with lower doses decreasing pain and higher doses increasing pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis in painful HIV-associated sensory neuropathy: A randomized placebo-controlled trial. | AUTHOR(S)Abrams DI, Jay CA, Shade SB, Vizoso H, Reda H, Press S, Kelly ME, Rowbotham MC, Petersen KL. | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Smoked cannabis was well tolerated and effectively relieved chronic neuropathic pain from HIV-associated sensory neuropathy. The findings are comparable to oral drugs used for chronic neuropathic pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEOromucosal ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol/cannabidiol for neuropathic pain associated with multiple sclerosis: an uncontrolled, open-label, 2-year extension trial. | AUTHROR(S)Rog DJ, Nurmikko TJ, Young CA. | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | THC/CBD was effective, with no evidence of tolerance, in these select patients with CNP and MS who completed approximately 2 years of treatment (n = 28). Ninety-two percent of patients experienced an AE, the most common of which were dizziness and nausea. The majority of AEs were deemed to be of mild to moderate severity by the investigators.VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone for the treatment of pain in fibromyalgia. | AUTHROR(S)Skrabek RQ, Galimova L, Ethansand Daryl K. | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | P/N + | As nabilone improved symptoms and was well-tolerated, it may be a useful adjunct for pain management in fibromyalgia.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEfficacy of dronabinol as an adjuvant treatment for chronic pain patients on opioid therapy | AUTHOR(S)Narang S, Gibson D, Wasan AD, Ross EL, Michna E, Nedeljkovic SS, Jamison RN | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | The effect of adding a cannabinoid to the regimen of patients with chronic pain who report significant pain despite taking stable doses of opioids. The results of our preliminary study suggest that dronabinol, a synthetic THC, may have an additive effect on pain relief.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESativex successfully treats neuropathic pain characterised by allodynia: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. | AUTHROR(S)Nurmikko TJ, Serpell MG, Hoggart B, Toomey PJ, Morlion BJ, Haines D. | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Cannabinoids are known to have analgesic properties. We evaluated the effect of oro-mucosal sativex, an endocannabinoid system modulator, on pain and allodynia, in 125 patients with neuropathic pain of peripheral origin in a five-week, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel design trial. Patients remained on their existing stable analgesia. VIEW STUDY |
TITLESativex successfully treats neuropathic pain characterised by allodynia: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. | AUTHROR(S)Nurmikko TJ, Serpell MG, Hoggart B, Toomey PJ, Morlion BJ, Haines D. | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Cannabinoids are known to have analgesic properties. We evaluated the effect of oro-mucosal sativex, (THC: CBD), an endocannabinoid system modulator, on pain and allodyniaVIEW STUDY |
TITLEExperience with the synthetic cannabinoid nabilone in chronic noncancer pain. | AUTHOR(S)Berlach DM, Shir Y, Ware MA. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | P/N + | Beneficial effects on sleep and nausea were the main reasons for continuing use. Intolerable side effects were experienced in three patients (palpitations, urinary retention, dry mouth). Nabilone may be a useful addition to pain management and should be further evaluated in randomized controlled trials.VIEW STUDY |
TITLELow dose treatment with the synthetic cannabinoid Nabilone significantly reduces spasticity-related pain : A double-blind placebo-controlled cross-over trial. | AUTHROR(S)Wissel J, Haydn T, Muller J, Brenneis C, Berger T, Poewe W, Schelosky LD. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | P/N + | Nabilone 1 mg per day proved to be a safe and easily applicable option in the care of patients with chronic UMNS and spasticity-related pain otherwise not controllable.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDoes the cannabinoid dronabinol reduce central pain in multiple sclerosis? Randomised double blind placebo controlled crossover trial | AUTHOR(S)Schley M, Legler A, Skopp G, Schmelz M, Konrad C, Rukwied R. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | Dronabinol has a modest but clinically relevant analgesic effect on central pain in patients with multiple sclerosis. Adverse events, including dizziness, were more frequent with dronabinol than with placebo during the first week of treatment.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoids in the management of intractable chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting and cancer-related pain. | AUTHOR(S)Sutton IR, Daeninck P | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | P/NNeutral | In present, given that the certainty of the evidence is very low, it is unclear whether the addition of cannabinoids to standard antiemetic regimes benefits patients with chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting. Cannabinoids probably increase adverse effects substantively.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffects of nabilone, a synthetic cannabinoid, on postoperative pain. | AUTHOR(S)Beaulieu P. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | P/N - | Contrary to the main hypothesis, high dose nabilone in the presence of morphine patient controlled analgesia is associated with an increase in pain scores in patients undergoing major surgery.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPreliminary assessment of the efficacy, tolerability and safety of a cannabis-based medicine (Sativex) in the treatment of pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. | AUTHROR(S)Blake DR, Robson P, Ho Ho M, Jubb RW, McCabe CS. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | In the first ever controlled trial of a CBM in RA, a significant analgesic effect was observed and disease activity was significantly suppressed following Sativex treatment. Whilst the differences are small and variable across the population, they represent benefits of clinical relevance and show the need for more detailed investigation in this indication.VIEW STUDY |
TITLE[Benefits of an add-on treatment with the synthetic cannabinomimetic nabilone on patients with chronic pain - a randomized controlled trial.] [Article in German] | AUTHOR(S)Pinsger M, Schimetta W, Volc D, Hiermann E, Riederer F, Polz W. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | P/N + | In summary, the study results allow the conclusion that a majority of patients with chronic pain classify nabilone intake in addition to the standard treatment as a measure with a positive individual benefit-riskratio. Thus, this kind of treatment may be an interesting and attractive enrichment of analgetic therapy concepts.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESynergistic affective analgesic interaction between delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and morphine. | AUTHROR(S)Roberts JD, Gennings C, Shih M. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | Comparison of our results with those of others suggests that extrapolation from experimental pain models to the clinic is not likely to be a straight-forward process. Future studies of Δ9-THC or other cannabinoids in combination with opiates should focus upon clinical rather than experimental pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA multicenter dose-escalation study of the analgesic and adverse effects of an oral cannabis extract (Cannador) for postoperative pain management. | AUTHOR(S)Holdcroft A, Maze M, Dore C, Tebbs S, Thompson S. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | These significant dose-related improvements in rescue analgesia requirements in the 10 mg and 15 mg groups provide a number needed to treat that is equivalent to many routinely used analgesics without frequent adverse effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEvaluation of herbal cannabis characteristics by medical users: a randomized trial. | AUTHOR(S)Ware MA, Ducruet T, Robinson AR. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | While the small size of the study precludes broad conclusions, the study shows that medical cannabis users can appreciate differences in herbal product. A more acceptable cannabis product may increase recruitment and retention in clinical studies of medical cannabis.VIEW STUDY |
TITLE[(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol and the opioid receptor agonist piritramide do not act synergistically in postoperative pain.] [Article in German] | AUTHROR(S)Seeling W, Kneer L, Buchele B, Gschwend JE, Maier L, Nett C, Simmet T, Steffen P, Schneider M, Rockemann M | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N - | We found neither a synergistic nor even an additive antinociceptive interaction between Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol and the micro-opioid agonist piritramide in a setting of acute postoperative pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESynergistic affective analgesic interaction between delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and morphine. | AUTHROR(S)Roberts JD, Gennings C, Shih M. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/NNeed more trials | Comparison of our results with those of others suggests that extrapolation from experimental pain models to the clinic is not likely to be a straight-forward process. Future studies of Δ9-THC or other cannabinoids in combination with opiates should focus upon clinical rather than experimental pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESmoked cannabis therapy for HIV-related painful peripheral neuropathy: results of a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. | AUTHROR(S)Abrams DI, Jay CA, Vizoso H, Shade SB, Reda H, Press S, Kelly ME, Rowbotham M, Petersen K | YEAR2005 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Smoked marijuana is effective in reducing chronic ongoing neuropathic pain as well as acute pain in the experimental pain model. The magnitude of the response of the neuropathic pain is similar to what is seen with gabapentin, a widely used therapeutic intervention for HIV neuropathy.VIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomized, controlled trial of cannabis-based medicine in central pain in multiple sclerosis. | AUTHROR(S)Rog DJ, Nurmikko TJ, Friede T, Young CA. | YEAR2005 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Cannabis-based medicine is effective in reducing pain and sleep disturbance in patients with multiple sclerosis related central neuropathic pain and is mostly well tolerated.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEStandardized cannabis extract in the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia – a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over study. | AUTHROR(S)Ernst G, Denke C, Reif M, Schnelle M, Hagmeister H | YEAR2005 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/NNeed more trials | The effect of CBD is small in comparison to the variability caused by other factors. Therefore, a pharmacokinetic reason for the differences determined between pure THC and cannabis extract is improbable at the doses chosen in this study.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEStandardized cannabis extract in the treatment of postherpetic neuralgia – a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over study. | AUTHROR(S)Ernst G, Denke C, Reif M, Schnelle M, Hagmeister H | YEAR2005 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N - | Both dronabinol and nabiximols had significant abuse potential compared with placebo at higher doses. Nabiximols showed similar or slightly less abuse potential compared with dronabinol. Therefore, the abuse potential of nabiximols should be no higher than that of dronabinol.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEfficacy of two cannabis based medicinal extracts for relief of central neuropathic pain from brachial plexus avulsion: results of a randomised controlled trial. | AUTHOR(S)Berman JS, Symonds C, Birch R. | YEAR2004 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | A longer study period and use of cannabis‐based medicinal extracts as the sole analgesic may well show a bigger analgesic effect. However, given the refractory nature of the pain in this patient group, this study shows that cannabis‐based medicinal extracts represent a significant advance in treatment.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAre oral cannabinoids safe and effective in refractory neuropathic pain? | AUTHOR(S)Attal N, Brasseur L, Guirimand D, Clermond-Gnamien S, Atlami S, Bouhassira D | YEAR2004 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N - | Seven patients suffered from side effects necessitating premature arrest of the drug in 5 of them. THC (mean dosage: 16.6 ± 6.5 mg/day) did not induce any significant effects on ongoing and paroxysmal pain, allodynia, quality of life, anxiety/depression scores and functional impact of pain. These results do not support an overall benefit of THC in pain and quality of life in patients with refractory neuropathic pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAnalgesic effect of the synthetic cannabinoid CT-3 on chronic neuropathic pain: a randomized controlled trial. | AUTHOR(S)Karst M, Salim K, Burstein S, Conrad I, Hoy L, Schneider U. | YEAR2003 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N + | In this preliminary study, CT-3 was effective in reducing chronic neuropathic pain compared with placebo. No major adverse effects were observed.VIEW STUDY |
TITLELack of analgesic efficacy of oral delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in postoperative pain. | AUTHROR(S)Buggy DJ, Toogood L, Maric S, Sharpe P, Lambert DG, Rowbotham DJ | YEAR2003 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N - | No evidence of an analgesic effect of orally administered delta-9-THC 5 mg in postoperative pain in humans.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis reduces opioid dose in the treatment of chronic non-cancer pain. | AUTHOR(S)Lynch ME, Clark AJ. | YEAR2003 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | In models of acute or physiological pain, cannabinoids are highly effective against thermal, mechanical, and chemical pain, and are comparable to opioids in potency and efficacy.In models of chronic pain, cannabinoids exhibit efficacy in the modulation of both inflammatory and neuropathic pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEfficacy of two cannabis-based medicinal extracts for relief of central neuropathic pain from brachial plexus avulsion: results of a randomised controlled trial | AUTHOR(S)Berman J, Lee J, Cooper M, Cannon A, Sach J, McKerral S, Taggart M, Symonds C, Fishel K, Birch R | YEAR2003 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | A longer study period and use of cannabis‐based medicinal extracts as the sole analgesic may well show a bigger analgesic effect. However, given the refractory nature of the pain in this patient group, this study shows that cannabis‐based medicinal extracts represent a significant advance in treatment.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoid agonists attenuate capsaicin-induced responses in human skin. | AUTHOR(S)Rukwied R, Watkinson A, McGlone F, Dvorak M. | YEAR2003 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N + | The present study provided evidence for analgesic and anti-hyperalgesic properties of a topically applied cannabinoid receptor ligand, which might have important therapeutic implications in humans.VIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomised controlled trial of cannabis based medicinal extracts (CBME) in central neuropathic pain due to multiple sclerosis. | AUTHROR(S)Young CA, Rog DJ | YEAR2003 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Cannabis-based medicine is effective in reducing pain and sleep disturbance in patients with multiple sclerosis related central neuropathic pain and is mostly well tolerated.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis use for chronic non-cancer pain: results of a prospective survey. | AUTHROR(S)Ware MA, Doyle CR, Woods R, Lynch ME, Clark AJ | YEAR2003 | MEDICATION(S)cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | We conclude that cannabis use is prevalent among the chronic non-cancer pain population, for a wide range of symptoms, with considerable variability in the amounts used.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA case of cannabinoid rotation in a young woman with chronic cystitis | AUTHOR(S)Krenn H Daha LK Oczenski W Fitzgerald R D | YEAR2003 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC;Nabilone | DESIGN | P/N + | This clinical picture has remained stable for six months. This case represents the first report of a successful cannabinoid rotation in an effort to maintain analgesia while reducing side effects. A positive effect is often counterbalanced by severe side effects, however, which may necessitate a discontinuation of therapy.3 In the case described, we report severe psychotic side effects, despite an improvement of pain perception. The symptoms were so severe that the patient was unable to fulfill her professional duties and even could not use an elevator.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe effects of smoked cannabis in painful peripheral neuropathy and cancer pain refractory to opiods. | AUTHROR(S)Abrams DI, Jay Ch, Petersen K, Shade S, Vizoso H, Reda H, Benowitz N, Rowbotham M. | YEAR2003 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Preliminary results from a small, uncontrolled trial of smoked marijuana in HIV peripheral neuropathy are encouraging. The ongoing randomized trials will better elucidate the role of cannabinoids in this condition. A heat/capsaicin experimental pain model appears to be a good predictor of response to chronic pain. The potential of a beneficial clinical interaction between cannabinoids and opioids requires further studyVIEW STUDY |
TITLE[The therapeutic use of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (dronabinol) in refractory neuropathic pain] [Article in French] | AUTHROR(S)Clermont-Gnamien S, Atlani S, Attal N, Le Mercier F, Guirimand F, Brasseur L. | YEAR2002 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N - | The present study did not reveal any significant efficacy of THC in a small cohort of patients with chronic refractory neuropathic pain, but underlined the unfavorable side effect profile of the drug. These results may partly relate to the fact that oral dronabinol exhibits a poor therapeutic ratioVIEW STUDY |
TITLE[Tetrahydrocannabinol for treatment of chronic pain] [Article in German] | AUTHROR(S)Elsner F, Radbruch L, Sabatowski R. | YEAR2001 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N - | This retrospective evaluation of 6 case reports of patients treated with THC showed large individual differences in the effectiveness of THC in pain management. Prospective studies are necessary to evaluate the importance THC in the treatment of chronic pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAntinociceptive, subjective and behavioral effects of smoked marijuana in humans. | AUTHOR(S)Greenwald MK, Stitzer ML. | YEAR2000 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N - | Marijuana produced significant dose-dependent antinociception (increased finger withdrawal latency) and biobehavioral effects. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAnalgesic effect of the cannabinoid analogue nabilone is not mediated by opioid receptors. | AUTHOR(S)Hamann W, di Vadi PP. | YEAR1999 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGN | P/NFacts | In experimental animal models of neuropathic pain, cannabinoids produce powerful analgesic effects, 2 which appear to be blocked by opioid receptor antagonists, such as naloxone or chlornaltrexamine. 3 These findings have led to the hypothesis that cannabinoid analgesia is mediated through a μ opiate receptor pathway. 4VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPain relief with oral cannabinoids in familial Mediterranean fever. | AUTHROR(S)Holdcroft A, Smith M, Jacklin A, Hodgson H, Smith B, Newton M, Evans F | YEAR1997 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/NFacts | Future study designs can now incorporate prescribable forms of cannabinoids but the choice of previous cannabis users only as patients has clinical limitations. Cannabis naive patients would tolerate controlled investigations but may generate medicolegal problems.VIEW STUDY |
TITLELack of effect of cannabidiol in sustained neuropathia. | AUTHROR(S)Lindstrom P, Lindblom U, Boreus L. | YEAR1987 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGN | P/N - | There were no other significant differences with respect to adverse events. This study demonstrates no evidence of an analgesic effect of orally administered delta-9-THC 5 mg in postoperative pain in humans.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEvaluation of intramuscular levonantradol and placebo in acute postoperative pain. | AUTHROR(S)Jain AK, Ryan JR, McMahon FG, Smith G. | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N + | Double-blind administration of a single intramuscular dose of 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, or 3.0 mg levonantradol or placebo to 56 patients with moderate to severe postoperative or trauma pain showed significant analgesic effects of each dose of levonantradol as compared to placeboVIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffects of moderate and high doses of marihuana on thermal pain: a sensory decision theory analysis. | AUTHROR(S)Clark WC, Janal MN, Zeidenberg P, Nahas GG. | YEAR1981 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | This study suggests that marihuana may have hyperalgesic activity and probably enhances the perception of pain, in moderate smokers. In contrast, heavy smoking had little effect on discriminability and caused an increase in the pain report criterion.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of benzopyranoperidine, a delta-9-THC congener, on pain. | AUTHROR(S)Jochimsen PR, Lawton RL, VerSteeg K, Noyes Jr R | YEAR1978 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGN | P/N - | bezopyranoperidine (2 or 4 mg) is not as effective as codeine (120 mg or 60 mg) and not more effective than placebo in relieving pain due to cancer; indeed, pain perception appeared to be augmented by both doses.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffects of intravenous tetrahydrocannabinol on experimental and surgical pain. Psychological correlates of the analgesic response. | AUTHROR(S)Raft D, Gregg J, Ghia J, Harris L | YEAR1977 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N - | In three subjects low‐dose THC (0.022 mg/kg) was a better analgesic than placebo but not diazepam. Six subjects preferred placebo to low‐dose THC as an analgesic; VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarihuana and pain. | AUTHROR(S)Hill SY, Schwin R, Goodwin DW, Powell B. | YEAR1974 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | marijuana-based medicines could perhaps be combined with opiates to boost their pain-relieving power while limiting their side effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLETetrahydrocannabinol Does not Reduce Pain in Patients With Chronic Abdominal Pain in a Phase 2 Placebo-controlled Study. | AUTHROR(S)de Vries M, van Rijckevorsel DC, Vissers KC, Wilder-Smith OH, van Goor H; Pain and Nociception Neuroscience Research Group. | YEAR0 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGN | P/N + | In a phase 2 study, we found no difference between a THC tablet and a placebo tablet in reducing pain measures in patients with chronic abdominal pain. THC, administered 3 times daily, was safe and well-tolerated during a 50-day to 52-day treatment periodVIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe Effect of Medicinal Cannabis on Pain and Quality of Life Outcomes in Chronic Pain: A Prospective Open-label Study. | AUTHROR(S)Haroutounian S, Ratz Y, Ginosar Y, Furmanov K, Saifi F, Meidan R, Davidson E. | YEAR0 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Chronic pain with medicinal cannabis in this open-label, prospective cohort resulted in improved pain and functional outcomes, and significant reduction in opioid use. The results suggest long-term benefit of cannabis treatment in this group of patients, but the study's non-controlled nature should be considered when extrapolating the results.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 1:20 pm
Psychosis Schizophrenia
TITLEMedicinal cannabis for psychiatric disorders: a clinically-focused systematic review | AUTHOR(S)Jerome Sarris, Justin Sinclair, Diana Karamacoska, Maggie Davidson, Joseph Firth | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | MEDICATION(S)Systematic Review | P/N + | There is currently encouraging, albeit embryonic, evidence for medicinal cannabis in the treatment of a range of psychiatric disorders. Supportive findings are emerging for some key isolates, however, clinicians need to be mindful of a range of prescriptive and occupational safety considerations, especially if initiating higher dose THC formulas.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol as a treatment option for schizophrenia: recent evidence and current studies | AUTHOR(S)Julie Schoevers , Judith E Leweke, F Markus Leweke | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNReview | P/N Neutral | Recent clinical trials added further evidence for an antipsychotic potential of cannabidiol. In general, studies following trial designs as suggested by regulators in schizophrenia are needed in sufficient numbers to clarify the safety and efficacy of cannabidiolVIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffects of short-term cannabidiol treatment on response to social stress in subjects at clinical high risk of developing psychosis | AUTHOR(S)E Appiah-Kusi , N Petros , R Wilson , M Colizzi , M G Bossong , L Valmaggia , V Mondelli , P McGuire , S Bhattacharyya | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNClinical Study | P/N + | Our findings show that it is worthwhile to design further well powered studies which investigate whether CBD may be used to affect cortisol response in clinical high risk for psychosis patients and any effect this may have on symptoms.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol for the treatment of psychosis among patients with schizophrenia and other primary psychotic disorders: A systematic review with a risk of bias assessment | AUTHOR(S)Maykel Farag Ghabrash , Stephanie Coronado-Montoya , John Aoun , Andrée-Anne Gagné , Flavi Mansour , Clairélaine Ouellet-Plamondon , Annie Trépanier , Didier Jutras-Aswad | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNReview | P/N + | Cannabidiol treatment had an advantageous side effect profile compared to other antipsychotics and was well tolerated across studies.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis use disorders may protect against certain disorders of the digestive organs in people with schizophrenia but not in healthy controls. | AUTHOR(S)Olesen JA, Posselt CM, Poulsen CH, Nordentoft M, Hjorthøj C. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNStudy | P/N + | In people with schizophrenia, but not in controls, CUD is associated with decreased risk of disorders of gut-brain interaction and inflammatory bowel disease, and possibly other serious disorders of the digestive organs. Our findings could lead to new targets for treatment and prevention of disorders of the digestive organs.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of cannabis on weight and metabolism in first-episode non-affective psychosis: Results from a three-year longitudinal study. | AUTHOR(S)Vázquez-Bourgon J, et al. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNLongitudinal Study | P/N + | The study suggests that cannabis use may produce a protective effect against weight gain and related metabolic alterations in psychosis. However, these results need to be replicated in a larger sample size.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEImpact of substance use disorder on gray matter volume in schizophrenia. | AUTHOR(S)Quinn M, McHugo M, Armstrong K, Woodward N, Blackford J, Heckers S. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNStudy | P/N + | We found no volume differences between patients with schizophrenia and a history of cannabis and/or alcohol compared to patients with schizophrenia without a clinically significant substance use history.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe effects of cannabidiol (CBD) on cognition and symptoms in outpatients with chronic schizophrenia a randomized placebo controlled trial | AUTHOR(S)Boggs DL et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNrandomised placebo controlled trial | P/N + | At the dose studied, CBD augmentation was not associated with an improvement in MCCB or PANSS scores in stable antipsychotic-treated outpatients with schizophrenia. Overall, CBD was well tolerated with no worsening of mood, suicidality, or movement side effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEGWAS of lifetime cannabis use reveals new risk loci, genetic overlap with psychiatric traits, and a causal influence of schizophrenia. | AUTHOR(S)Pasman JA, et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Analysis showed evidence for a causal positive influence of schizophrenia risk on cannabis use. Overall, our study provides new insights into the etiology of cannabis use and its relation with mental health.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe association between cannabis use and suicidal behavior in patients with psychiatric disorders: an analysis of sex differences | AUTHOR(S)Naji L. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Our findings indicate that there is no association between cannabis use and suicidal behavior in men or women with psychiatric disorders unlike what was reported for the general population, though the heaviness of cannabis use may have an effect in men. The impact of cannabis use in psychiatric disorders needs ongoing examination in light of its common use, impending legalization with expected increased access and the uncertainty about cannabis' effects on prognosis of psychiatric disorders.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol (CBD) as an Adjunctive Therapy in Schizophrenia: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial | AUTHOR(S)McGuire P et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNMulticenter Randomized Controlled Trial | P/N + | These findings suggest that CBD has beneficial effects in patients with schizophrenia. As CBD's effects do not appear to depend on dopamine receptor antagonism, this agent may represent a new class of treatment for the disorder.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe impact of current cannabis use on general cognitive function in people with psychotic illness | AUTHOR(S)Waterreus A, Badcock JC, Di Prinzio P, Martin-Iverson M, Morgan VA | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N - | Among people with psychotic illness, there was no significant difference in cognitive function between current, past and non-users of cannabis. However, when we compared cognitive performance of the three cannabis groups by diagnostic grouping, current cannabis use had a significant negative relationship with cognitive function in people with affective psychoses, but not in those with non-affective psychoses. This finding requires replication and further investigation.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of continued cannabis use on medication adherence in the first two years following onset of psychosis | AUTHOR(S)Schoeler T, Petros N, Di Forti M, Klamerus E, Foglia E, Murray R, Bhattacharyya S | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | No significant increases in risk were present in those who used cannabis more sporadically or used milder forms of cannabis. Other substances did not make an independent contribution in this model, including cigarette use 95% alcohol use or regular use of other illicit drugs following the onset. These results suggest that continued use of high-potency cannabis following the onset of psychosis may adversely affect medication adherence.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis use and psychotic-like experiences trajectories during early adolescence: the coevolution and potential mediators | AUTHOR(S)Bourque J, Afzali MH, O'Leary-Barrett M, Conrod P | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGN | P/N + | Depression symptoms partially mediated the longitudinal link between cannabis use and PLE in adolescents, suggesting that there may be a preventative effect to be gained from targeting depression symptoms, in addition to attempting to prevent cannabis use in youth presenting increasing psychotic experiences.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAssociation between alcohol, cannabis, and other illicit substance abuse and risk of developing schizophrenia: a nationwide population based register study | AUTHOR(S)Nielsen SM, Toftdahl NG, Nordentoft M, Hjorthøj C | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNNationwide Population Based Register Study | P/N - | Our results illustrate robust associations between almost any type of substance abuse and an increased risk of developing schizophrenia later in life.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA controlled family study of cannabis users with and without psychosis. | AUTHOR(S)Proal AC, Fleming J, Galvez-Buccollini JA, Delisi LE. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNControlled Family Study | P/N + | The results of the current study suggest that having an increased familial morbid risk for schizophrenia may be the underlying basis for schizophrenia in cannabis users and not cannabis use by itself.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 21, 2021 3:46 pm
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
TITLELoss of exercise- and stress-induced increases in circulating 2-arachidonoylglycerol concentrations in adults with chronic PTSD. | AUTHROR(S)Crombie KM, Leitzelar BN, Brellenthin AG, Hillard CJ, Koltyn KF. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | P/NFacts | Results from mixed-design, repeated measures ANOVAs revealed significant increases (p < .05) in N-arachidonoylethanolamine (AEA) and oleoylethanolamide (OEA) following exercise and psychosocial stress in both groups. VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis Use Disorder and Post-Deployment Suicide Attempts in Iraq/Afghanistan-Era Veterans | AUTHROR(S)Adkisson K, Cunningham KC, Dedert EA, Dennis MF, Calhoun PS, Elbogen EB, Beckham JC, Kimbrel NA. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N - | While preliminary, our findings provide the first evidence to date that heavy cannabis use may be a unique risk factor for post-deployment suicide attempts among veterans.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Case Series. | AUTHROR(S)Elms L, Shannon S, Hughes S, Lewis N | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | Administration of oral CBD in addition to routine psychiatric care was associated with PTSD symptom reduction in adults with PTSD. CBD also appeared to offer relief in a subset of patients who reported frequent nightmares as a symptom of their PTSD. Additional clinical investigation, including double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, would be necessary to further substantiate the response to CBD that was observed in this study.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEImpact of Cannabis Use on Treatment Outcomes among Adults Receiving Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment for PTSD and Substance Use Disorders | AUTHROR(S)Ruglass LM, et al. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/NNeutral | Cannabis use was not associated with adverse outcomes in end-of-treatment PTSD and primary substance use, suggesting independent pathways of change. The theoretical and clinical implications of the reciprocal associations between weekly cannabis use and subsequent PTSD and primary substance use symptoms during treatment are discussed.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe efficacy of nabilone, a synthetic cannabinoid, in the treatment of PTSD-associated nightmares: A preliminary randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over design study. | AUTHROR(S)Jetly R, Heber A, Fraser G, Boisvert D. | YEAR2015 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | In this small sample NAB provided significant relief for military personnel with PTSD, indicating that it shows promise as a clinically-relevant treatment for patients with nightmares and a history of non-response to traditional therapies. These findings need to be replicated in a larger cohort. There is a need for further exploration of the effect of nabilone on other symptoms of PTSD such as re-experiencing, hyper vigilance and insomnia.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPreliminary, open-label, pilot study of add-on oral Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in chronic post-traumatic stress disorder. | AUTHROR(S)Roitman P, Mechoulam R, Cooper - Kazaz R , Shalev A | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Orally absorbable Δ(9)-THC was safe and well tolerated by patients with chronic PTSD.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEUse of a Synthetic Cannabinoid in a Correctional Population for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder-Related Insomnia and Nightmares, Chronic Pain, Harm Reduction, and Other Indications: A Retrospective Evaluation. | AUTHROR(S)Cameron C, Watson D, Robinson J. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | This study supports the promise of nabilone as a safe, effective treatment for concurrent disorders in seriously mentally ill correctional populations. Prospective, randomized controlled trials are required to confirm our preliminary results. Follow-up in the community will be required to confirm effectiveness in harm reduction.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEUsing cannabis to help you sleep: heightened frequency of medical cannabis use among those with PTSD. | AUTHROR(S)Bonn-Miller MO, Babson KA, Vandrey R. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | This study found increased rates of coping-oriented use of cannabis and greater frequency of cannabis use among medical users with high PTSD scores compared with low PTSD scores. In addition, sleep improvement appears to be a primary motivator for coping-oriented use. Additional research is needed to examine the health consequences of this pattern of cannabis use and whether alternative sleep promoting interventions VIEW STUDY |
TITLEUse of a Synthetic Cannabinoid in a Correctional Population for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder-Related Insomnia and Nightmares, Chronic Pain, Harm Reduction, and Other Indications: A Retrospective Evaluation. | AUTHROR(S)Cameron C, Watson D, Robinson J. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | This study supports the promise of nabilone as a safe, effective treatment for concurrent disorders in seriously mentally ill correctional populations. Prospective, randomized controlled trials are required to confirm our preliminary results. Follow-up in the community will be required to confirm effectiveness in harm reduction.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol enhances consolidation of explicit fear extinction in humans. | AUTHROR(S)Das RK, Kamboj SK, Ramadas M, Yogan K, Gupta V, Redman E, Curran HV, Morgan CJ | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | These findings provide the first evidence that CBD can enhance consolidation of extinction learning in humans and suggest that CBD may have potential as an adjunct to extinction-based therapies for anxiety disorders.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol enhances consolidation of explicit fear extinction in humans. | AUTHROR(S)Das RK, Kamboj SK, Ramadas M, Yogan K, Gupta V, Redman E, Curran HV, Morgan CJ | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | These findings provide the first evidence that CBD can enhance consolidation of extinction learning in humans and suggest that CBD may have potential as an adjunct to extinction-based therapies for anxiety disorders.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoid facilitation of fear extinction memory recall in humans. | AUTHROR(S)Rabinak CA, Angstadt M, Sripada CS, Abelson JL, Liberzon I, Milad MR, Phan KL. | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | These results provide the first evidence that pharmacological enhancement of extinction learning is feasible in humans using cannabinoid system modulators, which may thus warrant further development and clinical testing. VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoid facilitation of fear extinction memory recall in humans. | AUTHROR(S)Rabinak CA, Angstadt M, Sripada CS, Abelson JL, Liberzon I, Milad MR, Phan KL. | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | The present study is a critical translational first step towards the development of cannabinoid modulators as an adjunctive strategy to exposure-based therapies to augment extinction learning and prevent the return of fear memories in people suffering from anxiety disorders.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMitigation of post-traumatic stress symptoms by Cannabis resin: A review of the clinical and neurobiological evidence. | AUTHROR(S)Passie T, Emrich HM, Karst M, Brandt SD, Halpern JH. | 2012 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Cannabis may dampen the strength or emotional impact of traumatic memories through synergistic mechanisms that might make it easier for people with PTSD to rest or sleep and to feel less anxious and less involved with flashback memories. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMitigation of post-traumatic stress symptoms by Cannabis resin: A review of the clinical and neurobiological evidence. | AUTHROR(S)Passie T, Emrich HM, Karst M, Brandt SD, Halpern JH. | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Cannabis may dampen the strength or emotional impact of traumatic memories through synergistic mechanisms that might make it easier for people with PTSD to rest or sleep and to feel less anxious and less involved with flashback memories. VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 21, 2021 3:49 pm
Parkinson's Disease
TITLECannabidiol and Cannabinoid Compounds as Potential Strategies for Treating Parkinson's Disease and L-DOPA-Induced Dyskinesia | AUTHROR(S)Nilson Carlos Ferreira Junior , Maurício Dos-Santos-Pereira , Francisco Silveira Guimarães , Elaine Del Bel | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | Here, we discuss CBD pharmacology, as well as its neuroprotective effects and those of other cannabinoids. Finally, we discuss the modulation of several pro- or anti-inflammatory factors as possible mechanisms responsible for the therapeutic/neuroprotective potential of Cannabis-derived/cannabinoid synthetic compounds in motor disorders.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECurrent Aspects of the Endocannabinoid System and Targeted THC and CBD Phytocannabinoids as Potential Therapeutics for Parkinson | AUTHROR(S)R Cooray 1 2 3, V Gupta 4, C Suphioglu 5 | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)cannabidiol (CBD), Delta-9-THC | P/N Needs More Trials | Therefore, understanding the precise molecular cascade following cannabinoid treatment is suggested, focusing especially on gene expression to identify drug targets for preventing and repairing neurodegenerationVIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffects of acute cannabidiol administration on anxiety and tremors induced by a Simulated Public Speaking Test in patients with Parkinson's disease | AUTHROR(S)Stephanie Martins de Faria , Daiene de Morais Fabrício , Vitor Tumas, Paula Costa Castro , Moacir Antonelli Ponti , Jaime Ec Hallak , Antonio W Zuardi , José Alexandre S Crippa , Marcos Hortes Nisihara Chagas | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | Acute CBD administration at a dose of 300 mg decreased anxiety in patients with PD, and there was also decreased tremor amplitude in an anxiogenic situation.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabidiol as a Therapeutic Target: Evidence of its Neuroprotective and Neuromodulatory Function in Parkinson's Disease | AUTHROR(S)Felipe Patricio , Alan Axel Morales-Andrade, Aleidy Patricio-Martínez , Ilhuicamina Daniel Limón | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N +Needs more studies | The bibliographic evidence shown in the present review suggests the clinical utility of CBD for treating both LIDs and the motor symptoms of PD, as well as the neuromodulatory, neuroprotective and antidyskinetic effects of CBD in animal models and pD.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis use in people with Parkinson's disease and Multiple Sclerosis: A web-based investigation | AUTHROR(S)Kindred JH, Li K, Ketelhut NB, Proessl F, Fling BW, Honce JM, Shaffer WR, Rudroff T | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Cannabis may have positive impacts on mood, memory, fatigue, and obesity status in people with PD and MS. Further studies using clinically and longitudinally assessed measurements of these domains are needed to establish if these associations are causal and determine the long-term benefits and consequences of cannabis use in people with PD and MS.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMedical Cannabis in Parkinson Disease: Real-Life Patients' Experience | AUTHROR(S)Balash Y et al. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Medical cannabis was found to improve symptoms of PD in the initial stages of treatment and did not cause major adverse effects in this pilot, 2-center, retrospective survey. The extent of use and the reported effects lend support to further development of safer and more effective drugs derived from Cannabis sativa.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of medical cannabis on thermal quantitative measurements of pain in patients with Parkinson's disease. | AUTHROR(S)Shohet A, Khlebtovsky A, Roizen N, Roditi Y, Djaldetti R. | YEAR2016 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Cannabis improved motor scores and pain symptoms in PD patients, together with a dissociate effect on heat and cold pain thresholds. Peripheral and central pathways are probably modulated by cannabis.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis (medical marijuana) treatment for motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson disease: an open-label observational study. | AUTHROR(S)Lotan I, Treves TA, Roditi Y, Djaldetti R. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | There was also significant improvement of sleep and pain scores. No significant adverse effects of the drug were observed. The study suggests that cannabis might have a place in the therapeutic armamentarium of PD. Larger, controlled studies are needed to verify the results.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffects of cannabidiol in the treatment of patients with Parkinson's disease: an exploratory double-blind trial | AUTHROR(S)Chagas MH, Zuardi AW, Tumas V, Pena-Pereira MA, Sobreira ET, Bergamaschi MM, dos Santos AC, Teixeira AL, Hallak JE, Crippa JA | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | Our findings point to a possible effect of CBD in improving quality of life measures in PD patients with no psychiatric comorbidities; however, studies with larger samples and specific objectives are required before definitive conclusions can be drawn.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis for dyskinesia in Parkinson disease: a randomized double-blind crossover study. | AUTHROR(S)Carroll CB, Bain PG, Teare L, Liu X, Joint C, Wroath C, Parkin SG, Fox P, Wright D, Hobart J, Zajicek JP. | YEAR2004 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Orally administered cannabis extract resulted in no objective or subjective improvement in dyskinesias or parkinsonism.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESurvey on cannabis use in Parkinson's disease: subjective improvement of motor symptoms. | AUTHROR(S)Venderova K, Ruzicka E, Vorisek V, Visnovsky P. | YEAR2004 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/NStats- Positive | All patients attending the Prague Movement Disorder Centre revealed that 25% of 339 respondents had taken cannabis and 45.9% of these described some form of benefit.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoids reduce levodopa-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson's disease: a pilot study. | AUTHROR(S)Sieradzan KA, Fox SH, Hill M, Dick JP, Crossman AR, Brotchie JM | YEAR2001 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial (n = 7), the authors demonstrate that the cannabinoid receptor agonist nabilone significantly reduces levodopa-induced dyskinesia in PD.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe effects of the cannabinoid receptor agonist nabilone on L-DOPA induced dyskinesia in patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD). | AUTHROR(S)Sieradzan KA, Fox SH, Dick J, Brotchie JM. | YEAR1998 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial (n = 7), the authors demonstrate that the cannabinoid receptor agonist nabilone significantly reduces levodopa-induced dyskinesia in PD.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEOpen label evaluation of cannabidiol in dystonic movement disorders. | AUTHROR(S)Consroe P, Sandyk R, Snider SR | YEAR1986 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | Side-effects of CBD were mild and included hypotension, dry mouth, psychomotor slowing, lightheadedness, and sedation. In 2 patients with coexisting Parkinsonian features, CBD at doses over 300 mg/day exacerbated the hypokinesia and resting tremor. CBD appears to have antidystonic and Parkinsonism-aggravating effects in humans.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEBeneficial and adverse effects of cannabidiol in a Parkinson patient with sinemet-induced dystonic dyskinesia. | AUTHROR(S)Snider SR, Consroe P. | YEAR1985 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | In idiopathic dystonia, the terapeutic effect of marijuana smoking is reported to be comparable to diazepam. The non-psychoactive cannabis derivative, cannabidiol (CBD), also improves dystonia.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at March 16, 2021 7:33 pm
TITLECannabinoid, Terpene, and Heavy Metal Analysis of 29 Over-the-Counter Commercial Veterinary Hemp Supplements | AUTHROR(S)Joseph J Wakshlag, Stephen Cital, Scott J Eaton, Reece Prussin, and Christopher Hudalla | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/NFDA facts | The products analyzed had highly variable concentrations of CBD or total cannabinoids with only 18 of 29 being appropriately labeled according to current FDA non-medication, non-dietary supplement or non-food guidelines. Owners and veterinarians wanting to utilize CBD-rich Cannabis sativa products should be aware of low-concentration products and should obtain a COA enabling them to fully discuss the implications of use and calculated dosing before administering to pets.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPreliminary Investigation of the Safety of Escalating Cannabinoid Doses in Healthy Dogs | AUTHROR(S)Dana Vaughn, Justyna Kulpa, Lina Paulionis | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | + | Overall, dogs tolerated dose escalation of the CBD oil well, experiencing only mild AEs. The favorable safety profile of 10 escalating doses of a CBD oil containing 18.3–640.5 mg CBD per dose (~2–62 mg/kg) provides comparative evidence that, at our investigated doses, a CBD-predominant oil formulation was safer and more tolerated in dogs than oil formulations containing higher concentrations of THC.VIEW STUDY |
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Last modified at April 21, 2021 4:10 pm
Sports Performance
TITLECannabidiol and Sports Performance: a Narrative Review of Relevant Evidence and Recommendations for Future Research | AUTHROR(S)Danielle McCartney, Melissa J. Benson, Ben Desbrow, Christopher Irwin, Anastasia Suraev, Iain S. McGregor | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | CBD has been reported to exert a number of physiological, biochemical, and psychological effects, that have the potential to benefit athletes. For instance, there is preliminary supportive evidence for anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, analgesic, and anxiolytic actions of CBD and the possibility it may protect against GI damage associated with inflammation and promote the healing of traumatic skeletal injuries.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 1:15 pm
Side Effects of Cannabidiol
TITLEAre side effects of cannabidiol (CBD) products caused by tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) contamination? | AUTHROR(S)Dirk W. Lachenmeier, Stephanie Habel, Berit Fischer, Frauke Herbi, Yvonne Zerbe, Verena Bock, Tabata Rajcic de Rezende, Stephan G. Walch, Constanze Sproll | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNReview | P/N - | In our opinion the systematically high ∆ 9-THC content of CBD products is clearly a “scandal” on the food market. Obviously, the manufacturers have – deliberately or in complete ignorance of the legal situation – placed unsafe and unapproved products on the market and thus exposed the consumer to an actually avoidable riskVIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 21, 2021 3:09 pm
Sleep Disorder / Insomnia
TITLECannabidiol (CBD) and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) for chronic insomnia disorder (‘CANSLEEP’ trial): protocol for a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blinded, proof-of-concept trial | AUTHOR(S)Anastasia Suraev, Ronald R Grunstein, Nathaniel S Marshall, Angela L D'Rozario, Christopher J Gordon, Delwyn J Bartlett, Keith Wong, Brendon J Yee, Ryan Vandrey, Chris Irwin, Jonathon C Arnold, Iain S McGregor, and Camilla M Hoyoscorresponding author | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNRandomised Controlled Trial | P/N Follow up | Ethics approval was received from Bellberry Human Research Ethics Committee (2018-04-284). The findings will be disseminated in a peer-reviewed open-access journal and at academic conferences.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoid therapies in the management of sleep disorders: A systematic review of preclinical and clinical studies | AUTHOR(S)Anastasia S Suraev 1, Nathaniel S Marshall 2, Ryan Vandrey 3, Danielle McCartney 4, Melissa J Benson 4, Iain S McGregor 4, Ronald R Grunstein 5, Camilla M Hoyos | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNReview | P/N Need More Trials | Results indicated that there is insufficient evidence to support routine clinical use of cannabinoid therapies for the treatment of any sleep disorder given the lack of published research and the moderate-to-high risk of bias identified within the majority of preclinical and clinical studies completed to-dateVIEW STUDY |
TITLEA Cross-Sectional Study of Cannabidiol Users. | AUTHOR(S)Corroon J, Phillips JA. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | DESIGNOnline Survey | P/N + | Consumers are using CBD as a specific therapy for multiple diverse medical conditions-particularly pain, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. These data provide a compelling rationale for further research to better understand the therapeutic potential of CBD.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffectiveness of Raw, Natural Medical Cannabis Flower for Treating Insomnia under Naturalistic Conditions. | AUTHOR(S)Vigil JM, Stith SS, Diviant JP, Brockelman F, Keeling K, Hall B. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNStudy | P/N + | Consumption of medical Cannabis flower is associated with significant improvements in perceived insomnia with differential effectiveness and side effect profiles, depending on the product characteristics.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPharmacotherapy of Apnea by Cannabimimetic Enhancement, the PACE Clinical Trial: Effects of Dronabinol in Obstructive Sleep Apnea | AUTHOR(S)Carley DW et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | DESIGNRandomised Controlled Trial | P/N + | These findings support the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids in people with OSA. In comparison to placebo, dronabinol was associated with lower AHI, improved self-reported sleepiness, and greater overall treatment satisfaction. Larger scale clinical trials will be necessary to clarify the best potential approach(es) to cannabinoid therapy in OSA.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESubstitution of medical cannabis for pharmaceutical agents for pain, anxiety, and sleep | AUTHOR(S)Piper BJ et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | DESIGNReview | P/N + | A majority of patients reported using less opioids as well as fewer medications to treat anxiety, migraines, and sleep after initiating MC. A smaller portion used less antidepressants or alcohol. Additional research is needed to corroborate these self-reported, retrospective, cross-sectional findings using other data sources.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEImpact of Dronabinol on Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG) Measures of Sleep in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. | AUTHOR(S)Farabi SS, Prasad B, Quinn L, Carley DW. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNClinical Trial | P/N + | This exploratory study demonstrates that in individuals with OSA, dronabinol treatment may yield a shift in EEG power toward delta and theta frequencies and a strengthening of ultradian rhythms in the sleep EEG.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEUse of a Synthetic Cannabinoid in a Correctional Population for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder-Related Insomnia and Nightmares, Chronic Pain, Harm Reduction, and Other Indications: A Retrospective Evaluation. | AUTHOR(S)Cameron C, Watson D, Robinson J. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | DESIGNA Retrospective Evaluation. | P/N + | This study supports the promise of nabilone as a safe, effective treatment for concurrent disorders in seriously mentally ill correctional populations. Prospective, randomized controlled trials are required to confirm our preliminary results. Follow-up in the community will be required to confirm effectiveness in harm reduction.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAround the clock oral THC effects on sleep in male chronic daily cannabis smokers. | AUTHOR(S)Gorelick DA, Goodwin RS, Schwilke E, Schroeder JR, Schwope DM, Kelly DL, Ortemann-Renon C, Bonnet D, Huestis MA. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | DESIGNQuestionnaire | P/N + | These findings suggest that tolerance to the somnolent effects of THC may have occurred, but results should be considered preliminary due to design limitations.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 5:52 pm
TITLESafety and efficacy of nabiximols on spasticity symptoms in patients with motor neuron disease (CANALS): a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial. | AUTHROR(S)Riva N. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | P/N + | Spasticity is a major determinant of disability and decline in quality of life in patients with motor neuron disease. Cannabinoids have been approved for symptomatic treatment of spasticity in multiple sclerosis. We investigated whether cannabinoids might also reduce spasticity in patients with motor neuron disease.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffects on Spasticity and Neuropathic Pain of an Oral Formulation of Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol in Patients With Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. | AUTHROR(S)van Amerongen G, Kanhai K, Baakman AC, Heuberger J, Klaassen E, Beumer TL, Strijers RL, Killestein J, van Gerven J, Cohen A, Groeneveld GJ | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | This study specifically underlines the added value of thorough investigation of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic associations in the target population. Despite the complex interplay of psychoactive effects and analgesia, the current oral formulation of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol may play a role in the treatment of spasticity and pain associated with MS because it was well tolerated and had a stable pharmacokinetic profile.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEClinical experience with THC:CBD oromucosal spray in patients with multiple sclerosis-related spasticity. | AUTHROR(S)Koehler J, Feneberg W, Meier M, Pöllmann W. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | This detailed medical charts' data collection study conducted at a multiple sclerosis (MS) clinic in Germany evaluated the effectiveness of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)/cannabidiol (CBD) oromucosal spray in patients with resistant MS spasticity. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEClinical experiences with cannabinoids in spasticity management in multiple sclerosis. | AUTHROR(S)Lorente Fernández L, Monte Boquet E, Pérez-Miralles F, Gil Gómez I, Escutia Roig M, Boscá Blasco I, Poveda Andrés JL, Casanova-Estruch B. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | THC/CBD appears to be a good alternative to standard treatment as it improves refractory spasticity in MS and has an acceptable toxicity profile.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA new multiple sclerosis spasticity treatment option: effect in everyday clinical practice and cost-effectiveness in Germany. | AUTHROR(S)Flachenecker P. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Sativex provided relief of MS-related spasticity in the majority of patients who were previously resistant to treatment. In addition, clear improvements were noted in MS spasticity-associated symptoms (e.g., sleep quality, bladder function and mobility), activities of daily living and QoL. Sativex was generally well tolerated. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of dronabinol on progression in progressive multiple sclerosis (CUPID): a randomised, placebo-controlled trial. | AUTHROR(S)Zajicek J, Ball S, Wright D, Vickery J, Nunn A, Miller D, Cano MG, McManus D, Mallik S, Hobart J; on behalf of the CUPID investigator group. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N - | Dronabinol has no overall effect on the progression of multiple sclerosis in the progressive phase. The findings have implications for the design of future studies of progressive multiple sclerosis, because lower than expected progression rates might have affected our ability to detect clinical change.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEndocannabinoid system modulator use in everyday clinical practice in the UK and Spain. | AUTHROR(S)García-Merino A. | YEAR2013 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Sativex is indicated for symptomatic improvement in adult patients with moderate-to-severe multiple sclerosis-related spasticity who have not responded adequately to other first- or second-line antispasticity medications, and who demonstrate clinically significant improvement in spasticity-related symptoms during an initial trial of therapy.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA questionnaire survey of patients and carers of patients prescribed Sativex as an unlicensed medicine. | AUTHROR(S)Notcutt WG. | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Facts-Stats | Cannabinoid medicines have recently become available on prescription in several parts of the world, principally for the treatment of spasticity in people with MS. Their efficacy and safety have been demonstrated in the setting of randomised controlled clinical trials. Results of such studies may not always reflect the wider effectiveness that a medicine shows when used in clinical practice.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMultiple Sclerosis and Extract of Cannabis: results of the MUSEC trial. | AUTHROR(S)Zajicek JP, Hobart JC, Slade A, Barnes D, Mattison PG; on behalf of the MUSEC Research Group. | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | The study met its primary objective to demonstrate the superiority of CE over placebo in the treatment of muscle stiffness in MS. This was supported by results for secondary efficacy variables. Adverse events in participants treated with CE were consistent with the known side effects of cannabinoids. No new safety concerns were observed.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESmoked cannabis for spasticity in multiple sclerosis: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. | AUTHROR(S)Corey-Bloom J, Wolfson T, Gamst A, Jin S, Marcotte TD, Bentley H, Gouaux B. | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Using an objective measure, we saw a beneficial effect of inhaled cannabis on spasticity among patients receiving insufficient relief from traditional treatments. Although generally well-tolerated, smoking cannabis had acute cognitive effects. Larger, long-term studies are needed to confirm our findings and determine whether lower doses can result in beneficial effects with less cognitive impact.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, enriched-design study of nabiximols* (Sativex(®) ), as add-on therapy, in subjects with refractory spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis. | AUTHROR(S)Novotna A, Mares J, Ratcliffe S, Novakova I, Vachova M, Zapletalova O, Gasperini C, Pozzilli C, Cefaro L, Comi G, Rossi P, Ambler Z, Stelmasiak Z, Erdmann A, Montalban X, Klimek A, Davies P; the Sativex Spasticity Study Group. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | The enriched study design provides a method of determining the efficacy and safety of nabiximols in a way that more closely reflects proposed clinical practice, by limiting exposure to those patients who are likely to benefit from it. Hence, the difference between active and placebo should be a reflection of efficacy and safety in the population intended for treatment.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA randomized, double-blinded, crossover pilot study assessing the effect of nabilone on spasticity in persons with spinal cord injury. | AUTHROR(S)Pooyania S, Ethans K, Szturm T, Casey A, Perry D. | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | Nabilone may be beneficial to reduce spasticity in people with SCI. We recommend a larger trial with a more prolonged treatment period and an option to slowly increase the dosage further.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study of Sativex, in subjects with symptoms of spasticity due to multiple sclerosis | AUTHROR(S)Collin C, Ehler E, Waberzinek G, Alsindi Z, Davies P, Powell K, Notcutt W, O'Leary C, Ratcliffe S, Nováková I, Zapletalova O, Piková J, Ambler Z | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | The 0-10 NRS and responder PP analyses demonstrated that Sativex treatment resulted in a significant reduction in treatment-resistant spasticity, in subjects with advanced MS and severe spasticity. The response observed within the first 4 weeks of treatment appears to be a useful aid to prediction of responder/non-responder status.VIEW STUDY |
TITLELack of effect of cannabis-based treatment on clinical and laboratory measures in multiple sclerosis. | AUTHROR(S)Centonze D, Mori F, Koch G, Buttari F, Codecà C, Rossi S, Cencioni MT, Bari M, Fiore S, Bernardi G, Battistini L, Maccarrone M. | YEAR2009 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is involved in the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis (MS), and relief from pain and spasticity has been reported in MS patients self-medicating with marijuana. A cannabis-based medication containing Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol (Sativex®) has been approved in some countries for the treatment of MS-associated pain. VIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomized controlled trial of cannabis-based medicine in spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis | AUTHROR(S)Collin C, Davies P, Mutiboko IK, Ratcliffe S, for the Sativex Spasticity in MS Study Group | YEAR2007 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | We conclude that this CBM may represent a useful new agent for treatment of the symptomatic relief of spasticity in MS.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA randomised controlled study of Sativex® in patients with symptoms of spasticity due to multiple sclerosis | AUTHROR(S)Collin C, Ambler Z, Kent R, McCalla R. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Sativex is an endocannabinoid system modulator principally containing Δ(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). During a 6-week randomised controlled trial, Sativex had a clinically relevant effect on spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis (MS).VIEW STUDY |
TITLE[Respiratory failure due to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in a tetraplegic patient.]. [Article in German] | AUTHROR(S)Neuburger M, Schley M, Schmelz M, Schuepfer G, Konrad C. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N - | The reasons for respiratory failure in endangered patients during treatment with delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol could be effects such as sedation, combined treatment with baclofen, muscle weakness, or central nervous effects in the medulla oblongata.VIEW STUDY |
The treatment of spasticity with TITLEDelta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol in persons with spinal cord injury. | AUTHROR(S)Hagenbach U, Luz S, Ghafoor N, Berger JM, Grotenhermen F, Brenneisen R, Mader M. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | THC is an effective and safe drug in the treatment of spasticity. At least 15-20 mg per day were needed to achieve a therapeutic effect.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe treatment of spasticity with D9-tetrahydrocannabinol (D9-THC) in patients with spinal cord injury | AUTHROR(S)Hagenbach U, Luz S, Brenneisen R, Mäder M | YEAR2003 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | THC is an effective and safe drug in the treatment of spasticity. At least 15-20 mg per day were needed to achieve a therapeutic effect.VIEW STUDY |
TITLENabilone in the treatment of multiple sclerosis. | AUTHROR(S)Martyn CN, Illis LS, Thom J | YEAR1995 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | One patient was excluded from the study due to an acute relapse of multiple sclerosis (Nabilone phase, drop out). Nabilone 1 mg per day proved to be a safe and easily applicable option in the care of patients with chronic UMNS and spasticity-related pain otherwise not controllable.VIEW STUDY |
TITLETreatment of spasticity in spinal cord injury with dronabinol, a tetrahydrocannabinol derivative. | AUTHROR(S)Kogel RW, Johnson PB, Chintam R, Robinson CJ, Nemchausky BA. | YEAR1995 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Spinal-cord-injured patients and the medical literature have increasingly reported anecdotes regarding tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)-induced spasmolysis. These reports motivated this trial of dronabinol, a THC derivative, for the treatment of spasticity in the spinal-cord-injured population.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDelta-9-THC in the treatment of spasticity associated with multiple sclerosis. | AUTHROR(S)Ungerleider JT, Andyrsiak T, Fairbanks L, Ellison GW, Myers LW | YEAR1987 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Marijuana is reported to decrease spasticity in patients with multiple sclerosis. This is a double blind, placebo controlled, crossover clinical trial of delta-9-THC in 13 subjects with clinical multiple sclerosis and spasticity.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis effect on spasticity in spinal cord injury. | AUTHROR(S)Malec J, Harvey RF, Cayner JJ. | YEAR1982 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/NNeed more trials | A study was done to examine the perceived effects of cannabis on spasticity of spinal cord injured persons.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 21, 2021 3:48 pm
Spinal Cord Injury
TITLECannabis Use in Individuals With Spinal Cord Injury or Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Colorado | AUTHROR(S)Hawley LA, Ketchum JM, Morey C, Collins K, Charlifue S | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/NNeed more trials | A majority of this sample reported using cannabis before injury, and approximately half reported using cannabis after injury. Both groups reported recreational use, whereas the group with SCI also highly endorsed using cannabis to address chronic medical conditions. Clinicians should be aware of the high prevalence of cannabis use in these populations and the impact such use may have on the individual's medical management. Further research in this area is needed.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDelta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-cannabidiol in the treatment of spasticity in chronic spinal cord injury: a clinical experience | AUTHROR(S)Grao-Castellote C, Torralba-Collados F, Gonzalez LM, Giner-Pascual M | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | P/N + | Sativex can be considered an alternative in patients with spasticity associated with chronic spinal cord injury for whom other therapeutic measures have been insufficient. Further studies need to be conducted before the use of this drug can be recommended and so as to define a complete profile of its long-term side effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAn Exploratory Human Laboratory Experiment Evaluating Vaporized Cannabis in the Treatment of Neuropathic Pain From Spinal Cord Injury and Disease. | AUTHROR(S)Wilsey B, Marcotte TD, Deutsch R, Zhao H, Prasad H, Phan A. | YEAR2016 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | A crossover, randomized, placebo-controlled human laboratory experiment involving administration of vaporized cannabis was performed in patients with neuropathic pain related to spinal cord injury and disease. This study supports consideration of future research that would include longer duration studies over weeks to months to evaluate the efficacy of medicinal cannabis in patients with central neuropathic pain.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA randomized, double-blinded, crossover pilot study assessing the effect of nabilone on spasticity in persons with spinal cord injury. | AUTHROR(S)Pooyania S, Ethans K, Szturm T, Casey A, Perry D. | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Nabilone | P/N + | Nabilone may be beneficial to reduce spasticity in people with SCI. We recommend a larger trial with a more prolonged treatment period and an option to slowly increase the dosage further.VIEW STUDY |
TITLE[Respiratory failure due to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in a tetraplegic patient.]. [Article in German] | AUTHROR(S)Neuburger M, Schley M, Schmelz M, Schuepfer G, Konrad C. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N - | The reasons for respiratory failure in endangered patients during treatment with delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol could be effects such as sedation, combined treatment with baclofen, muscle weakness, or central nervous effects in the medulla oblongata.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe treatment of spasticity with Delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol in persons with spinal cord injury. | AUTHROR(S)Hagenbach U, Luz S, Ghafoor N, Berger JM, Grotenhermen F, Brenneisen R, Mader M. | YEAR2006 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | THC is an effective and safe drug in the treatment of spasticity. At least 15-20 mg per day were needed to achieve a therapeutic effect.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe treatment of spasticity with D9-tetrahydrocannabinol (D9-THC) in patients with spinal cord injury | AUTHROR(S)Hagenbach U, Luz S, Brenneisen R, Mäder M | YEAR2003 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | THC is an effective and safe drug in the treatment of spasticity. At least 15-20 mg per day were needed to achieve a therapeutic effect.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEClinical investigation of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) as an alternative therapy for overactive bladders in spinal cord injury (SCI) patients. | AUTHROR(S)Hagenbach U, Ghafoor N, Brenneisen R, Luz S, Mäder M. | YEAR2001 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | These preliminary results indicate a reduction of the overactivity of the detrusor of the bladder especially in the THC-HS-supp group with potential therapeutic consequences. The different results between oral and rectal application may demonstrate their different bioavailability.VIEW STUDY |
TITLETreatment of spasticity in spinal cord injury with dronabinol, a tetrahydrocannabinol derivative. | AUTHROR(S)Kogel RW, Johnson PB, Chintam R, Robinson CJ, Nemchausky BA. | YEAR1995 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | The WMS revealed improvement in memory skills of two subjects and no change in the other. Psychological interviews and the POMS indicated decreased vigor in all subject, but otherwise demonstrated highly individualized emotional changes as indicated by increases and/or decreases in the dysphoric mood scales.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis effect on spasticity in spinal cord injury. | AUTHROR(S)Malec J, Harvey RF, Cayner JJ. | YEAR1982 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | The study suggests the need to examine the relationship between measurable and reported changes in spasticity.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 5:54 pm
Tourette's Syndrome
TITLEPure delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and its combination with cannabidiol in treatment-resistant Tourette syndrome: A case report. | AUTHROR(S)Pichler EM, Kawohl W, Seifritz E, Roser P. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC;Cannabidiol | P/N + | It can be speculated whether the beneficial effects may rely on the pharmacological properties of cannabidiol.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPreliminary Evidence on Cannabis Effectiveness and Tolerability for Adults With Tourette Syndrome | AUTHROR(S)Abi-Jaoude E, Chen L, Cheung P, Bhikram T, Sandor P | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/NPositive with caution in high dosage | Cannabis was generally well tolerated, although most participants reported side effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPreliminary Evidence on Cannabis Effectiveness and Tolerability for Adults With Tourette Syndrome | AUTHROR(S)Abi-Jaoude E, Chen L, Cheung P, Bhikram T, Sandor P | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/NPositive with caution in high dosage | Cannabis was generally well tolerated, although most participants reported side effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESpeechlessness in Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome: Cannabis-Based Medicines Improve Severe Vocal Blocking Tics in Two Patients | AUTHROR(S)Jakubovski E, Müller-Vahl K | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis;Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Treatments provided significant symptom improvement of vocal blocking tics as well as of comorbid conditions and were well tolerated. Thus, cannabis-based medicine appears to be effective in treatment-resistant TS patients with vocal blocking tics.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoids improve driving ability in a Tourette's patient. | AUTHROR(S)Brunnauer A, Segmiller FM, Volkamer T, Laux G, Müller N, Dehning S | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | All standard medications for tic disorders had proven ineffective. After two weeks of a treatment with increasing doses of THC (up to 15 mg a day) tics were significantly reduced.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEOral Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol improved refractory Gilles de la Tourette syndrome in an adolescent by increasing intracortical inhibition: a case report. | AUTHROR(S)Hasan A, Rothenberger A, Münchau A, Wobrock T, Falkai P, Roessner V. | YEAR2010 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Our observation suggests that Delta 9-THC might be a successful alternative in patients with severe TS refractory to classic treatment. Particularly in the case of stimulant-induced exacerbation of tics, Delta 9-THC might enable successful treatment of comorbid ADHD. The enhancement of intracortical inhibition might be mediated by modulating release of several neurotransmitters including dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid. Further studies are needed to substantiate our findings.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMüller-Vahl KR, Schneider U, Emrich HM. | AUTHROR(S)Combined treatment of Tourette syndrome with delta-9-THC and dopamine receptor agonists. | YEAR2002 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Results obtained from this pilot study suggest that a single-dose treatment with Delta(9)-THC is effective and safe in treating tics and OCB in TS. It can be speculated that clinical effects may be caused by 11-OH-THC. A more long-term study is required to confirm these results.VIEW STUDY |
TITLETreatment of Tourette's syndrome with Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC): a randomized crossover trial. | AUTHROR(S)Muller-Vahl KR, Schneider U, Koblenz A, Jobges M, Kolbe H, Daldrup T, Emrich HM. | YEAR2002 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | Positive with caution in high dosage | Our results provide more evidence that THC is effective and safe in the treatment of tics. It, therefore, can be hypothesized that the central cannabinoid receptor system might play a role in TS pathology.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoids: possible role in patho-physiology and therapy of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome. | AUTHROR(S)Muller-Vahl KR, Kolbe H, Schneider U, Emrich HM. | YEAR1998 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Our results provide more evidence that marijuana improves tics and behavioural disorders in TS. It can be speculated that cannabinoids might act through specific receptors, and that the cannabinoid system might play a major role in TS pathology.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana and Tourette’s syndrome. | AUTHROR(S)Sandyk R, Awerbuch G. | YEAR1988 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | PositivP/N +e | Inquiries about the use of medical marijuana (cannabis) to alleviate the symptoms of Tourette Syndrome have been on the rise. While some adult members of our community have reported reduced tics when using medical marijuana, others have reported adverse reactions or no effect at all. Medical marijuana has two primary chemical components: Delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and Cannabidiol (CBD).VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffective treatment of Tourette’s syndrome with marijuana. | AUTHROR(S)Hemming M, Yellowlees PM. | YEAR1993 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | It is concluded that there is a need for further work examining the interactions between marijuana, nicotine and the symptomatology of Tourette's syndrome.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at March 16, 2021 8:16 pm
TITLEA Case of Toxicity from Cannabidiol Gummy Ingestion | AUTHROR(S)Jessica Basscorresponding author1 and David R Linz | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N - | The aggressive marketing of these products paired with the lack of regulation and quality control has the potential to cause a significant negative impact on public health. Clinicians should be aware of this when prompted for advice from patients as well as when treating patients with potential intoxication. Further research into these compounds is certainly indicated and regulation may be warranted for consumer protection.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 21, 2021 3:49 pm
Traumatic Brain Injury
TITLEEffect of marijuana use on outcomes in traumatic brain injury. | AUTHROR(S)Nguyen BM, Kim D, Bricker S, Bongard F, Neville A, Putnam B, Smith J, Plurad D. | YEAR2014 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Several studies have demonstrated neuroprotective effects of cannabinoids. The objective of this study was to establish a relationship between the presence of a positive toxicology screen for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and mortality after TBI.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEarly Survival of Comatose Patients after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury with the Dual Cannabinoid CB1/CB2 Receptor Agonist KN38-7271: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Phase II Trial. | AUTHROR(S)Firsching R, Piek J, Skalej M, Rohde V, Schmidt U, Striggow F; the KN38-7271 Study Group. | YEAR2012 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | P/N + | KN38-7271 appeared beneficial in the acute early phase of the comatose patient after a head injury. Its use was safe and well tolerated by patients. These results may provide the basis for further phase II/III trials in larger study populations.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at March 16, 2021 8:21 pm
TITLETetrahydrocannabinol for tremor in multiple sclerosis. | AUTHROR(S)Clifford DB | YEAR1983 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Based on one patient's enthusiastic report, eight patients with multiple sclerosis, seriously disabled with tremor and ataxia, were given oral tetrahydrocannabinol. Two demonstrated improved motor coordination.VIEW STUDY |
Last modified at April 17, 2021 6:01 pm
Other Studies
TITLEPotency Assessment of CBD Oils by Their Effects on Cell Signaling Pathways | AUTHROR(S)Yasuyo Urasaki, Cody Beaumont, Michelle Workman, Jeffery N. Talbot, David K. Hill, Thuc T. Le | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N Need more trials | However, the collected data were insufficient to prove or disprove the existence of such effects. Coincidently, the only unadulterated CBD oil among our samples exhibited the strongest suppressive effects on multiple neuronal signaling pathways. The remaining CBD oils, which had been adulterated, exhibited either undetectable or weak suppressive effects on neuronal signaling pathways. Therefore, CBD alone was an insufficient determinant of potency for CBD oils.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEChemical Analysis of Minor Bioactive Components and Cannabidiolic Acid in Commercial Hemp Seed Oil | AUTHROR(S)Luana Izzo, Severina Pacifico, Simona Piccolella, Luigi Castaldo, Alfonso Narváez, Michela Grosso, and Alberto Ritieni | YEAR2020 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N Positive with caution | This study acknowledges the reported benefits of hemp seed oil in several studies however it also questions the validity of some products chemical content and the variation amongst hemp seed oil products in terms of bioactive compounds. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAcute Pharmacokinetic Profile of Smoked and Vaporized Cannabis in Human Blood and Oral Fluid. | AUTHROR(S)Spindle TR. et al. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Facts | THC was detected longer in oral fluid compared to blood and THCCOOH detection in oral fluid was rare and highly erratic. For whole blood, greater detection sensitivity for ELISA testing was observed in vaporized conditions. Conversely, for oral fluid, greater sensitivity was observed in smoked sessionsVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoid concentrations in confiscated cannabis samples and in whole blood and urine after smoking CBD-rich cannabis as a "tobacco substitute". | AUTHROR(S)Hädener M, Gelmi TJ, Martin-Fabritius M, Weinmann W, Pfäffli M. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N- | We found that the trace amounts of THC present in CBD-cannabis can produce THC blood levels above the Swiss legal limit for driving, and thus render the consumer unable to drive from a legal point of view.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMedical Cannabis Users' Comparisons between Medical Cannabis and Mainstream Medicine. | AUTHROR(S)Kruger DJ, Kruger JS. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Other issues identified included lack of access to mainstream healthcare, self-initiated treatment of health issues, little knowledge of psychoactive content, and heavy cannabis use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana smoking and markers of testicular function among men from a fertility centre | AUTHROR(S)Nassan FL, et al. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N - | Studies of marijuana abuse in humans and animal models of exposure to marijuana suggest that marijuana smoking adversely impacts spermatogenesis. Data is less clear for moderate consumption levels and multiple studies have found higher serum testosterone concentrations among marijuana consumers.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESelf-management strategies amongst Australian women with endometriosis: a national online survey. | AUTHROR(S)Armour M, Sinclair J, Chalmers KJ, Smith CA. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Cannabis, heat, hemp/CBD oil, and dietary changes were the most highly rated in terms of self-reported effectiveness in pain reduction (with mean effectiveness of 7.6, 6.52, 6.33, and 6.39, respectively, on a 10-point scale)VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA randomised controlled trial of vaporised Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol alone and in combination in frequent and infrequent cannabis users: acute intoxication effects. | AUTHROR(S)Solowij N, et al. | YEAR2019 | P/N Factrs | Some research has suggested that CBD may ameliorate adverse effects of THC, but this may be dose dependent as other evidence suggests possible potentiating effects of THC by low doses of CBDVIEW STUDY |
TITLEMedical cannabis patterns of use and substitution for opioids & other pharmaceutical drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and illicit substances; results from a cross-sectional survey of authorized patients. | AUTHROR(S)Lucas P, Baron EP, Jikomes N. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N FDA facts | This study offers a unique perspective by focusing on the use of a standardized, government-regulated source of medical cannabis by patients registered in Canada’s federal medical cannabis program. The findings provide a granular view of patient patterns of medical cannabis use, and the subsequent self-reported impacts on the use of opioids, alcohol, and other substances, adding to a growing body of academic research suggesting that increased regulated access to medical and recreational cannabis can result in a reduction in the use of and subsequent harms associated with opioids, alcohol, tobacco, and other substances.VIEW STUDY |
TITLERecreational marijuana legalization and prescription opioids received by Medicaid enrollees. | AUTHROR(S)Shi Y, Liang D, Bao Y, An R, Wallace MS, Grant I. | YEAR2019 | P/N Facts | No evidence suggested that recreational marijuana legalization increased prescription opioids received by Medicaid enrollees. There was some evidence in some states for reduced Schedule III opioids following the legalization.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEOn the impact of cannabis consumption on traffic safety: a driving simulator study with habitual cannabis consumers. | AUTHROR(S)Tank A, Tietz T, Daldrup T, Schwender H, Hellen F, Ritz-Timme S, Hartung B. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Need more trials | Considering the limitation of our study (e.g. small test group, no placebo test persons, long lasting test situation with possible tiredness), further studies focusing on the time dependant impact of cannabis consumption on road traffic are required.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana smoking and markers of testicular function among men from a fertility centre | AUTHROR(S)Nassan FL, et al. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Neutral -Negative | Marijuana smokers had significantly lower follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrations than never marijuana smokers (-16% (-27%, -4%)) and there were no significant differences between current and past marijuana smokers (P = 0.53). Marijuana smoking was not associated with other semen parameters, with markers of sperm DNA integrity or with reproductive hormones other than FSH. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA quasi-experimental evaluation of marijuana policies and youth marijuana use | AUTHROR(S)Coley RL. et al. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N - | As the first study to concurrently assess unique effects of multiple marijuana policies, results assuage concerns over potential detrimental effects of more liberal marijuana policies on youth use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe Association between Cannabis Product Characteristics and Symptom Relief. | AUTHROR(S)Stith SS, Vigil JM, Brockelman F, Keeling K, Hall B. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Neutral | In conclusion, rapid increases in the popularity of medical cannabis and the associated increase in the number of patients highlight the urgency of investigating and directing effective usage. Cannabis use carries the risk of addiction and short-term impairments in cognitive and behavioral functioning, including the potential for safety issues in the workplace or while driving. However, with preliminary evidence that cannabis may treat an even wider range of conditions than those tracked in this study, including cancerVIEW STUDY |
TITLESpontaneous, anecdotal, retrospective, open-label study on the efficacy, safety and tolerability of cannabis galenical preparation (Bedrocan). | AUTHROR(S)Palmieri B, Laurino C, Vadalà M. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | These data suggest that a cannabis galenical preparation may be therapeutically effective and safe for the symptomatic treatment of some chronic diseases. Further studies on the efficacy of cannabis as well as cannabinoid system involvement in the pathophysiology are warranted.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPreliminary results from a pilot study examining brain structure in older adult cannabis users and nonusers. | AUTHROR(S)Thayer RE, YorkWilliams SL, Hutchison KE, Bryan AD. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | No significant differences between groups were observed in performance on a brief computerized cognitive battery. These results suggest that cannabis use likely does not have a widespread impact on overall cortical volume while controlling for age.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEIllicit drug use and prescription drug misuse among young adult medical cannabis patients and non-patient users in Los Angeles. | AUTHROR(S)Fedorova EV, et al. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | Idk | Use of alternative cannabis forms, but not cannabis use frequency, were associated with greater odds of other drug use. Self-reported medical cannabis use, but not MCP status, decreased probability of illicit drug use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEmployment and Marijuana Use Among Washington State Adolescents Before and After Legalization of Retail Marijuana. | AUTHROR(S)Graves JM, Whitehill JM, Miller ME, Brooks-Russell A, Richardson SM, Dilley JA. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Working youth were more likely to use marijuana before and after Washington’s legalization of retail marijuana. Legalization was associated with increases in marijuana use specifically among 12th-grade working youth. States legalizing marijuana may consider implementing interventions to support healthy behaviors among working youth.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPrescription of a THC/CBD-Based Medication to Patients with Dementia: A Pilot Study in Geneva | AUTHROR(S)Broers B., Patà Z., Mina A., Wampfler J., de Saussure C., Pautex S. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | An oral cannabis extract with THC/CBD, in higher dosages than in other studies, was well tolerated and greatly improved behavior problems, rigidity, and daily care in severely demented patients.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMedical marijuana laws are associated with increases in substance use treatment admissions by pregnant women. | AUTHROR(S)Meinhofer A, Witman A, Murphy S, Bao Y. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Medical marijuana law implementation in US states has been associated with greater substance use treatment utilization by pregnant adult women, especially in states with legally protected dispensaries.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis use as a risk factor for causing motor vehicle crashes: a prospective study. | AUTHROR(S)Brubacher JR. et al. | YEAR2019 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | In this sample of non-fatally injured motor vehicle drivers in British Columbia, Canada, there was no evidence of increased crash risk in drivers with Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol < 5 ng/ml and a statistically non-significant increased risk of crash responsibility (odds ratio = 1.74) in drivers with Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol ≥ 5 ng/ml.VIEW STUDY |
TITLELifetime marijuana use in relation to insulin resistance in lean, overweight and obese U.S. adults | AUTHROR(S)Ngueta G, Ndjaboue R. | YEAR2019 | P/N + | Marijuana use is associated with lower FINS and HOMA-IR in obese but not non-obese adults, even at low frequency of less than four uses per month. Former marijuana consumers with high lifetime use had significantly lower FINS levels that persisted, independent of the duration of time since last use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe association between cannabis use and psychiatric comorbidity in people with personality disorders: A population-based longitudinal study. | AUTHROR(S)Shalit N, Rehm J, Lev-Ran S. | YEAR2019 | No significant interaction effects were generally found between cannabis use and PD. These findings suggest that aside from specific substance use disorders, individuals with PDs are not at an increased risk for developing other psychiatric disorders following cannabis use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe influence of substance use on the effectiveness of antipsychotic medication: a prospective, pragmatic study. | AUTHROR(S)Alisauskiene R, Løberg EM, Gjestad R, Kroken RA, Jørgensen HA, Johnsen E. | YEAR2019 | P/N Neutral- Negative | Substance use alone did not influence antipsychotic effectiveness in this sample of patients with psychosis.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEInvestigating the Relationships Between Alcohol Consumption, Cannabis Use, and Circulating Cytokines: A Preliminary Analysis | AUTHROR(S)Karoly HC, Bidwell LC, Mueller RL, Hutchison KE | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Need more trials | These preliminary findings suggest that cannabinoid compounds may serve to mitigate inflammation associated with alcohol use. In addition, the present results provide data to inform future investigations, with the goal of ultimately leveraging knowledge of the role of inflammation in AUDs to develop more effective treatments focused on novel immune targets.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis use is associated with reduced prevalence of progressive stages of alcoholic liver disease. | AUTHROR(S)Adejumo AC, Ajayi TO, Adegbala OM, Adejumo KL, Alliu S, Akinjero AM, Onyeakusi NE, Ojelabi O, Bukong TN | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Our findings suggest that cannabis use is associated with a reduced incidence of liver disease in alcoholics.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA Prospective Study of Humoral and Cellular Immune Responses to Hepatitis B Vaccination in Habitual Marijuana Smokers | AUTHROR(S)Kiertscher SM, Gangalum PR, Ibrahim G, Tashkin DP, Roth MD | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | While a larger cohort may be required to rule out a small suppressive effect, our findings do not suggest that habitual marijuana smoking exerts a major impact on the development of systemic immunity to hepatitis B vaccination.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana Use and Renal Function Among US Adults | AUTHROR(S)Lu C, Papatheodorou SI, Danziger J, Mittleman MA | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | We did not observe any clinically significant association between current or past self-reported marijuana use and measures of kidney function.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana Use Associations with Pulmonary Symptoms and Function in Tobacco Smokers Enrolled in the Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study | AUTHROR(S)Morris, Madeline A. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N - | Marijuana use was found to have little to no association with poor pulmonary health in older current and former tobacco smokers after adjusting for covariates. Higher forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) was observed among current marijuana users. However, higher joint years was associated with more chronic bronchitis symptoms (e.g., wheeze), and this study cannot determine if long-term heavy marijuana smoking in the absence of tobacco smoking is associated with lung symptoms, airflow obstruction, or emphysema, particularly in those who have never smoked tobacco cigarettes.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana use and fecundability in a North American preconception cohort study | AUTHROR(S)Wise LA1, Wesselink AK, Hatch EE, Rothman KJ, Mikkelsen EM, Sørensen HT, Mahalingaiah S | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Stats | In this preconception cohort study, there was little overall association between female or male marijuana use and fecundability.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECaloric restriction lowers endocannabinoid tonus and improves cardiac function in type 2 diabetes | AUTHROR(S)van Eyk HJ et al. | YEAR2018 | P/N + | Caloric restriction in T2D patients with CAD decreases AEA levels, but not 2-AG levels, which is paralleled by decreased lipid accumulation in adipose tissue, liver and heart, and improved cardiovascular function. Interestingly, baseline AEA levels strongly correlated with SAT volume. We anticipate that dietary interventions are worthwhile strategies in advanced T2D, and that reduction in AEA may contribute to the improved cardiometabolic phenotype induced by weight loss.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe Grass Might Be Greener: Medical Marijuana Patients Exhibit Altered Brain Activity and Improved Executive Function after 3 Months of Treatment | AUTHROR(S)Gruber SA, Sagar KA, Dahlgren MK, Gonenc A, Smith RT, Lambros AM, Cabrera KB, Lukas SE | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | This finding provides strong evidence that MMJ treatment may normalize brain activity. Importantly, these changes were accompanied by improved task performance as well as positive changes in ratings of clinical state, impulsivity, sleep, and quality of life. Further, patients reported notable decreases in their use of conventional medications, including opioids. In light of the national opioid epidemic, these data clearly underscore the need to expand and extend this study to determine if a reduction in opioid use persists with continued MMJ treatment.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEpidemiological characteristics, safety and efficacy of medical cannabis in the elderly | AUTHROR(S)Abuhasira R, Schleider LB, Mechoulam R, Novack V | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Our study finds that the therapeutic use of cannabis is safe and efficacious in the elderly population. Cannabis use may decrease the use of other prescription medicines, including opioids. Gathering more evidence-based data, including data from double-blind randomized-controlled trials, in this special population is imperative.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEBeneficial Effect of Medical Cannabis in the Treatment of a Pharmacoresistant Nausea Associated with a Somatoform Disorder in a Patient with Post-Polio Syndrome | AUTHROR(S)Bleckwenn M, Weckbecker K, Voss S | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Cannabis is a treatment option for treatment-resistant symptoms as part of a PPS.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana use and mortality following orthopedic surgical procedures. | AUTHROR(S)Moon AS, Smith W, Mullen S, Ponce BA, McGwin G, Shah A, Naranje SM | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | In this study, marijuana use was associated with decreased mortality in patients undergoing THA, TKA, TSA, and traumatic femur fixation, although the significance of these findings remains unclear. More research is needed to provide insight into these associations in a growing surgical population.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of cannabis and tobacco on emphysema in patients with spontaneous pneumothorax | AUTHROR(S)Ruppert AM et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N - | The prevalence of emphysema visible on CT is not different between tobacco and tobacco/cannabis smokers, however, it occurs at a younger age in tobacco and cannabis smokers. This result suggests that cannabis, when added to tobacco, may lead to emphysema at a younger age.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-group, Pilot Study of Cannabidiol-rich Botanical Extract in the Symptomatic Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis | AUTHROR(S)Irving PM et al. | 2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | Although the primary endpoint was not reached, several signals suggest CBD-rich botanical extract may be beneficial for symptomatic treatment of UC.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-group, Pilot Study of Cannabidiol-rich Botanical Extract in the Symptomatic Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis | AUTHROR(S)Irving PM et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | Although the primary endpoint was not reached, several signals suggest CBD-rich botanical extract may be beneficial for symptomatic treatment of UC.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana Use is Protective in Burns | AUTHROR(S)Williams F, Chrisco L, Nizamani R, Cairns B, Jones S | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | In our patient cohort, marijuana use appears to be protective in acute burn admissions, despite classic teaching that illicit drug use leads to poorer outcomes. Age as well as advances in critical care and surgical management may be responsible for overcoming effects of these substances.VIEW STUDY |
TITLENo Acute Effects of Cannabidiol on the Sleep-Wake Cycle of Healthy Subjects: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study | AUTHROR(S)Linares IMP et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N - | We found no differences between CBD and placebo in respect to polysomnographic findings or cognitive and subjective measures in a sample of healthy subjects. Unlike widely used anxiolytic and antidepressant drugs such as benzodiazepines and SSRIs, the acute administration of an anxiolytic dose of CBD does not appear to interfere with the sleep cycle of healthy volunteers.VIEW STUDY |
TITLERelation of Cannabis Use and Atrial Fibrillation Among Patients Hospitalized for Heart Failure | AUTHROR(S)Adegbala O et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Cannabis users have lower odds of AF when compared with nonusers, which was not explained by co-morbid conditions, age, insurance type, and socioeconomic status.VIEW STUDY |
TITLETesting associations between cannabis use and subcortical volumes in two large population-based samples | AUTHROR(S)Gillespie NA et al. | YEAR2018 | P/N + | In exploratory analyses based on young adult and middle-aged samples, normal variation in cannabis use is unrelated statistically to individual differences in brain morphology as measured by subcortical volume.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEProlonged Cannabidiol Treatment Effects on Hippocampal Subfield Volumes in Current Cannabis Users | AUTHROR(S)Beale C et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Our findings suggest a restorative effect of CBD on the subicular and CA1 subfields in current cannabis users, especially those with greater lifetime exposure to cannabis. While replication is required in a larger, placebo-controlled trial, these findings support a protective role of CBD against brain structural harms conferred by chronic cannabis use. Furthermore, these outcomes suggest that CBD may be a useful adjunct in treatments for cannabis dependence and may be therapeutic for a range of clinical disorders characterized by hippocampal pathologyVIEW STUDY |
TITLEEndocannabinoid system in systemic lupus erythematosus: First evidence for a deranged 2-arachidonoylglycerol metabolism | AUTHROR(S)Navarini L et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | P/N + | our results demonstrate, for the first time, an alteration of eCB system in SLE patients. They represents the first step toward the understanding of the role of eCB system in SLE that likely suggest DAGL and 2-AG as potential biomarkers of SLE in easily accessible blood samples. Our data provides proof-of-concept to the development of cannabis-based medicine as immune-modulating agents.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAssociation of Cannabis With Cognitive Functioning in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis | AUTHROR(S)Scott JC et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Associations between cannabis use and cognitive functioning in cross-sectional studies of adolescents and young adults are small and may be of questionable clinical importance for most individuals. Furthermore, abstinence of longer than 72 hours diminishes cognitive deficits associated with cannabis use. Although other outcomes (eg, psychosis) were not examined in the included studies, results indicate that previous studies of cannabis in youth may have overstated the magnitude and persistence of cognitive deficits associated with use. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of Cannabidiol on Drop Seizures in the Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome | AUTHROR(S)Devinsky O. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | Among children and adults with the Lennox–Gastaut syndrome, the addition of cannabidiol at a dose of 10 mg or 20 mg per kilogram per day to a conventional antiepileptic regimen resulted in greater reductions in the frequency of drop seizures than placebo. Adverse events with cannabidiol included elevated liver aminotransferase concentrations.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESelf-initiated use of topical cannabidiol oil for epidermolysis bullosa | AUTHROR(S)Chelliah MP, Zinn Z, Khuu P, Teng JMC | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | Although these results demonstrate promise, further randomized, double-blind clinical trials are necessary to provide scientific evidence of our observed benefits of cannabidiol for the treatment of epidermolysis bullosa.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEndocannabinoid receptor CB2R is significantly expressed in aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease: a pilot study | AUTHROR(S)Corrado A, Battle M, Wise SK, Lee FE, Guidot DM, DelGaudio JM, Molina SA, Levy JM | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | P/N Need more trials | The endocannabinoid system is an emerging immunomodulatory network that may be involved in AERD. This is the first study of CB2R in sinonasal disease, showing significantly increased transcription in nasal polyps from subjects with AERD. Additional study is warranted to further evaluate the contribution and therapeutic potential of this novel finding in chronic rhinosinusitis.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana use and short-term outcomes in patients hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction | AUTHROR(S)Johnson-Sasso CP, Tompkins C, Kao DP, Walker LA. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | These results suggest that, contrary to our hypothesis, marijuana use was not associated with increased risk of adverse short-term outcomes following AMI. Furthermore, marijuana use was associated with decreased in-hospital mortality post-AMI.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMarijuana Use in Adults Living with Sickle Cell Disease. | AUTHROR(S)Roberts JD, Spodick J, Cole J, Bozzo J, Curtis S, Forray A. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Our findings and those of others create a rationale for research into the possible therapeutic effects of marijuana or cannabinoids, the presumed active constituents of marijuana, in sickle cell disease. Explicit inclusion of sickle cell disease as a qualifying condition for medical marijuana might reduce illicit marijuana use and related risks and costs to both persons living with sickle cell disease and society.VIEW STUDY |
TITLELong-Term Heavy Recreational Cannabis Use and Serum Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Levels are not Associated with an Impaired Liver Function in Cannabis Dependents. | AUTHROR(S)Bonnet U, Canbay A, Specka M, Scherbaum N. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | These results argue against a relevant harmful impact of chronic cannabis inhalation on the liver function of relatively healthy humans (apart from nicotine dependence). Specifically, the liver function tests were not significantly influenced by THC and THC-COOH levels, both objective markers for the amount and duration of prior cannabis use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMedical marijuana laws and workplace fatalities in the United States. | AUTHROR(S)Anderson DM, Rees DI, Tekin E. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | The results provide evidence that legalizing medical marijuana improved workplace safety for workers aged 25-44. Further investigation is required to determine whether this result is attributable to reductions in the consumption of alcohol and other substances that impair cognitive function, memory, and motor skills.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMedicinal cannabis in Australia, 2016: the Cannabis as Medicine Survey (CAMS-16). | AUTHROR(S)Lintzeris N, Driels J, Elias N, Arnold JC, McGregor IS, Allsop DJ | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Facts-Stats | : Illicitly sourced cannabis is used to treat a broad range of medical conditions in Australia. Future models of prescribed medical cannabis take consumer patterns of use and demand into consideration.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDecreased Cannabinoid CB1 Receptors in Male Tobacco Smokers Examined With Positron Emission Tomography. | AUTHROR(S)Hirvonen J, et al. | YEAR2018 | P/N - | Tobacco-smoking healthy men have a widespread reduction of CB1 receptor density in brain. Reduction of CB1 receptors appears to be a common feature of substance use disorders. Future clinical studies on the CB1 receptor should control for tobacco smoking.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe Association Between Tetrahydrocannabinol and Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Utilizing the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. | AUTHROR(S)Fantus RJ, Riedinger CB, Chang C, Helfand BT. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N + | Obesity, diabetes, and multiple comorbidities are well-established risk factors for LUTS within the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Regular THC use, however, appears to be protective from LUTS in young community-dwelling men.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabinoid concentrations in blood and urine after smoking cannabidiol joints. | AUTHROR(S)Meier U, Dussy F, Scheurer E, Mercer-Chalmers-Bender K, Hangartner S. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | Facts | No accumulation of any cannabinoid was found in the blood during this time. Urinary 11-nor-9-carboxy-THC concentrations seemed to increase during the 10-day period, which is important in abstinence testing.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEPatient-Reported Symptom Relief Following Medical Cannabis Consumption | AUTHROR(S)Stith SS, Vigil JM, Brockelman F, Keeling K, Hall B. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Patient-managed cannabis use is associated with clinically significant improvements in self-reported symptom relief for treating a wide range of health conditions, along with frequent positive and negative side effects.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAssociation between the detection of alcohol, illicit drugs and/or psychotropic medications/opioids in patients admitted due to trauma and trauma recidivism: A cohort study. | AUTHROR(S)Cordovilla-Guardia S, et al. | 2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N - | The presence of alcohol and/or illicit drugs in these patients doubles the risk of trauma recidivism.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAssociation and Clinical Outcomes of Marijuana in Patients with Intracerebral Hemorrhage. | AUTHROR(S)Malhotra K, Rumalla K, Mittal MK. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N - | Marijuana users are more likely to be admitted with ICH, however, marijuana is not an independent risk factor for ICH. Although marijuana has paradoxical effect on ICH related outcomes, higher mortality rates in marijuana users offset any potential protective effect among ICH patients.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECirculating Endocannabinoids Are Reduced Following Bariatric Surgery and Associated with Improved Metabolic Homeostasis in Humans | AUTHROR(S)Azar S. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | P/N + | This study provides compelling evidence that LSG surgery induces reductions in the circulating 2-AG, AEA, and AA levels, and that these changes are associated with clinical benefits related to the surgery including reduced fat mass, hepatic steatosis, glucose, and improved lipid profile.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe relationship between cannabis use and diabetes: Results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions III | AUTHROR(S)Imtiaz S, Rehm J. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | A decreased likelihood of diabetes for cannabis users versus non-users was indicated after accounting for a range of potential confounders, including mental health disorders. Before the protective effects of cannabis use for diabetes can be suggested, further epidemiological studies are needed that incorporate prospective designs, as well as feature innovative exposure measurements and statistical analyses.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEReduced Incidence and Better Liver Disease Outcomes among Chronic HCV Infected Patients Who Consume Cannabis | AUTHROR(S)Adejumo AC, Adegbala OM, Adejumo KL, Bukong TN. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Our findings suggest that cannabis use is associated with decreased incidence of liver cirrhosis, but no change in mortality nor LOS among HCV patients. These novel observations warrant further molecular mechanistic studies.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEShould donors who have used marijuana be considered candidates for living kidney donation? | AUTHROR(S)Ruckle, D. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Considering individuals with a history of marijuana use for living kidney donation could increase the donor pool and yield acceptable outcomes.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAlcohol and Cannabis Use Alter Pulmonary Innate Immunity. | AUTHROR(S)Kristina L Bailey 1, Todd A Wyatt 2, Dawn M Katafiasz 3, Keenan W Taylor 3, Art J Heires 3, Joseph H Sisson 3, Debra J Romberger 4, Ellen L Burnham 5 | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | AUD and cannabis use have complex effects on pulmonary innate immunity that promote airway inflammation.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffects of chronic marijuana use on driving performance | AUTHROR(S)Doroudgar S, Mae Chuang H, Bohnert K, Canedo J, Burrowes S, Perry PJ. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N - | Chronic marijuana users had slower reaction times, deviated less in speed, and had difficulty matching a lead vehicle's speed compared to nonusers. The effects on SDS and modulus were present at cutoffs of 2 and 5 ng/mL.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEReduced Prevalence of Alcoholic Gastritis in Hospitalized Individuals Who Consume Cannabis | AUTHROR(S)Adejumo AC, Li J, Akanbi O, Adejumo KL, Bukong TN. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Need more trials | We reveal that risky alcohol drinking combined with cannabis use is associated with reduced prevalence of alcohol-associated gastritis in patients. Given increased cannabis legislation globally, understanding whether and how the specific ingredients in cannabis plant extract can be used in the treatment of alcoholic gastritis is paramount. In this regard, further molecular mechanistic studies are needed to delineate the mechanisms of our novel findings not only for alcoholic gastritis but also for gastritis from other causes.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECortical surface morphology in long-term cannabis users: A multi-site MRI study. | AUTHROR(S)Chye Y. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Our results revealed that cortical morphology was not associated with cannabis use, dependence, or onset age. The lack of effect of regular cannabis use, including problematic use, on cortical structure in our study is contrary to previous evidence of cortical morphological alterations (particularly in relation to cannabis dependence and cannabis onset age) in cannabis users. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEDisentangling longitudinal relations between youth cannabis use, peer cannabis use, and conduct problems: developmental cascading links to cannabis use disorder. | AUTHROR(S)Defoe IN, Khurana A, Betancourt LM, Hurt H4, Romer D. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Cannabis use in adolescence does not appear to lead to greater conduct problems or association with cannabis-using peers apart from pre-existing conduct problems. Instead, adolescents who (1) increasingly affiliate with cannabis-using peers or (2) have increasing levels of conduct problems are more likely to use cannabis, and this cascading chain of events appears to predict cannabis use disorder in emerging adulthood.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA meta-analysis of the crash risk of cannabis-positive drivers in culpability studies-Avoiding interpretational bias. | AUTHROR(S)Rogeberg O. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Culpability ORs exaggerate risk increases and parameter uncertainty when misinterpreted as total crash ORs. The increased crash risk associated with THC-positive drivers in culpability studies is lowVIEW STUDY |
TITLEAerobic Fitness Level Moderates the Association Between Cannabis Use and Executive Functioning and Psychomotor Speed Following Abstinence in Adolescents and Young Adults. | AUTHROR(S)Wade NE, Wallace AL, Swartz AM, Lisdahl KM. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | Facts | Following monitored abstinence, increased CAN use was associated with poorer performance in working memory and psychomotor speed. Higher aerobic fitness level moderated the impact of CAN on visual memory, executive function and psychomotor speed, as more aerobically fit CAN users demonstrated better performance relative to low-fit users. Therefore, aerobic fitness may present an affordable and efficacious method to improve cognitive functioning in CAN users.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEReduced Risk of Alcohol-Induced Pancreatitis With Cannabis Use. | AUTHROR(S)Adejumo AC, Akanbi O, Adejumo KL, Bukong TN. | YEARYEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Our findings suggest a reduced incidence of only alcohol-associated pancreatitis with cannabis use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESubregional Hippocampal Thickness Abnormalities in Older Adults with a History of Heavy Cannabis Use. | AUTHROR(S)Burggren AC. et al. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N - | Negative effects of chronic adolescent CB use on hippocampal structure are maintained well into late life. Because hippocampal cortical loss underlies and exacerbates age-related cognitive decline, these findings have profound implications for aging adults with a history of early life usage. VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAssociations between cannabis use and cardiometabolic risk factors: A longitudinal study of men. | AUTHROR(S)Meier MH, Pardini D, Beardslee J, Matthews KA. | YEAR2018 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Cannabis use is associated with lower BMI, and lower BMI is related to lower levels of risk on other cardiometabolic risk factors.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEA single dose of cannabidiol reduces blood pressure in healthy volunteers in a randomized crossover study | AUTHROR(S)Jadoon KA, Tan GD, O'Sullivan SE | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabidiol | P/N + | This data shows that acute administration of CBD reduces resting BP and the BP increase to stress in humans, associated with increased HR. These hemodynamic changes should be considered for people taking CBD. Further research is required to establish whether CBD has a role in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis, Tobacco, Alcohol Use, and the Risk of Early Stroke: A Population-Based Cohort Study of 45 000 Swedish Men | AUTHROR(S)Falkstedt D, Wolff V, Allebeck P, Hemmingsson T, Danielsson AK | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | We found no evident association between cannabis use in young adulthood and stroke, including strokes before 45 years of age. Tobacco smoking, however, showed a clear, dose-response shaped association with stroke.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEModerate and vigorous physical activity patterns among marijuana users: Results from the 2007-2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys | AUTHROR(S)Vidot DC, Bispo JB, Hlaing WM, Prado G, Messiah SE | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | As the frequency of marijuana use increased, time spent on MPA decreased. Results suggest that current and past marijuana users were less likely to report recreational MPA than never users. Future studies should examine the potential mechanisms and temporality of this relationship.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEAssociation of State Recreational Marijuana Laws With Adolescent Marijuana Use | AUTHROR(S)Cerdá M, Wall M, Feng T, Keyes KM, Sarvet A, Schulenberg J, O'Malley PM, Pacula RL, Galea S, Hasin DS | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Facts,states | Among eighth and 10th graders in Washington, perceived harmfulness of marijuana use decreased and marijuana use increased following legalization of recreational marijuana use. In contrast, Colorado did not exhibit any differential change in perceived harmfulness or past-month adolescent marijuana use following legalization. A cautious interpretation of the findings suggests investment in evidence-based adolescent substance use prevention programs in any additional states that may legalize recreational marijuana use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEHow does marijuana affect outcomes after trauma in ICU patients? A propensity-matched analysis | AUTHROR(S)Singer M, Azim A, O'Keeffe T, Khan M, Jain A, Kulvatunyou N, Gries L, Jehan F, Tang A, Joseph B | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | A positive marijuana screen is associated with decreased mortality in adult trauma patients admitted to the ICU. This association warrants further investigation of the possible physiologic effects of marijuana in trauma patients.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEffect of food on the pharmacokinetics of dronabinol oral solution versus dronabinol capsules in healthy volunteers | AUTHROR(S)Oh DA, Parikh N, Khurana V, Cognata Smith C, Vetticaden S | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | P/N + | An appreciable food effect was observed for both the dronabinol oral solution and dronabinol capsule formulations. Under fed conditions, dronabinol oral solution exhibited a similar pharmacokinetic profile for key parameters, such as Cmax and AUC. However, initial dronabinol absorption was faster, with detectable plasma dronabinol concentrations within 30 minutes in all individuals tested. Dronabinol as an easy-to-swallow oral solution also showed lower interindividual absorption variability versus the capsule formulation; this may be an important consideration in the selection of an appropriate dronabinol product for patients.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEEvaluation of divided attention psychophysical task performance and effects on pupil sizes following smoked, vaporized and oral cannabis administration | AUTHROR(S)Newmeyer MN, Swortwood MJ, Taylor ME, Abulseoud OA, Woodward TH, Huestis MA | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Need more trials | These are important findings as consumption of edible cannabis products increases. Our data suggest that at these administered doses, impairment following oral dosing was prolonged and occurred later compared to inhaled doses; earlier testing postdose is needed to determine these relationships further. Because science-based per se THC limits in DUID cases are difficult to establish, increased importance may be placed on observable signs for documenting cannabis-related impairment, particularly for frequent users, as blood cannabinoid concentrations were not significantly related to impairmentVIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis for restless legs syndrome: a report of six patients | AUTHROR(S)Megelin T., Ghorayeb I. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N - | Although the antinociceptive effects of cannabis are widely recognized, concerns about schizoaffective side effects have prevented the widespread use and acceptance of this drug [2]. Notably, a recent review on the efficacy of medical marijuana in several neurologic conditions showed that the risk of serious adverse psychopathologic effects was nearly 1%VIEW STUDY |
TITLESmoked marijuana attenuates performance and mood disruptions during simulated night shift work | AUTHROR(S)Keith DR, Gunderson EW, Haney M, Foltin RW, Hart CL | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N - | Limited negative effects of marijuana were noted. These data demonstrate that abrupt shift changes produce performance, mood, and sleep decrements during night shift work and that smoked marijuana containing low to moderate Δ9-THC concentrations can offset some of these effects in frequent marijuana smokers.VIEW STUDY |
TITLERandomised clinical trial: the analgesic properties of dietary supplementation with palmitoylethanolamide and polydatin in irritable bowel syndrome | AUTHROR(S)Cremon C et el. | YEAR2017 | P/N + | The marked effect of the dietary supplement palmithoylethanolamide/polydatin on abdominal pain in patients with IBS suggests that this is a promising natural approach for pain management in this condition. Further studies are now required to elucidate the mechanism of action of palmithoylethanolamide/polydatin in IBS.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis as a substitute for prescription drugs - a cross-sectional study | AUTHROR(S)Corroon JM Jr, Mischley LK, Sexton M | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | These patient-reported outcomes support prior research that individuals are using cannabis as a substitute for prescription drugs, particularly, narcotics/opioids, and independent of whether they identify themselves as medical or non-medical users. This is especially true if they suffer from pain, anxiety and depression. Additionally, this study suggests that state laws allowing access to, and use of, medical cannabis may not be influencing individual decision-making in this area.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEOlder adults' marijuana use, injuries, and emergency department visits | AUTHROR(S)Choi NG, Marti CN, DiNitto DM, Choi BY | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Facts | Healthcare providers should screen for marijuana and other substance use among older adults and provide education about associated injury risks.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEMedical cannabis access, use, and substitution for prescription opioids and other substances: A survey of authorized medical cannabis patients | AUTHROR(S)Lucas P, Walsh Z | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N - | The finding that patients report its use as a substitute for prescription drugs supports prior research on medical cannabis users; however, this study is the first to specify the classes of prescription drugs for which cannabis it is used as a substitute, and to match this substitution to specific diagnostic categories. The findings that some authorized patients purchase cannabis from unregulated sources and that a significant percentage of patients were charged for medical cannabis recommendations highlight ongoing policy challenges for this federal program.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECumulative Lifetime Marijuana Use and Incident Cardiovascular Disease in Middle Age: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. | AUTHROR(S)Reis JP, et al. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Stats | Neither cumulative lifetime nor recent use of marijuana is associated with the incidence of CVD in middle age.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEProlonged cannabis withdrawal in young adults with lifetime psychiatric illness. | AUTHROR(S)Schuster RM, Fontaine M, Nip E, Zhang H, Hanly A, Evins AE | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N - | However, those with a psychiatric illness reported one week delayed improvement in withdrawal symptom severity. Longer duration of cannabis withdrawal may be a risk factor for cannabis dependence and difficulty quitting.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEChildhood academic ability in relation to cigarette, alcohol and cannabis use from adolescence into early adulthood: Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE). | AUTHROR(S)Williams J, Hagger-Johnson G | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N Facts | In a sample of over 6000 young people in England, high childhood academic at age 11 is associated with a reduced risk of cigarette smoking but an increased risk of drinking alcohol regularly and cannabis use. These associations persist into early adulthood, providing evidence against the hypothesis that high academic ability is associated with temporary ‘experimentation’ with substance use.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEUse of palmitoylethanolamide in carpal tunnel syndrome: a prospective randomized study | AUTHROR(S)Faig-Martí J, Martínez-Catassús A | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Other cannabinoids | P/N + | The results of this study suggest that treatment of CTS with PEA at a dose of 600 mg/day is not associated with an improvement of any clinical and electrophysiological parameters. However, we observed an improvement in the FSS in the Boston Questionnaire after treatment with PEA. Together with the results of other studies, we conclude that further studies of PEA in CTS at higher doses are necessary.VIEW STUDY |
vIndividual prolactin reactivity modulates response of nucleus accumbens to erotic stimuli during acute cannabis intoxication: an fMRI pilot study | AUTHROR(S)Androvicova R, et al. | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N + | Cannabis intoxication increases activation of the right nucleus accumbens to erotic stimuli. This effect is limited to users whose prolactin is not elevated in response to intoxication. This effect may be useful in the treatment of low sexual desire.VIEW STUDY |
TITLECannabis use patterns and motives: A comparison of younger, middle-aged, and older medical cannabis dispensary patients. | AUTHROR(S)Haug NA, Padula CB, Sottile JE, Vandrey R, Heinz AJ, Bonn-Miller MO | YEAR2017 | MEDICATION(S)Cannabis | P/N - | Findings suggest that there is an age-related risk for problematic cannabis use among medical cannabis users, such that younger users should be monitored for cannabis use patterns that may lead to deleterious consequences.VIEW STUDY |
TITLEThe cannabinoid receptor agonist delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol does not affect visceral sensitivity to rectal distension in healthy volunteers and IBS patients. | AUTHROR(S)Klooker TK, Leliefeld KE, Van Den Wijngaard RM, Boeckxstaens GE. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC | P/N - | These findings imply that Δ(9) -THC does not modify visceral perception to rectal distension and argue against (centrally acting) CB agonists as tool to decrease visceral hypersensitivity in IBS patients.VIEW STUDY |
TITLESeparate and combined effects of the cannabinoid agonists nabilone and Δ(9)-THC in humans discriminating Δ(9)-THC. | AUTHROR(S)Lile JA, Kelly TH, Hays LR. | YEAR2011 | MEDICATION(S)Delta-9-THC;Nabilone | P/N + | These results replicate a previous study demonstrating that nabilone shares agonist effects with the active constituent of cannabis in cannabis users, and contribute further by indicating that nabilone would likely be safe and well tolerated when combined with cannabis. These data support the conduct of future studies to determine if nabilone treatment would produce cross-tolerance to the abuse-related effects of cannabis and reduce cannabis use.VIEW STUDY |
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